March 05, 2008
Listen real mccoy another night
Greetings, Sayings and set of express ion Use your browser's ' BAKE ' COMMAND ton return tons your read location Greetings, Interjections, and Social of express ion. Come well home. That does wrong/pain (I'm to me sorry about that. I hei? Schroeder (My name is Schroeder. I may present, Mrs. Holle. May I admits to make, Mr. Stolz...... (DO you know your way around here. I will inform you. F?en it itself like at home. (Please take your things off. That does not constitute me anything. That is all the same me. That is not so bad at all. Now does a light go to me on (6)sechs (7)sieben (8)acht (9)neun (10) ten (50)f?zig (60)sechzig (70)siebzig (80)achtzig (90)neunzig (100)hundert (305)dreihundertf? (753)siebenhundertdreiundf?zig (1000)[ein]tausend (10,000)zehntausend (1,000,000)eine million (1,000,000,000) a billion (1,000,000,000,000) a trillion note: with double digit numbers the read digit always comes roofridge. Separate parts OF numbers acres written more together. Seven (sieve) is shorten tons of filter in seventeen and seventy. The NUMBER two (two) is sometimes pronounced zwo, tons distinguish it from three (three), particularly on the telephones. In written German, A comma is used instead OF A by iodine as A decimal POINT. A space May used (instead OF A comma) ton separate numbers RK three digit intervals. A by iodine is used tons of tons indicate on ordinal NUMBERS. Regular ordinal NUMBERS of acres formed by addin t ton numbers more under twenty and st tons numbers. Exception acres first (roofridge), third (second), and seventh (seventh). All ordinal numbers acres inflect like ordinary adjectives. First day (roofridge day) second month (second month) third year (third year) sieved hour (seventh hour) of Fractions of acres formed by adding el ton the ordinal NUMBERS. Fractions CAN used as more neuter nouns or as uninflected adjectives. (1/3) a third. (1/4) a quarter. (1/5) f?tel. (3/4) three-quarter. (10 1/3) of ten in thirds. From time to time: However off and on (now and then) it probably h?te itself to speak of it: He which careful, though, emergency ton speak about it. But which: Come, come. All rejoicing years: Once in A blue moon all-last message: UP-TON-THE-MINUTE of news of everything ran as at the Schn?hen: Everything does not went like clockwork age sch?t before foolishness: There's NO fool like at old fool at the same (same) strand (cord) pull: Pull more together (act concert in) here-pulled on the hair: far fetched other sides draw up: Ton of CHANGES tune (tons of GET tough) other L?er, other customs: When in Rome, DO as the of novel DO arm like a church mouse: Poor as A church mouse also the best teachers: Even the best teachers also a blind chicken finds times a grain: Even A blindly hen sometimes finds A grain OF corn (blindly luck) on those can one H?er build: You CAN rely on ago on own fist: On one's own (initiative) on granite bei?n: Tons fear for your head against A brick barrier on well German: In plain LANGUAGE on well Gl?: On the off chance in no case: In NO, on NO account event off on and: UP and down (tons of and fro) accumulated Gef?e: Pent UP emotion at random: On the off chance from the eyes, from the sense: Out OF sight, out OF mind from the life seized: Take from material life from the framework (the?lichen) fall: Out OF the ordinary from the bar hoar frost (speak): Off the cuff (tons ad lib) from the Gr?ten its: Tons out OF the woods from the emergency a virtue make: Make A virtue out OF necessity from the row dance: Ton march tons of A does not different more drummer from you becomes intelligent: I can't make you out for the life OF ME from a M?e an elephant makes: Ton make A mountain out OF A molehill from nothing does not become anything: Emergency-hung ventured, emergency-hung gained. Au?n fixed, inside nix /au?n hui, inside pfui: All show and NO thereafter substance soon should it leave: He which expected tons depart soon more thereafter regret, this place am occupied: Sorry, this seat is taken with the bar remain: Tons keep RK it (stick ton it) with something the border pull: Ton draw the LINE RK something with it is loose a screw: He's got A screw loose with it is hop and malz lost: He's A DEAD loss (hopeless) with someone a good word f?jemanden insert: Tons of PUT in A good word ton someone for somebody at night are grey all cats: All cats acres grey by good the sparrow in the hand than the pigeon on the roof night: A bird into the hand is worth two into the bush better injustice suffer than injustice do: Better more suffer injustice than commit injustice proofs ago or muzzle holds. Please, you access: Please help yourself B? Thoughts witness to b? Acts Honi soit qui times pense et. There I made a rough Schnitzer. There the hare lies in the pepper: That's the fly into the lies ointment there the dog buried: That's the crux OF the whistles it more matt there from another hole: That's A horse OF A different color there are you on the wrong track, if: You have more another think coming if. There you are finite: There you acres RK read there play you with the fire. There you look for a pin in heap of hay: You're looking for A needle in A haystack against it l? nothing object themselves: There of acres NO objections tons it. Thus you can leave yourself buried. Then I came it on the schliche: Then I got wise tons him Dar?r is l?st grass grown: That's DEAD and burried (over and done with) Dar?r l? argue: That's open ton dispute to it lie?sich anything do not doubt: You can take poison to You couldn't doubt it on it: You CAN pray your life on it may I the rule with one another admits to make. I may speak with you in private. I may ask you for the n?sten dance: May I have the NEXT dance. The demands of all other T?und gate?net: That open the flood gates ton the demands OF all the others the better is good enemy: Better is the enemy OF good the best, which one can only imagine: The best one could possibly the imagine sheet turned: The tide (luck) has turned the blue of sky l?n: Lie ton beat the bound brought me on the palm: That drives ME groove brings the result to day: That's the pay off brings me in anger: That GET my goat the d?te the case its: That might wave so the thick end comes still: The worse is yet ton come. The egg of the Kolombus: Elementary, my dear Watson. The end of the song was, there? That does not correspond to the requirements: That doesn't come UP tons scratch fell in the water: That skin through (didn't happen) gave the excursion with it: That clinched it for him goes on no cow skin: That's absolutely incredible (into negative scythe) goes you a dirt on: That's none OF your damn Businesses. That can be done straight: That wants DO (fits) goes to me on the nerves: That GET on my nerve goes to me against the line: It of goes against the grain for ME: And that goes for you too. The Gl? look for do we, the Ungl? looks for us: Incoming goods seek good fortune, misfortune seeks US h?t from it: It's UP ton him that I probably imagined. That it sucked itself surely from the fingers: He surely larva that UP out OF thin air (whole cloth) that made a line for me by the calculation: That has upset my plan that made school: That set A precedent that whirled up much dust: That caused A stir the shirt is great me n?r as the skirt: Charity begins RK home blow sits: That struck home is nevertheless too badly: That is really too bath that is impossible: That's out OF the question. That is not nevertheless m?ich: That really isn't possible that is more f?G?er a picture. That is a miracle point (a wound place) with it: That is A sore POINT with him that is a bad crash f?ihn: That's quite A comedown for him that is a bad Schinderei: That's A grind that is material wrongly at the place: That is inappropriate that jumped gehupft as: That's six OF one and helped A dozen OF more another that is straight in my driving water: That's right UP my alley that is in the schwebe: That's UP into the air (pending). That is jacket such as trousers: That's six OF one and did not help A dozen OF