March 06, 2008

What Do You Need to Become a X-ray Tech

. GIUSEPPE CIANCIMINO/"Video-citofono online"(In Real time). GIUSEPPE CIANCIMINO/"Video-citofono online"(In Real time) WELCOMES TO a SITUATED one WITH RESIDENCE ONLINE IN ITALY. (This blog sara dedicated to the public repercussions of libri.Esporro on all the conseguenze"post-publication" in way attualizato:VIDEO-CITOFONO IN "REALE")(Leggi TIME chronological) CONSENSUALE:Pagina MEDICINE online reference of science After the "Victoria" of what I have called "the good consent" is "arrives notizie":molti and cerchero to make a modernization to you. Cua on the "Threads conductors of the debate" you can see all to it comprised entirety the 1)L' course and the final essito one of the WIMAX. WIFI TO THE ITALIANA(WIMAX):L' DUCKLING DOES NOT TAKE OFF. 2)Altri two new vicissitudes on VIAGRA(sono three post in this blog):. On the Italian newspaper "the Republic" I have read an article that it speaks about carrying out in the cares of the antidepresivi and in particular the PROZAC.Piu just inhibits the ricattazzione of serotonina and cosi increase its rate in sangue.Io belong to the generazzioni of psichiatri that they are you form to you in the use of the Triciclici and my experience e' reduced nearly esclussivamente to the use of these farmaci.E all those that there are forms cosi has imparatto to respect the risk to you "antidepressivo"e relativizzare its propieta curativi.L' use for this purpose is not most extensive, is a lot controlled and academically badly seen of specific drugs or with specific indication:il vaccine to ess.In this sense aldifuori tasks to antibiotics, new cosi pschiatrici form to you encourage from this spread dispensed second me to you, "generous" these drugs taking care of itself too much of their effectiveness and innoquita.Ovviamente I am not speaking about the revolution of text DSM2,3 and 4 that you gia conoscete.Ed also it makes you to understand that beyond to the mode we are influenziati from the propaganda(non always loyal but manipulating the realta).E I think that after the novita one that gia I have told also this case to you re-enters within my analysis of "consensualita", and cosi also the Viagra.Di piu, think that one and the others are one consequence of the difussione online of this page, an other repercussion of my banns insomma. One English study makes to shake the myth of the psicofarmaco. Better one chats of the Prozac "the Italians: "to the prescription easy, but it is not undeniable that functions". E' the Prozac, that is cloridrato Fluoxetina, commonly said Fluoxetina, and second a recent English study its curative effectiveness would be nearly completely null. The study, has specified Kirsch, has been introduced to the FDA (the agency American for the control on drugs) and will be subordinate also to the European regolatorie authorities. This has been sufficient because the molecules in issue obtained the authorization to the commercialization, but, it emphasizes the review, in Great Britain would not have had to be enough. This study raises serious interrogated to you on the way in which they come granted the authorizations for drugs and on the spreading of the data of the experimentation ". Beyond these cases an antidepressant as the Prozac is outside place, must try roads alternatives. But we cannot deny their effectiveness ". According to Of But, the antidepressants cannot be used like drugs of preventive therapy. "It would be a po' like saying that hardly one has a little fever takes endured the antibiotic. And, on purpose of the famous effect placebo: "Also this makes part of their curative property, because it is spoken about psiche, of brain. Of a composed organ they give approximately one hundred billions of cells and from the extremely complex operation ". The English study puts under accusation the druggist multinationals, the accused, writes the newspaper, to have manipulated the data clinicians. Also in the less serious cases, than so-called "predisposition to the depression". "To of the instrumentalizations the Francisco Cro explains here dottor, psichiatra and managing doctor of the Service diagnosis and cure of Viterbo, - the effectiveness of the antidepressants is however undeniable. I use of these drugs has made to drastically diminish the number of suicides in last the 15 years, and they are given to us statistical that confirm it ". Therefore which cure for who light is depressed. For who anchor, that is, not return has not crossed the terrible threshold that it forces to you to bed terrified also from the idea to only breathe. The farmacologica cure is extrema the ratio of a complex and delicate job, than the psichiatra it must know to before make like being human that as doctor. The effectiveness of the psicofarmaci is null, without taken care of a job of attendance to the patient. You can also read it directly There is from emphasizing that this English study and single one of the numerous searches made in America, Canada and many Europei.E countries all addressing to increase quantita of treatments venduti.Insomma the all concepts coinciding with mine foretells on the journalistic consensualita one in place of the verita one scientifica.