March 01, 2008
Literature textbooks
. 16: Penka Angelova (Universit?n Rousse and Veliko Tirnovo): Identit?n in Bulgaria between stranger and self-determination - Identit?diskurse. The role of science and research with the development of a new Selbstbewu?seins in the recent democracies in Europe Identit?n in Bulgaria between stranger and self-determination - Identit?diskurse (Universit?n Rousse and Veliko Tirnovo). One changed flags, coats of arms and uniforms. The way to the Wechselb?rn f?t?r Vienna. From its hometown, Rousse (Rustschuk), writes to Canetti?r the at the beginning 20. I pers?ich experienced several gates to Europe, einschlie?ich Edirne in the T?ei. Century, to socialism in the second H?te, to the democracy at the turn of the century. The discourse of the Gegen?rstellung of Balkans and/or Bulgarian Identit?und of europ?cher Identit? ?ergang from an agrarian farmer company to a predominantly st?ischen society and the challenges of the civil Society. This?erg?e plays itself on the background national and thus distorted ethnical Identit?diskurse and the associated religi?n Identit?diskurse the sixth and more covered Identit?diskurs is that?ergangs from the s. socialist culture to a b?ergesellschaftlichen demokrati.schen culture, which into previous discourses comes up. These discourses result in the basis f?eventuelle break lines (cleavages) and they become it also in individual F?en (z. 1: How Maria Todorova already represented and how we in our conference volume of 1998 to have also shown, is Bulgaria perhaps the only country in s?stlichen Europe, which identifies itself with the designation the Balkans. In the sense of Canetti in mass and power "mass symbols of the nations" anvisierten. In addition, a gate to the H?enleiter. The gew?liche attitude of the Bulgaren. Christian) civilization and friedliebendes object of nach.barlicher Kriegsgel?e, sometimes also everything are put in one. When national state, in which some Ethnie understands itself as the f?ende majority, the other minorities only tolerated. The most important identi.t?stiftenden factors in Bulgaria are the school particularly with the Ge.schichts and literature instruction and famili? Tradition. And there it is at the time that old canon it are broken through and those autorit orthodox affected? Education is modernized. L?t however still for itself wait. On the other hand geh?e it to the communist project that all are besch?igt and that the child-educating functions of the state will?rnommen. Are decisive in die.sem connection erh?e the self-confident its, the self-assertion and foreign identification of the woman. That after the broken out democracy and the Parlamentarstaates patriarchale power again into the private Sph? one ver.dr?t is evident. The sexistischen draw words of the alleged Revo.lutionen showed it clearly. In the Geschichtsb?ern and the literature the picture of the woman remained the predominantly patriarchale anyhow, itself around the small things of the everyday life k?ert and by Aktivit?n in the?entlichen Sph? one excludes. Also into the newer Geschichtsb?ern the women remain those, which are not "right to history" after Lucien Fevr. As a reader of the Geschichtsb?er one does not find an identification example in history whereby each Ethnie with charakteri.stischen Z? behangen becomes. more?er the women is silent history, because they do not let the historians speak. The Narrativik of the Geschichtsb?er produces the tension that if a woman occurs as a k?gliche wife, already bad to expect is. Gr?re D?er were zusammengef?t to St?en or simply "renamed", mostly without the way of life of humans ver?ert itself h?e. communist system) were all workers, also the "scientific workers". Also the st?ische picture had ver?ert itself in smaller St?en. In place of the old flower plants G?en of internal production of tomatoes, cucumbers and Paprikaschoten arise. "B?seniaden" celebrated: internal canned goods production in Gl?rn. this "hamsters" winters the h?e impression f?den arouse k?en that in the winter the Lebens.mittelgesch?e has?rhaupt not on. But that was again the preference at internal production, bring along by the country. In the literature geistert still the ghost of the expressionistisch gef?ten townscape - the Gro?tadt as threat. F?die remote regulation ensure again historians and literature historians. The ethnical self identification of the