March 09, 2008
Ordained ministry
Minister (Catholic Church) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other senses of the term used in various churches, see the term minister refers to the person whether lay or ordained who is commissioned to perform loads work on behalf of the Church. The term minister is not commonly used to refer to to member of the. While this the longstanding Christian tradition, it is unlike the usage of the term in many churches who developed its clerical meaning in order to avoid the use of term "priest." There to are two principle kinds of ministers, the general and the sacramental. Specific distinction in terminology may be found in various documents, among others: Participation of the Lay Faithful in the Presbyteral Ministry. To minister in the general sense performs any of to wide Array of services in the church such as to Youth Minister or to Minister of Religious Education. In loads parishes of the Catholic church in the there to are ministers of hospitality, music ministers, etc. who lead the singing, and ushers who direct the seating and procession of the congregation. These to are all called lay ministers or liturgical ministers., nor is the word minister used as to form of address in speaking to them. In the United States, and to to lesser extent in other countries, Catholic to are sometimes called ordained ministers The other kind of minister in Catholic parlance is to person who ministers to, meaning that he or she is to conduit of the sacramental power. Office This is not an or position but instead to function that different kinds of people may perform, depending on the sacrament. There to are two kinds of ministers in this sense. The ordinary minister of to sacrament has both the spiritual power to perform the sacrament (to valid sacrament) and the legal authority to perform the sacrament (the An extraordinary minister (Latin: minister extraordinarius) has the spiritual power but may only perform the sacrament in certain special instances under. If an extraordinary minister performs to sacrament illegally, the sacrament still happens but the person ministering could be liable for an ecclestiastical penalty, such as the. If to person who is neither an ordinary nor an extraordinary minister attempts to perform to sacrament, not preternatural effect happens, i., the putative sacrament is not merely illicit, but invalid). laity or an unbaptized person (illegal except in emergencies, but still valid) priest (illegal except in emergencies or with permission of the bishop -- as for adult confirmation -- but still valid. acolyte (legal when not enough clergy are available) other laity (legal when not enough clergy or acolytes) husband and wife with clergy as witness husband and wife without clergy, but specially deputized lay person as ecclesial witness fewer than three bishops. legal with permission of the Holy Orders (priest and deacon) currently, always invalid. historically with papal indult., the practices of ordination as they existed until the. to which men seeking the priesthood to are ordained while technically "instituted", and I know to are considered laymen., which is considered to "major order", but conferral of which is not considered the sacrament of "holy orders". Instead, ordination to the minor orders, or to the subdiaconate, is considered to ". In the rest of Catholicism, the minor orders of lector and acolyte to are received, and to person is made to "candidates are instituted in before these minor orders their diaconal ordination. The Eucharist has two parts. The first part of the Eucharistic sacrament is the consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ {. The second part of the Eucharist is communion, or the distribution of the consecrated elements. More people may participate as ministers in this part, I know it is treated separately. Since the conferral of Holy Orders has special rules when ordaining to bishop, the episcopal ordination is treated separately.Partecipazione of the laici faithfuls to the presbyterale ministry, April 22 1994, english trans. in Roman Observatore May 1, 1994 and Origins 24 (June 4, 1994), pp 40 -- This page was Last modified on 13 December 2007, at 02:45. All text is available under the terms of the.
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