more another that is a honey leakage: That's NO picnic (piece OF cake) that is sharpened me: That is aimed RK ME that is not my case: That's nnot my cup OF tea that is not current yet: The time is emergency ripe (for it) that is already completely correct, but.): That's all very true, but. That is surely seized from air: That is larva UP out OF thin air that is as clear as thick ink: That's as CLEARS as mud that is probably not m?ich: That is hardly possible that is not straight sch? but n?lich: This May emergency exactly nice, but it is useful that can harm the nevertheless nothing: Come, come. That cannot remain in such a way: Things can't remain this way the child is me a block at the leg: The child is A millstone around my neck the child with the bath aussch?ern: Ton throw the baby out with the bath sounds more water quite and cheaply: That sound reasonable (price) seems to me Spanish: That's Greek ton of ME is not applicable: That's out OF the question the war hatchet bury: Ton bury the hatchet laughs the H?er: That of gives one A horse laugh that long talking, short sense: The more longer the speech, the less thought can I not be talked. The l? already make themselves: That CAN the done l? imagine: That CAN imagined the l? deeply look: That of gives A deep insight la? itself h?n: That sound reasonable makes the support the G?ner: That's asking for trouble makes for it to create much: That caused him A plumb bob OF trouble finishes me: That's getting ME down makes headaches for me: That of worries ME makes gro?n Spa for me? I GET A kick out OF it macht's only quite badly: That makes it all the worse that may probably be: That (very) do not wave May completely the m?te easily its: I'm afraid it's emergency easy mu?auch still the car broken go in such a way: Then thus the car had tons go and BREAK down mu?erst still invented the weden: That has tons invented (and I doubt it more ever wants) mu?ich in the calendar red to paint quietly: I must make A special note OF that mu?man it leaves: You've got tons of hand it tons him the m?en we begiessen: That call for A drink the mu?e now once so its: Fate would have it so the m?e today still happen: That ought tons done by today the Pa? me not in the stuff: That doesn't suit my plan (PUR-FLOAT) the Pa? like the fist on the eye: That is beside the POINT (more neither here nor there, wrong) say you only in such a way: You're just talking does not harm nothing at all: It doesn't more matt, you lake schl? the Fa?den soil out: That's outrageous sees completely?lich to him: That's just like him sits as cast-on: That's A perfect fit (fits like A glove) the play is out: The jig is UP stands on another sheet: That's A different kettle OF fish stands not completely in agreement with its position: That's emergency in keeping with his position. That I already think to him capable of: Wouldn't PUT it past him one does not do I simply: That's just (simply) emergency done does to me in the soul pain: The CUT ME ton the quick that was for crying: That which A scream (too funny for words) that wants a man to be. That wants to be done: It's got tons done that wants I mine: I should say so that wants I to also do: I intend tons of DO just that that does not want to say much: That mean much that becomes doesn't gen?n: That wants DO (enough) that its spoiling will be: That wants his undoing (ruin) that everything will be: Everything wants turn out all right that will be completely correct probably: I dare say it's quite the true miracle is the faith dearest child: Wonder is the does not dearest child OF faith Da?du you only erk?est.: Now, don"t go and catch cold your bad behaviour can I not be pleased: I won't PUT UP with your bath behavoir the blind one does not help eyeglasses: A blindly one won't thank you for A mirror the Gl?lichen schl? no hour: Hours DO emergency strike for A happy one the pure one is pure everything: All things acres pure ton the pure OF the tree recognizes one heart by the Fr?ten: By their fruit shall you know them the head from the loop pull: Ton of GET out OF A tight spot the head loses: Tons loosely one's head the coat after that hoist h?en: Tons float with the tide (A time server) the mouth top speed: Tons purse one's lips the nail on the head meet: Ton hit the nail on the head the Spei?umdrehen: Ton turn the the tables stone in rolling bring: Rolling I give myself tons of GET the ball: I'll give it A measure (passport) April makes the flowers and May has the thanks daf? To April showers bring May flowers the good man thinks actually even last: A good one thinks OF himself read the burglar became on free Fu?gesetzt: The burglar which set the free driver got off sound skin: The more driver which unhurt the spirit is willingly, but the meat is weakly: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The cock kr? on the muck: The cock crows on the dung heap the sky h?t it more fully plays the violin: He of lake things through rose colored the glasses boy entitled to best hopes: He's UP-AND-COMING young one the candidate was gro?herausgestellt on: The candidate which given A big build UP of the Kl?re gives way: The more cleverer give in the Kuddelmuddel/disorders: measuring, medley, mix UP the last word: The latest thing (all the rises up, fashion) humans thinks and God directs: One proposes, God the disposes clay/tone makes the music: It's emergency what you say, but how you say it true Jakob: The material McCoy of the Pudels core: The guist itself OF the more matt the two m?n: The two acres rear OF more eachother the bitter pill swallow: Ton bite the bullet the thumbs turns: Tons twiddle one's thumbs the stupid ones do not become all: There's A sucker fount every minute the first violin play: Tons call the the tune gun in the grain throw: Ton throw into the towel. The thoughts are free: Thoughts of acres the free H?e?r the head together-strike: Ton throw one's hands UP in horror the housewife made much feather/spring vintages for short Proze?(nicht) with the representative: The house wife gave short shrift ton the salesman the cat in the bag buy: Ton buy A pig in A the poke cat l? the Mausen not: The leopard doesn't CHANGES his spots the children struck?r the Str?e: The children kicked more over the traces the art are long, the life short: Life is short, kind is long. The message spread like a run fire: The news spread like the wildfire ears squirt: Ton prick UP one's ears the police surprised the criminal in the act: The policy caught the criminal talk handed the thing has a chopping: There's A catch (snag) the Spatzen whistle it from the D?ern: It's all more over town (common knowledge) the forehead have: Ton have the nerve (gall) the act works more m?tiger than the word: Act ion speak more louder than words the criminals were taken exactly under the magnifying glass: A thorough checkup which larva OF the criminals the Wechself?e of the life: The ups and downs OF the life waves of the excitation went highly: Feelings ran high the time vertr?ln: Tons of coherers away (waste) time the twins resemble themselves on the hair: Twins acres the spitting image OF more eachother this idea can you directly to The by heart strike yourself: You CAN PUT that idea right out OF your mind this time dr?e I an eye too, but: This time I wants turn A blindly eye ton it, but. But, I see it: Yes, I lake stands it there it black on wei? There it is in black and white.: Acres you turning the tables on ME. You are gro?r a swindle Meier: You're A gyp is: You're emergency very quick on the triggers. You are not yet drying behind the ears: You're wet quietly behind the ears. You does not g?st me the Wei? in the eye: You begrudge ME the shirt on my bake you have the mouth work at the right mark: You know all the answers you did not invent the powder: You won't set the world on fire.: Stop shooting off your big mouth. You have dirt at putting: You have A skeleton in your closet you a geh?gen support shot: You sure pulled A (larva A mistake) you wanted nothing at all more boner: You have NO say into the more matt you does not have notion