April 27, 2008
Day after sales
. Interaction between contraceptive pill and other substances Pill of the day after, USA revolution. Free way to the sale without prescription. The agency of the drug American liberalizes the sale to the maggiorenni. The Food and Drug Administration (Fda) has decided: after sar?enduta liberations between medicinal ones from bench and therefore not only in the pharmacies but also in the supermarkets. All the women who have completed the 18 years will be able to acquire it without medical prescription. Permane for the minors the obligation of presentation of the prescription "ed?rodotta the Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc. to reduce of the met?li puts into effect them three million undesired pregnancies that take place every year in the United States. In order to acquire the drug in pharmacy or the counters of the supermarkets sar?ufficiente to show a document that attests the greater et?ella woman. it goes assumed within the 72 hours after the relationship not protect. In this case it reduces of 89% the risks of an undesired pregnancy but it does not have some value if the woman?i?ncinta. This last?tato aspect determinant in order to refute the reasonings of who was opposed to the liberalizzazione supporting that. In Italy vige still it obligation of medical prescription to prescind from et?ella the woman. The pill of the day after admitted in Italy has like active principle the Pevonorgestrel, a progestogen hormone the possible pi?resto, and however within the 48-72 hours from the relationship. The Pevonorgestrel?enduto in Italy from the October of 2000 in a confection of two pills from 0,75 milligrammi and goes assumed to 12 hours of distance Must introduce to the druggist the medical prescription. The doctor must have explained the woman the contraindications. In 2004, currency that 310 mila women have used the pill of the day after, 13% in pi?ispetto to 2003. In January of the 2001 Lazio Region (Storace Committee) has approved of a motion second which the pill "not?ontraccettiva bens?bortiva" In realt?a pill does not prevent the fecondazione, but raising the level of estrogens it avoids that the embryo takes root in the uterus. RU 486 instead acts after the taking root of the embryo in the?lassificata uterus and like abortive pill. You live to Rome and you after have need of the pill of the day. You read the experience that you are in order living To cure of the Writing of Life of Woman. One signalling from the Writing of Life of Woman. It tries the programs that Google puts to disposition. Clicca on the push-button and discharge which you think profit. The indications that you will find between these pages come supplied to the single informative scope and they cannot replace the advising of a doctor. Remembered that the self-diagnosis and the autoterapia can be dangerous. E' possible to trace of the centers where with short attended and paying a ticket to pu?ssere itself it visits to you. Also your doctor of aid family potr?sservi. The Association Life of?egolarmente enrolled Woman to the Court of Rome from 1999. Prohibited E' the partial reproduction also without the authorization of the Writing. Notes on the pubblicit?.sulla privacy and informative on the services
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