minorities in Bulgaria and on the Balkans takes place between assimilation and verweigerung (T?en, Romas). An anonymous Enquete?r political culture, those by BRIE studying. Jews and Armenians do not have a problem with their self-determination in Bulgaria, them have their municipalities by the Parlamentarisierung of a party f?Rechte and liberties, which is gef?t in the vernacular as the "T?i party", are the s. "T?i question" to the gr?ren part gel?, that is however still "tender peace", geh?t and maintained goes?. The emergence of a minority-hostile party in Bulgaria (Ataka) is gefahrbringen.des a syndrome, that particularly examined goes?. And to everything lastly also calculation is to be carried, as very ethnical self-determination is often like all other national, religi?n etc. also a construction and?r financial Unterst?ung and European Union programs for a kind of preferential remote regulation become. Examining emphasis within this range is: A critical analysis of the traditional binding between national, ethnical, panslavistischen and religi?n Identit?n on the Balkans. The Aufsp?n of traces mythischen thinking NSA, as it is to be found in several postaufkl?rischen attempts. Such a beginning is however only on the background of the Aufkl?ng of furnished existence of ideas and traditions m?ich. Hei?, a testing both the dangers and the chances of the Orthodoxie as?entliche religion. In the connection the rum?sche researcher Sorin Antohi speaks of "Netzidentit?n". (Universit?n Rousse and Veliko Tirnovo) Dimitr?inev: A light?r the head. Elias Canetti: The saved tongue also the investigation of Christian Autengruber, ver?entlichten here: The political parties in Bulgaria. A development analysis since beginning of the 90's. Angelova, Penka/Veichtlbauer, Judith: Powder barrel the Balkans. I call series of publications of the Elias Canetti society, Bd. of collectives units, which are not felt nevertheless of humans to consist and as masses, mass symbols. Radoslav Misev, Stefan Ancev, Andrej Andreev in powder barrel the Balkans myth or Realit? in addition, Geschichtslehrb?er, about also rum?sche (see the picture of the "different one" into the Geschichtslehrb?ern of the Balkanl?er. Valentin Spiridonov, powder barrel the Balkans myth or Realit? Wolfgang narrow one: The components of the historical Europ?tik. Off: Ann?rung to a europ?che historiography, Hrg. Gerald Stourzh under cooperation of Barbara Haider and Ulrike Harmat publishing house of the?terreichischen academy of the sciences, Vienna 2002, S. Here I predominantly deal with Bulgarian examples and consult only occasionally different examples. These discourses can be proven however also by the example of the other SOE L?er, how comparative case studies showed. The picture of the other one in the Geschichtslehrb?ern on the Balkans. Kornelia Slavova: Frauenidentit?n between the global one and restaurants. A view of Eastern Europe and the third world. In: Frauenidentit?n on the Balkans. Susan Gal: Feminism and civil Society. Dar?r I have in I see which, what you do not see, R?ig publishing house 2002 into the sexistische revolution written. Krassimira Daskalova: The women in the Bulgarian Geschichtslehrb?ern. In: Frauenidentit?n on the Balkans. Ulf Brunnbauer(Hrsg):Umstrittene Identit?n. Studying one from Bulgaria, Rum?en, Moldavia, Makedonien, Kosovo, Albania of the course of studies Europe studies at the Bulgarian Rum? Interuniversit?n European center (BRIE). also the contribution of Dimiter Angelov in the available section: The Ethnisierung of the social problem in Bulgaria. Penka Angelova: Between restoration and Dekonstruktion. Mental tendencies in Bulgaria after the turn. In: I see which, what you do not see. Sorin Antohi: Europe Comunitara, Europe Culturala: identitati reticulare [ common Europe, cultural Europe: Netlike Identitaten ], in: Revenirea in Europe. Idei SI controverse romanesti 1990-1995 [ the return to Europe. Dietmar Larcher: Art-ride on the Lipizzaner of the Identit? Self making sure under the conditions of the risk company. In: Art-ride on the Lipizanner of the Identit? The role of science and research with the development of a new Selbstbewu?seins in the recent democracies in Europe. Penka Angelova (Universit?n Rousse and Veliko Tirnovo): Identit?n in Bulgaria between stranger and self-determination - Identit?diskurse.
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