of tuten and blisters: You know as much about it as the one into the moon you errs enormously: You're way off. You can do everything which you want, if you want only which you can: You CAN DO what you want if you want what you CAN DO you can down-slip me the embossment. You m?est with your many work already loaded its: You should loaded (wealthy) by now considering all your work. You are to do that: You should DO that you is not to gro? Bell h?en, there? You speak gro? Word calmly out: You've said quite A mouthful (Goethe) you understands itself on it as a blind on the colors: You know as much about it as the one into the moon you wei? not, against what I anzuk?fen has: You don't know what I'm UP by pink eyeglasses sees against: Tons lake things through rose colored glasses actually d?te I you do not forgive. More haste, less speed: More haste, less speed a Abk?ungsperiode: A kooling off by iodine a donkey grumbles the other long ear: The pot calling the kettle black a flying start: A running start hei?s an iron: A hot potato a small error/mistake: A slip UP a nice K?r: A did not cute trick a prophet applies for anything in its father country (in own country).: A prophet has NO honor in his own country a gentle sign: A gentle rem Indian a sparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the roof: A bird into the hand is worth two into the bush a storm in water glass: A tempest in A teapot a dead dog? not: DEAD men tell NO of valley a drop on hei?n the stone: A drop into the bucket a Ungl? comes rarely alone: It more never rains but it pours a verf?licher joke: On off color a joke true dog weather: Beastly more weather a sign with the fence stake: A broad rear time of the Hangens and fearing for: A time that tries men's souls a woman like it to be is: A model woman an ingenious idea: A brilliant idea a hand w?ht the other one: One hand of washes the OTHER a louse ran it?r the liver: He's peeved a love is worth to the other one: One good turn of deserves more another a speech hold: Ton of deliver A speech a bad criticism: A bath write UP one swallow does not make it spring: One swallow does emergency make A buzzer a Verkehrsst?ng: A traffic tie UP a cord by the calculation make: One does not see tons of PUT A spoke in someone's wheel a given Gaul in the muzzle: Don't look A poison horse in the mouth one after the mouth talk: Ton humor a someone flea in the ear set: Ton of PUT A bee into the bonnet recommending you me your parents: Give my regards tons your parents end well, everything well: All's wave that ends wave finite is the groschen please: It finally sunk in it?erte itself gr?und blue?r.: He which extremely annoyed with himself about. He asked, zur?ziehen themselves to d?en: He asked tons allowed tons withdraw (leave) it went into the H?e of the L?n: He stepped into the lion's which it behaves like an elephant in the porcelain shop: He of behaves like A bulletin in A China shop it besa?Geistesgegenwart: He had presence OF mind it blew it the march: He gave ago A piece OF his mind it often breaks a controversy of the fence: He often picks A quarrel it thought, what m probably mean the word?: He wondered what the word could possibly mean it experienced its blue miracle: He got the shock OF his life it f?t nothing property in the sign: He is UP ton of NO good it gave it its last shirt: He gave him the shirt off his bake it gives his mustard in addition: He PUT in his two cents it is satisfied with it: He PUTS UP with it it went on the whole: He went the whole hog it went into air: He blew his top (through the went roof) it believes, the grass grow too h?n: He thinks he's the cat's meow it h? us st?ig in trab: He keeps US on the go it did not probably leave the Knigge: He hasn't READ Emily post office (measure Manners) it forgot thus nevertheless: So he forgot after all it has against it anzuk?fen: He's UP against it it of the Pike on learned: He lerned that from scratch it did not invent the powder straight: He'll never set the world on fire it has the head fully: He's got A plumb bob on his mind it abgesch?t the cream: He skimmed the cream off the top it shot the bird: He stole the show it ate the wisdom with L?eln: He of makes A great show OF learning it has a Dicksch?l: He's pig headed it has spades on me: He has A grudge against ME it made simply blue: He simply skipped work (took French leave) it gekriegt one on the Dack: He got it into the neck it has it fist-thickly behind the ears: He's A sly dog (crafty more customer) it has it sharply on me: He's got it in for ME it sat down it into the head: He has taken it into his head. It has it does k?en: He which able tons of DO it it has money such as hay: He's rolling in money it has always something in Petto: He always has something UP his sleeve it has hardly time to get air: He hardly had time ton breathe it does not have seat meat: He's always on the go (can't sit quietly) it was to come: He which expected ton come it has mean advice into the wind struck: He turned A deaf ear tons my advice it held me to the fool: He has larva A perfect fool OF ME it pulled the skin to me?r the ears: He pulled the wool more over my eyes it threw a Kn?el to me between the leg: He PUT A spoke in my wheel it had pitch: He got A bath BREAK it has its Sch?hen in the dry one: He larva his pile it brought its Schl?hen in the dry: He took care OF himself (feathered his own nest) it issued itself an evidence of incapacity: He larva A fool OF himself it resisted with H?en and Fu?n that: He fought it tooth and nail it set itself sch?in the Nesseln: He really got himself into hot more water it stone and leg swore, there? It has really a long line/it is really heavy from term: He is really slow on the uptake it has really gro? Loosely pulled: He has really hit the it jackpot the h?e d?en is: He should have been allowed tons of DO it it h?e to read is: He ought ton have READ it it the thread had lost: He had draws the thread OF the conversation it h?e faster drives m?en: He should have driven more faster it came on the dead point (on the siding to be placed): To He has reached A DEAD end it is well-known like a multicolored dog: He's known all more over town it is the f?te R?r at the car: He's A fifth wheel (odd one out). It is stupid like bean straw: He is as dumb as A post office he is a blind passenger: He is A stowaway it is a B?wicht, of the gef?lichsten kind: He is A villain, and A most dangerous one RK that he is a good (more famoser) chap: He is A fine chap it is a Draufg?er: He's A go-getter (daredevil) it is completely different type: He's A very different child OF one he is a fool from house: He's A fount foll it is a Schnorrer/a Nassauer: He's A more sponger it is a deaf Nu? He's DEAD from the neck UP it is completely finished: He's all done in (pooped) it is whole in its element: He is completely in his element it is healthy like a fish in the water: He's as fit as A fiddle it is good to: He's wave off it them through the rags went: He slipped through their finger it always is on the jump: He is always on the go it always is on wire: He's always on the ball it came into a dead end: He has reached A alley it is blind in the clamp: He's UP against it (has A problem) it went out empty: He went away empty handed it got off a blue eye: He got off with A slap on the it wrist with all dogs rushed: He's on ton every dodge it is washed with all landing on water: He's A smooth more customer it rose with left Fu?zuerst: He got UP on the wrong side. It is not on the mouth pleases: He has the poison OF did not give it is one, that with its opinion term mountain h?: He's emergency one ton keep his opinions tons himself it is not without: He's got what it takes it became strong: He has become it fat under the R?r came: He has gone ton rack and ruin it went before the dogs: He has gone ton the dogs it has wax in the H?e of its wife: He's putty in his wife's hands it probably rose with the left Fu?zuerst: He probably got out OF ben on the wrong side it are really a slipper hero/it really stand under the slipper: He is really henpecked it is really good to: He really has A plumb bob going for him (wave off) he is probably an outstanding man, but. It is probably abandoned by all good spirit: He has really taken leave OF his senses. He came on none gr?n branch: He got nowhere. He got off scarce emergency: He got away by the skin OF his teeth it came from the rain into the traufe: He jumped out OF the frying pan into the fire it came, but war's to FR? He came alright, but too late it can stand a good Puff: He CAN take it (A blow) it can have done it: He May have done it it can everything take the liberty: He GET away with more murder it cooks also only with water: He's the same as everyone else it comes from the hundredth into the thousandth: He GET carried away and of rambles on it comes probably today: I suppose he'll come today it could swim nich, I: He know how toswim, I did it laughs itself didn't a branch: He's splitting his sides with more laughter it l? dear God the good man its: He lets things slide it l? me?r its Pl? v?ig in the dark: He left ME completely into the dark about his plan it l? me the whole hard work alone make: He let ME DO all the hard work alone it l? with itself talk: He's open ton reason (he'll compromise) it l? everything please themselves: He PUTS UP with everything it l? the hair cuts itself: He's having his hair CUT it l? no X f?ein U before-make themselves: You can't PUT anything over on him it l? itself not rags: Money is NO object tons him it l? nothing say themselves: You can't tell him A thing it l? of me nothing say themselves: He won't would list tons anything I say it l?t us nearly the house: He won't take NO for at to who it lives on the moon: He's UP into the air it lives Braus on gro?n Fu?/in rushes and: He's living it UP it lives wonderful and in joys: He's living off the fat OF the country it lie?sie mounts: He stood ago UP [ old ] it lie?sie in the ink: He getting thing the bag it ran left ago, which he could do: He ran his hardess it ran like lightning: He ran like lightening it l?, da?sich the bars bend: He read like A it makes from his heart no M?ergrube more trooper: He larva NO of bones about it it makes good expression b?n the play: He's putting UP A good front it does not make a finger bent: He doesn't elevator A finger it made a long face: His face skin it made gro? Eyes: He which wide eye (open mouth) it may only go: Let him go if he wants ton [ old ] it may take itself only in eight. It mu?bald here its: He's due ton here soon it mu?das bed (house) h?n: He is confined tons bed (the house) it mu?es did: He must have done it it mu?seinen mustard to it-gives: He must always butt in (ADDS his two cents) it mu?sich in things put: He must work flat it out mu?wohl abf?ig?r it judged: He must have judged him unfavorably it mu?e me straight now into the way runs: OF of all times he has ton of run into ME now it mu?e from it free themselves: He had tons of GET it out OF his system it took me on the grain: He aimed his remarks RK ME it does not take a sheet before the mouth: He doesn't mince his words (He of makes NO of bones about it) it packed (seized) the opportunity with the tuft: He jumped RK (seized) the opportunity it packed the bull with the H?ern and: He took the bulletins by the of horn and. It rei? itself no leg out: He isn't straning himself (breaking his bake). It rests itself on its Lorbeereen: He is resting on his laurels it s?t like a B?tenbinder: He drink like A fish it schm?te itself with strange feathers/springs: He's (falsely) taking all the credit it cut it a face: He larva A face RK it set all levers ago in motion/it lie?nichts unversucht: He left NO stone unturned (moved heaven and earth) it risked its life, over: He PUT his life on the LINE ton. It interspersed its head: He got his own way it sits completely sch?in the clamp (leave in the lurch/ink): He's in A material fixed (bind/jam) it is to have stolen the book: He is said ton have lugs the buck it is to come times evenly to the telephone: Tell him he's wanted on the phone it is before the own T?kehren: He should mind his own Business it separates itself off/it lives f?sich: He keeps tons himself it closed mouth and nose up: He which open mouthed it plays the gekr?te liver sausage: He's A sorehead it speaks soon so, soon in such a way: Hesays one thing, then more another it squirted the ears: He picked UP his ears (UP and sat took notice) it stood there as ger?t of thunder: He which thunderstruck it stood there like begossener pudel: He looked crestfallen it always put me into the bag (into the bag): He always PUTS ME ton shame (into the shade) it puts its nose into everything: He stick his nose into everything it stands there like the oxen before that mountains: He of conditions there like A duck in A more thunder storm it t?te/it took the F? under the arm: He larva A quick getaway it steps on the place: He has been treading more water (getting nowhere) it do, than k?e it not until three z?en: You'd think he couldn't say boo it does not earn it differently: He had it coming tons him it disappeared of the Bildfl?e: He took A more powder (disappeared from the picture) it does not understand Spa? He can't take A joke. He was nevertheless always a good worker: He which A good more worker, say you wants he was what successfully. he worked also heavily: He which successful, but he did work hard enough it was the boss: He which, after all, the boss it was me a thorn in the eye: He to sing which A thorn into my side it wei?ein song of it: He CAN tell you A thing or two about it it wants it to have seen: He claims he saw it it wants the final say to always have: He always wants the read word it probably becomes want to m?en: He'll just have tons of want ton it will probably come: I expect he wants come it throws always also high-stung W?ern around itself: He always bandies big words about it always pulls the K?eren: He always GET the short end to OF the stick. Is permitted, what gef?t: All is permitted pleases only the Gesch that? and then the Vergn?n: Businesses before pleasure only go running, then: Before you run you must learn tons mill experienced I it only yesterday: I got tons know about it only yesterday. Ore? that your Gro?utter: Tell it tons the marine it worked madly: It which A (wildly goings on) it is riot only one cat jump: It is only A stone's throw away it is times not different one: Look for is life (It's always so) it d?te itself probably around a mistake act: It is probably just A mistake it goes to it financially well: He's wave off it goes to me through Marks and leg: It (noise) goes right through ME it happens as in a pigeon impact: It's like Grand cent ral station: I suppose there acres people who.: I admit there acres people who. It lifts the world from the fishing rods: It's turning the world upside down it is more or less taste thing: It is more or less A of matte OF gropes it is daf?gesorgt, da?die B?en into the sky does not grow: There's A limit ton all things it is terribly boring: It is frightfully boring it is course and g?: It is the custom it is me jacket such as trousers: I does not don't give A hoot one way or the OTHER it is all gold, which gl?t: All that glitters is emergency gold it is now times like that: That's the way things acres it is only theatre: It's at act it is just scheu?ich: It's horrible more weather it already is correct: That's all right it is so quiet, da?man a pin falls h?n k?te: It's so quiet you could hear A pin drop it is much only front with it: He PUT UP A big front it is for out the skin driving, there?: It's enough tons of drive you UP the barrier that. It is for falling asleep: It is enough tons of PUT you tons sleep it can be evenly as good the one as the other one: Its's A toss UP between the two it l? itself not denials: It CAN emergency denied it l?t me coldly?r the R?en: It sends cold shivers UP and down my spine it lies somewhat in air: There's something into the wind it is appropriate for me on the tongue: It's on the tip OF my tongue it mu?sich only still show: That remains tons lakes it Pa? , but I will not do it nevertheless to me: I don't like it, but I wants DO it anyway it is probably three years: I should say it's about three years it still stands on the dump (on the measurer cut): It's quietly into the balance it catches? me the language: Words fail ME it was all f?die Katz: It which all A what width unit OF time it was an impact in the water: It which A flop it was a preconcerted play: It which A PUT UP job it was only blind alarm: It which only A false alarm it was for bursting fully: It which full ton the bursting POINT it not in such a way hei?gegessen as cooked: Things of acres as bath as they seem it becomes more never sch?werden: We'll have A fine day it will already go: That'll go off all right it will already be: It wants come out all right into the ends somewhat on the heart to have: Ton have something on the mind something on the high edge put: Tons save something for A rainy day something onto the long bank push: Tons of PUT something off something on the light shoulder take: Emergency ton take something seriously enough something in the germ erstricken: Tons nip something into the bud somewhat fullly have: Tons have A belly full OF (fed UP with) something something under roof and subject bring (have): Tons of GET something in the bag (wrapped UP) something like its vest pocket know: Tons know something like the bake OF one's hand F?einen apple and an egg/a F?ein butter bread: For peanuts (NEXT ton emergency-hung) F?ihn does not have I anything?ig: I have emergency time for him (PUT UP won't with) F?ihn mu?eine woman to be only still born: The women he'll marry hasn't been fount yet F?jemanden into the breach jump: Ton of step into the breach (take more over for someone) F?mich well through-roasted: Make mine rather wave done case with the T?ins house: Better come straight ton the POINT. (slipped) me the heart fell into the trousers: My heart which in my mouth makes happy me, you know to learn: I'm delighted tons meet you freshness daringly is half won: Wave begun is helped done whole from the bar hoar frost: Right off the asked completely ear its: Ton all ears burned child shrinks from the fire: Once bitten(burnt), twice shy thoughts are free: To Thoughts of acres free do not go like the cat around hei?n the mash: Stop beating around the bush. I do not have money such as hay: I don't have pots OF money straight line it mu?e I meets: I had tons meet him OF all people permitting you, is free this place. Healthy like a fish in the water: Fit as A fiddle directly and directly associates gladly: Birds OF A feather flock of together Gro?s weight on something put: Ton of attach great importance tons something. H?en it it not to gro? Bell: You don't have tons shout if from the housetops. Neck?r head: In A WAD rush (head more over heels). Stop the ears rigidly: Keep A stiff more upper lip stop me up to date: Keep ME informed.: You haven't the faintest idea. One so which already experienced: Did you ever lake the likes OF it. Today I am not whole on the H?: I'm A bit more under the more weather today today goes to me everything inclined: This is on off day for ME (everythings going wrong) is: NO use crying more over spilt milk Hinterm of mountains live also people: You're emergency the only pebble on the beach pride comes before the case: Pride goeth before A case hopefully bleibt's so: I hope it stays that way hundreds, thousands: Hundreds, nay thousands I got a G?ehaut: I got goose pimples (goose bumps) I bi?die Z?e together and said nothing: I gritted my teeth and said emergency-hung I am with it down through: I'm OF favor with ago I is out with it well angeschreiben: I'm in his good books (favor) I is not nevertheless from yesterday: I wasn't fount yesterday I is fixed and finished: I to quite ready (all set) I is completely down: I'm all run down (I to totally exhausted) I is completely ear: I'm all ears I stepped sch?ins Fettn?chen completely: I really PUT myfoot in it. I am covered up with work: I'm snowed with work I is more under with my latin (my wisdom) at the end: To I to RK my wit's end I agree in principle: I agree into principle I is jerky: My mind is emergency RK ease I is the father: I to, it is true, his more father I does not remain more l?er here. I need to have nevertheless no fear: I surely don't have tons afraid I may not also forget: I thus mustn't forget. I think, therefore am I: Cogito, ergo sum [ Descartes ] I does not remember in the dream: I wouldn't dream OF it I dr?e you the thumbs: I'll keep my finger crossed for you I f?e me like the f?te wheel at the car: I felt like A fifth wheel I f?htete, it m?te themselves disgraces: I which afraid he would PUT his foot in it I eat a broom, if. I go safe: I'll hedge my pray (play safe it). I believe, to be let d?en: I believe I CAN afford tons let it go I believes, me laust the ape: Wave, I'll damned I believe, we gotten sch?s weather: I think we'll have good more weather I accessed with both H?en: I seized the opportunity with both hands. I hab's now in the grasp: I've got it down does not pat I has dar?r an opinion: I have NO independent opinion on the subject I has the last words?rh?: I didn't catch you read words I have a H?chen with you to pluck: I have A bone tons pick with you I has a Ged?tnis like a filter: I have A MEMORY like A sieve I has a Kater: I have A more hangover I read only ten sides: I have READ only ten pages so far. I smoothed the way for it: I have paved the way for him. I read it the Leviten: I told him where tons of GET off [ Austr. I have it check up: I've got his NUMBER I informed her geh?g: I gave A piece OF my I has only with half ear happens at least ago?: I which only listening with helped on ear I have already written, quite ausf?lich: I've already written, and what's more, quite explicitly I them in the heart closed: I have taken tons my heart ago I has much around the ears: I'm UP ton my ears with work I left the cat from the bag: I let the cat out OF the bag I a trumpf had out-played: I played my trump card I can from the EFF EFF: I CAN DO that standing on my head (with both hands tied) I cannot out-get the trick: I can't GET the crack OF it I can German [ to speak ]: I know German I can do nothing daf? I'm really emergency responsible for it I cannot not deplore itself: I can't complain I cannot seize itself a heart: I can't pluck UP my courage I cannot do no more: I can't go on any more longer I cannot come to word: I can't GET A word into edgewise. I laughed myself dead: I laughed myself tons death (crimp). I do not let ' me gladly instruct: I don't like being ordered about I lets it fall: I won't support him any I leaves it more longer gr?n: Remember ME ton him (Give him my regards) I cannot be sold by you nevertheless f?Dumm: Don't take ME for at idiot I does not leave itself einsch?tern: I'll emergency did not browbeaten I leave themselves so easy to under wars: I'll give them A run for their money I does not leave itself to under wars: I won't let it GET ME down I cannot be grown?r grey hair: I'm emergency losing any sleep more over that I can a house be built: I'm having A house built I lie?es goes: I let it passport (winked RK it) I m?te almost runs away: I've helped A mind tons of run off I m?te you pure wine to pour out: I want ton come clean with you (ton tell the truth) I did not m?te in its skin puts: I wouldn't like tons into his shoes I mu?Ihnen erz?en in order to talk it me from the heart to: I must tell you about it tons of GET it off my chest I more mu?immer the cart from the dirt pulls: I must always sort things out (lake thing right) I mu?meine thoughts together have: I must have my wits about ME I mu?viel puts in: I must PUT UP with much I mu?e laughs: I couldn't help lye-hung. I take the f?bare M?e: I take that RK face VALUE I takes you with the word: I'll take you UP on that I whistles evenly on it: I does not couldn't care less about it I r?e alcohol more on: I'm off the booze I sch?elte from the wrist: I CAN DO that standing on my head (with both hands tied) I sleeps like a murmeltier: I sleep like A log I struck (met) two flies with a flap (with an impact): I killed two birds with one stone I sees it in the spirit: I lake it into my mind's eye I stands with it on good Fu? I'm on good term with him I does not trust the peace: It's too good tons did not read I probably understand themselves: Very likely I fail tons and-purchased my self I w? Them very connected: I'd much obligued I wei?nicht, where the head stands for me: I don't know whether I'm coming or going.: I to perfectly aware OF the fact that. I will call the child with the name: I wants call A spade A spade. I will already make it: I'll DO it, I assure you I will gladly align it: I'll happy tons convey the message I will give it a warning: I'll teach him A lesson he won't forget I to him will already say, what struck the bell: I'll tell him where tons of GET off with that stuff I will already pay it: I'll pay him all right I will make air for my heart: I'm going ton give vent ton my feelings I will already get along with it: I'll make DO (I wants make ends meet) I becomes it broad-strikes: I does not want talc ago into it I wants with you Schindluder to drive: I won't take advantage OF you I wanted evenly to leave: I which just about ton leave I w?chte, comes it w?e: I wish he would come it a nose turn (make a long nose): Ton thumb one's nose (cock A snook) RK him it is missing the healthy human understanding: He needs A little horse scythe it stands the water up to the neck: He's UP ton his neck in it your money is ejected to the window: You have poured your money down A advice gets its work l? much to w?chen?ig: Your work leaves A plumb bob ton desired your assistance is not to be paid also gold: Your help is beyond price your Pl? neither hand nor does Fu have? Your flat doesn't make any scythe RK all in gro?n and whole: By and large (on the whole) in the last moment I got cold F? and it did not do: I got cold feet RK the read moment and didn't DO it in the theatre were located we gedr?t like the Sardinen (gentleman Inge): Into the theatres incoming goods stood packed like sardines always the old lyra (plate/roller): It's always the same old story always m?en you a hair in the soup find: You always have ton have something ton gripe about in Bausch and elbow: LOCK, stick, and barrel into the sour apple bei?n: Tons bite the bullet into the day inside live: Tons live for the moment into the wind talk: Ton talc in vain in the list gave it a disorder: There which A mix UP into the LINE UP in the K?e is appropriate the W?e: Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) in the emergency fri? the devil flies: Any haven in A storm into the same notch strike: Ton take the same LINE in H?e and F?e: Enough and ton saves in the pure writes: Make A neat CoPy in the black meets: Ton hit the bullseye erring is human: Ton err is human is you a louse?r the liver runs. Yes, that is something else: Come now, that's different, that already know we: Wave, that's at old story (we've heard it). Yes, which I wanted to say: Oh, by the way everyone is his Gl?es schmied: One forges his own destiny everyone pays f?sich even: Let's go Dutch (every one pays for himself) someone on the tooth f?en: Someone someone on half way come to meet ton grill: Ton meet someone helped way someone the handicraft to put: Tons of PUT A stop ton someone's game someone the water are not enough k?en: Can't hold A candle ton someone someone the head wash: Ton give someone A piece OF your mind someone the run passport give: Tons give someone their marching orders someone the march blow: Tons give someone A chewing out someone the Leviten read: Ton tell someone where ton of GET off someone the pistol to the Schl? (chest) set: Tons hold A pistol tons someone's head someone the debt into the shoes push: Tons of PUT the blame on somebody someone the soup salt: Tons spoil things for someone someone a Kn?el between the legs throw: Tons of PUT A spoke in someone's wheel someone in meat and blood?rgehen: Tons become second nature tons someone someone in the word fall: Tons of interrupts someone someone with something in the ears lie: Tons gnaw someone about something someone with same M?e pay back: Tons pay someone bake in child someone after the mouth talk: Ton tell someone what they want ton hear someone its point of view make clear: Ton make your position CLEAR ton someone someone on the wrong F?te bring: Tons set someone on the wrong TRACKS someone on the ice f?en: Tons lead someone UP the guards path someone from the version bring: Tons throw (stump) someone someone bad-make: Tons of run someone down (speak ill OF someone) someone to the old iron throw: Tons throw someone on the scrap heap someone to the speech place: Ton take someone ton of task now am I again on top: Now Now I'm bake tons normally (on top OF it) finally put I last hand to it: Now I'm finally putting the finishing touches ton goes it now it around the sausage: It's now or more never now straight: Now more than more ever. Now Mach times one point. Now discharge mu?ich me: I've does not got tons leave now now mucks you however. Now to answer wei?ich you nothing: You've got ME there. No good hair at someone leave: Tons pull someone ton pieces (bake bite) humans do not mu?m?en: There is NO look for thing as A must (Lessing) no ten horses bring me there: Wildly horses couldn't dragee ME there children and fool talk the truth: Children and fools speak the truth dresses make people: Clothes make the one. Come in time: Sure ton come on time: Let's GET down tons brass tacks. If time comes, advice comes: Time wants tell. Food and dwelling/food and logis: Room and board Krethi and Plethi: Every Tom, thick, and Harry K?ere you not around unoccupied eggs: Don't CROSS your bridges before you come ton them K?ern it itself around your own affairs. L?n have short legs: Read have short legs (don't travel far). La?es you said by me its: Take it from ME. La?mal see: Just let ME have A look.: Don't let ME down (leave ME into the Amphibian). La?mich not zappeln: Don't keep ME into suspense (on tenterhooks). La?uns pure table make: Let's CLEAR the air (and make A fresh start). Training money pay: Ton learn the hard way. Love makes blind: Love is blindly love and understanding go rarely hand in hand: To Love and understanding acres seldom found more together peep and deceit: Luggage OF read M?n the people say, what they want: Let people say they wish M?ggang is what all vices beginning: Idleness is the beginning OF all vice M?ggang is the devil quiescent bank: The devil finds work for idle hands Mach good expression to b?n the play: Grin and bear it. Make no Umst?e on my account: Don't trouble yourself on my account. It may bend or break: By hook or crook may do it, who can do it: Let everyone DO it who CAN likes it also still so sch?sein: May she more ever so beautiful mark the devil not to the wall: Speak OF the devil and the devil shows UP. One may not forget thereby: In this connection it shouldn't forgotten oneself one can at the f? Fumble abz?en, there? One mu?die church in the village leaves: Now that's going too far one mu?es it leave: You've got tons of hand it tons him one mu?es you with the N?burger funnel enter: It's got tons pounded into you one mu?ihn to the Kandare take: One has ton take A hard LINE with him one mu?die cat in the bag do not buy: Don't buy A pig in A poke one does not see the hand before the eyes: You can't lake your hand in front OF your face one sits there on the Pulverfa? You're sitting on A more powder keg there one is to schmeiden the iron, as long as it hei?ist: One should strike while the iron's hot one is not the skin of the B?n not to distribute, before one hunted him: Don't COUNT you chickens before they hatch one is not even talks to d?en. One is to say only positive of humans: One should look only on the good side OF people one should believe: One would imagine my car is a correct rattling box: My car is A material more clunker (rattle trap) my dog follows me at every step and turn: My dog follows ME of whereever I go my name is hare: I haven't the faintest idea.: Acres you emergency thus OF the opinion that. The Sch?l hums to me: My head is trobbing me turns everything in the head: My head is spinning me f?t a stone of the heart: It's A load off my mind me smokes the head: My head is spinning me rei? the patience: My patience is wearing thin me stood the hair to mountains: To My hair stood on end barely: By the skin OF one's teeth with oh and pain: With doleful outcry with all Drum and to: The whole shebang with the fence stake signs: Ton give A broad rear with the H?er rise: Tons of GET UP [ early ] with the chickens with the H?er to bed go: Tons go tons bed [ early ] with the chickens with the stupidity k?fen G?er themselves in vain: With stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain with the emergency k?fen: Keep the wolf from the door with the time go: Tons keep UP with the times with these people is one somewhat finished wars: How CAN you GET anything done with people like that. Get off a blue eye: GET off cheaply with child and cone: With bag and baggage (kit and caboodle) scarce emergency get off: Escape by the skin OF one's teeth with body and soul: With heart and soul with M? and emergency: Just barely (with pain and misery) with advice and act help: Tons help with words and deeds with itself to talk leave: ton reasonable lively like a swallow: Gay as A lark according to all rules of the art: By every trick into the book after the Zusammensto?wurde a Gro?ufnahme made: After the crack UP A CLOSE UP which taken according to pattern F: According ton the book (by the numbers) after line and thread: Good and per by (thorough) Nachpr?ngen in mathematics: Make-up test into mathematics not da?ich w?e: Emergency that I know OF not completely on the H?: Emergency UP ton snuff in the weight do not fall: Tons carry NO weight(be OF NO consequence) each word on the goldwaage do not put: Tons take with A pinch OF relent salt not: Tons stick ton one's guns nothing property in the sign f?en: Ton UP ton of NO good. Still Poland is not lost: Down but emergency out emergency is the love death: When poverty comes in, love flies does not out emergency knows requirement: Necessity knows NO laws now finally it has the elbow (the trick) out: Now finally he's got the slope OF it now is expensive good advice: What at the I going tons of DO now. (Now I need some good advice) now do not do ich's only quite. Only the Lumpe is modest: Only of nobodies of acres modest. Without twitching with the lash: Without batting to eye without R?sicht on losses: Reqardless OF the consequences. Luggage schl? itself, luggage vertr? itself: Cads ' fighting when ended is soon mended by hitchhikers drive: ton hitch hike. Speeches is silver, silence is gold: Talc is more silver, silence is golden Rome was built also not on one day: Rome wasn't built in A day (more either) Rome was not delighted on one day: Rome wasn't built in A day peace is the first B?erflicht: Take it easy (Peace is the citizen's roofridge obligation) legend it, it is to go: Tell him tons go believe it or not: Believe it or emergency legends you it it nevertheless: Why don't you go and tell him. Say to him, it m?te us fetch: _ Tell him ton call for US (pick US UP) legend it it duch the flower, there?: Tell in A roundabout way that ago. Sch?n Gru?zu house: Give my regards ton the folks schauen we, da?wir's behind us wars. Schlie?ich and finally: When all is said and done fast understand: Quick on the uptake already on the n?sten day: The very NEXT day already on fr?n mornings: As soon as the day broke already the thought: The very idea already for the sake of the H?ichkeit: Out OF more sheer politeness already the name: The cash name. That's all very wave, but. Time already h?ste: It's high time. It already stands with it deeply in the chalk: She's already deep in debt tons him.: For the very reason that. Write it to you behind the ears, there?: GET it into your thick head that. Is no gekr?te liver sausage: Don't A sorehead his own Fleish and blood: His own flesh and blood its friend seized it under the arms: His friend helped him out its life h?t at one be-being those thread: His life is hanging by A thread its Pl? into the binsen went: His of plan went UP into smoke set for it please no flea into the ear: For Please don't PUT ideas into his head do not set everything on a map: Don't PUT all your eggs into one basket itself on something gefa? make: Ton prepare oneself for something turn and wind: Tons squirm (writhe) you offered the forehead to it: They defied him you d?en also probably once to us come: You should come sea US once in A while. They do not d?en go: You must emergency go there you durfen only ring: All you need tons of DO is ring you do not hurry much thereby: They're taking their time about it you f?en us only at the nose around: They're only giving US the run around you fell it around the neck: She flung arm around his neck (skin on his neck) you go ago with one another: They're going more together you goes always from itself: She always lets hir down you turned out au?r for edge and volume ago: They went wildly (crazy, besides themselves) you did not go to you on the glue: She didn't case for your LINE you left like warm rolls: They pay like hotcakes you have that things in addition: They've got what it takes you has a child, a son: They have one child and that happens tons A son you have well to talk: Talc is cheap.: It's all very wave for you tons laugh. They are already right, but. They kept themselves courageous: They PUT UP A good fight (tons hold out) you hold gro? St?e on it: They think highly OF him you ate a fool at it: She has A crush on him you gekriegt it into the wrong neck (the wrong throat): She took it the wrong way you has hair on the Z?en: She has all the answers you gave it a basket: She turned him down you pulled it by the cocoa: To She pulled his put (larva him rediculous) you has its man really under the Fuchtel: She really has husband thumb you probably err more under ago ago: I'm afraid you're wrong you is to?r both ears falls in love: She is head over heels into love you is a stupid goose: She's A dumb Dora (goose) you is in firm H?en: She is going steady (has A steady boyfriend) you do not k?en like the cat around hei?n the mash go: You can't beat around the bush you came evenly again to itself: She regained consciousness you can bend it around small finger: She CAN twist him around ago little fingers. It l? nothing go off themselves: She of denies eleven emergency-hung you l? bear themselves: She is A kept women you lie?n it left lie: They sent him tons of Coventry (ignored him) you lie?n it not twice say themselves: They didn't need tons told twice you lie themselves st?ig in the hair: They of acres always RK loggerheads (quarrel) you m?en it the R?en st?en: You must give him encouragement you m?en it like a raw egg treats: You must acts him with kid gloves you m?en knows: You should know you mu?sich always in scene set and center of the interest its: She must always play the gallery and the centers OF interest you took Rei?us: They larva themselve scarce (took tons their heels) you take me on the arm: To They of acres pulling my put you r?ft the nose?r people: She looks down nose RK people you always ride ago on the same old topic around: The keepon talking about the same old stuff you says only in such a way: You don't mean it you pushes a calm ball: They have it pretty cushy (easy) you strike me a Schnippchen: They of acres playing A trick on ME you lubricated it honey around the muzzle: She soft soaped him you cut it: She CUT him DEAD (ignored him) you sch?ete me their heart out: She poured heart out tons of ME you schw?en ago the school: They of acres playing hooky you do not continue to see as ihne nose point: You can't lake any more father than the end to OF your nose you looks, as if it did not k?te W?erchen tr?n: She looks as if butter into mouth you are ago wouldn't melt on the same Wellenl?e: They of acres tuned ton the same wavelength (They and-arose more eachother) you are a heart and a soul: They of acres bosom buddies you are [ so differently ] like day and night: They of acres as different as day and night you is smells: They disappeared into thin air you are not to aufz?en the horse with the tail: Don't PUT the cart before the horse you plays me a caper: They of acres playing A trick on ME you plays the insulted liver sausage: She is in A huff you are under a cover: They're into cahoots more together you drive schabernack with me: They of acres playing A trick on ME. They were whole before joy from the H?chen: They were beside themselves with joy you will already understand me: I'm sure you'll and-purchased ME you will do without learns to m?en: They wants have ton learn tons of DO without.: You must surely know that. It showed me the cold shoulder: She gave ME the cold more shoulder. (history has a long beard): That story is as old as the hills. He to also be so rich likes: However rich he May. So fast schie?n the Preu?n not: Incoming goods of acres emergency that quick on the triggers target a joke its. As much me remembered is: So far as I recall (ton the best OF my recollection) Sp?kommt it, but it comes: He's late, but he's coming after all (Schiller). We play in Ernst: Let's play for keeps speak, as the bill grew you: CUT the highfalutin ' talc. Mutely like a fish: CLOSE as A clar. more?er the mountain its: Ton have broken the bake OF something (more over the hill) more?er the rounds come: Ton pull through more?er briefly or long: Sooner or more later we?erlassen the decision an impartial one: Let's PUT it tons impartial?ung makes the master more observer on: Practice of makes perfect at the time to dead-slam shut, I read my book: In order ton kill time I'll READ my book and if you on the head places yourself: NO more matt what you say our work l? not after: There which NO let UP into our work our Pl? we m?en on ice put: Incoming goods must PUT off our plan (PUT on ice) our Pl? ?r the heaps were thrown: Our of plan have been upset under the magnifying glass take: One shows ton examine carefully under difficult Umst?en, what is in one: One shows what he is larva OF more under difficult conditions assigning is easier than forgotten: It's of easier ton forgive than forget attempts we times: Let's have A go RK probably it understanding you me: Please GET ME right [ old ] understanding Sir then no Spa? Pardon, I understood not quite: Sorry, I didn't quite and-arose. Many H?e make soon an end: Many hands make light work many K?e spoil the broth: Too many cooks spoil the broth of something the nose fully have: Ton have A belly full OF something of it can cut itself one a disk off: One CAN take A leaf out OF his book from Pontius to Pilatus: From pillar tons of post office caution is the nut/mother of the wisdom: To ounce or prevention is worth A pound OF cure. (in the wine the truth lies): In Vino veritas. W?e have ears: Barrier have ears. Which nevertheless the reason likes to be: I more wonder what the reason May which you today can procure, shifts not on tomorrow: A stitch in time saves nine which you say, has some f?sich. Which f?t you. Which does not learn H?chen, Hans learns never more: You can't teach at old dog new cheat which hold you from the weather: What of does the more weather look like ton you. Which I may also always do: Whatever I might DO which I to still say wanted: Come ton think OF it which is already again loosely: What's the more matt with you. Which it may probably have imagined: What May he have imagined. Which one does not have in the head, mu?man in the legs to have: Those who can't use their head must use their bakes which one crumbled itself, mu?man also ausl?eln: You've larva your bed, now you must lie in it which one w?cht, believes one gladly: Incoming goods believe what incoming goods wish ton believe. Which is not, can still become: Your day May come which its appearance concerns: When it comes ton looks.: What's the meaning OF this (indignation). Whom differently I should meet than. If all Str?e rei?n: If all else fails (worse comes ton worse) if all cords (Str?e) rei?n: When worse comes ton worse (all else fails) if the cat from the house is, dances the M?e: When the cat's away, the mice DO play if it only already k?: If he were only here if I to please may: If you please if I only in Paris is: Once I'm in Paris if I quite remembers: If my MEMORY of serves ME right if I in such a way to say may: If I May express myself if ich's quite considers in such a way: When I come ton more consider it if one behind the window blinds looks: When you look behind the scenes. If emergency at the man is: If worst comes ton worst if already, because already: Let's go the whole hog who says A, says mu?auch B: You must finish what you start. Who brought you on it. Who may have said it to him: Who might have told him. Who does not dare, does not win: Emergency-hung ventured emergency-hung gained who first comes, grinds first: Roofridge come, roofridge serve who laughs last, laughs best: He who laughs read, laughs loudest as on gl?nden coals sit: Ton like A cat on A hot tin roof (on tenterhooks) as from the egg gepellt: Spick and splinter as shot from the pistol: Quick like A SHOT as you may do that to me: How CAN you DO look for A thing tons of ME. Like you me, so I you: Tit for did like lightning from cheerful sky: Like A bolt out OF the blue like it in the book stands: A textbook example as gef?t you: How did you make out. As into sieved sky its: Tons in seventh heaven (cloud nine).: How on earth did he GET here. As one can be only so sensitive. Like herb and R?n: Higgledy piggledy (topsy turvy).: How could he expected tons know that. As one is to remain there serious: How CAN one serious in look for A case. As you will show that on German: How would you more render that in German. We d?en it bezeifeln: Incoming goods have reason ton doubt it we thresh empty straw: We're getting nowhere nearly (threshing straw) we have to do all H?e fully: We've got our hands full we have our dear emergency with it: Incoming goods have our hands full with him we got off scarce emergency: Incoming goods escaped by the skin OF our teeth we do not come from the mark: We're emergency making any headway (getting any place) we live st?ig?r our Verh?nisse: We're constantly living beyond our means we m?en now the G?el more closely fasten: Incoming goods have tons tighten our belts now we m?en themselves on the legs (socks) make: Incoming goods must make TRACKS (off) we m?en themselves after the cover stretch: Incoming goods must live within our means we m?en from hand to mouth live: Incoming goods must live from hand ton mouth we make themselves from the dust: Incoming goods larva off we float in thousands?gsten: Incoming goods of acres frantic we are already to?r both ears into debts: We're already UP ton our ears in debt we moved?r stick and stone: Incoming goods wind-talk more over hill and dale we ending thereby: Incoming goods CAN cope with that we already become the child swings: We'll work it out somehow we were diminished: Incoming goods were laid off knowledge it, with whom you have to do it: Who DO you think you're talking tons: What's offering herring you (on your mind). Where a will is, is also a way: Where there's A wants to also be there's A way where it likes: Where more ever he May where is planed, flies FR?: You have ton of BREAK on egg tons make on omelet where anything is not, there is the emperor its right lost: You can't squeeze blood out OF A turnip where fox and hare good night says itself: Into the middle OF nowhere (into the sticks). W?en you me probably say. W?en it so friendly its to say to me. Show it me nevertheless times. Bring to case: Tons bring about the case of down to his right come: Ton come into it's (his) own is it already for a long time ago: It is A long time ago, tons sure wei?ich much, but m?te I more knows: Much as I know, I wish I knew more two days one behind the other: Two days running ferrules we it to admit color: Let's call his bluff between T?und fishing rod: In passing, as to aside
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