(E not to forget that is the America, the country of the DSM). And finally it coincides also with my experience medica:acussati the antidepressant escapes after 81.E the this aspect puts also in doubt if not the organic sostratto one of the malatia, modalita of presentation and the evolution of this alteration biochimiche(cio that it is not poco).Insomma, I feel myself gratified to be piu single in this does not foretell. This study is extracted of a publication on the French newspaper "the Figaro" that you can read directly of continuation cliccando, or under on I testify -. and public also the vision of the French on this argument in an other article of this same newspaper who you can see of continuation -. 29/2/2008 the DOPO:Ormai DAY the antidepressants are becomes to you "the onslaught to the Bastille" of consensualita.Confermato:l' the error does not only limit to the Fluoxetina but to all those of "ultima"(o "new") generazione(come better you va), and between of they to the piu prescritti.Non they distinguish one melancolia of a love not corresponded or one adolescente.Insomma:medici originalita crises of new forms to you not well, diagnosis nossografici, the other the curriculari and extracurriculari witnesses in use and formations of the last Or I testify diagram cliccando over cua You can read the complete document on the consensualita one cua:.docID=dckm79x7_31drkp7r&revision=_latest. For who it has read my front articles on this farmaco(vedi of seguito)c' are from saying that "they arrive notizie", and are series and real doubts on this drug. Ago to think one discovered English published on Fertility and Sterility. LONDON - To make use of the Viagra could put to risk the male fertility. E’. how much has uncovered some investigators who put in guard the decided men to take to the drug anti-impotence. It has announced the situated online of the British domenicale The Observer. L’.obiettivo was to reproduce a level of Viagra recovered equivalent to that one in the blood of who has taken a pill from one hundred miligrammi. WORRISOME DATA - «.Il made that some private clinics use the Viagra in order to increase the fertility it is a data preoccupante». declares dottor the Glenn. «.Le braces that address to these clinics of the fertility have already, for definition, of the problems in procreare. «.Innanzitutto it goes considered that the experiment has been lead single in laboratory and therefore is not discounted that the same effect is taken place on the uomo». It is not tried that to the dosage of 50 milligrammi, that is that one of used usual, the effects on the spermatozoa are the stessi». Therefore they said that these turn out to you go senz' other record to you and deepened, but, to the state puts into effect them of the facts, do not have to create allarme». You can also read it directly, Or PURE TO SEE the ARTICLE On I TESTIFY GRAFICO:.docID=dckm79x7_31drkp7r&revision=_latest WIFI To the ITALIANA(WIMAX):L' DUCKLING DOES NOT TAKE OFF Habbiamo gia seen as France has fato a step behind in the comparisons of the wimax for via of the contamination elettromagnetica.Adesso is seeing like also in Italy the wimax continues withdrawing, nearly definitively direi.(E dragged from France, Italy and others essempi sara the destiny of the rest of the Europa.E also outside is perhaps the Lombardy that was the region piu great demographically dense,e also that one piu ambita:non has had offerenti.Guarda to Telecom case that has been the mobile white man predelight of the movement "anti digital divide".Purtroppo also Telecom has difezzionato perche its offered ones has excluded the Lombardia(Troppo risk for the price to pay But which beloved dicono.Viene insinuated that is the reason of this massicia desserzzione:troppo perhaps the Lombardy is not a region to risk "digital divides" and I say that Pariggi is not credibbile this argomento:casomai is rischioso.No the rivoluzzionaria novita one was wimax at all the televisione.Ma says io:adesso who dovra to save to us from the darkening is the hated one and villipendiato Capitalism of Telecom. Null of this serio:abbiamo the difference is essagerato not essiste wide band and nobody "divisone digital".E the wimax is not other that a innecessaria illusion and reazzionaria other that revoluzione.Queste desserzzioni and the essempio of Pariggi that has backtracked dovressi.Quello of titolo:"L' the duckling not decolla".Dovrei to say next that it does not succeed any less in gallegiare. After Fastweb only great name remained in race abandons the contest also Electronic industrialeIl is hour Telecom Italy WiMax Auction, withdraws MediasetAssegnate the first three ROME licences - - Today Electronic Manufacturer (Mediaset group) has been withdrawn from the contest for the WiMax licences, during the sixth day of throws again. The reason is that the contest had caught up levels of throws again too much elevates to you for the calculations previewed in the industrial plans, as they explain Mediaset sources. The value of the auction in fact has caught up today quota 113 million euro (129 for hundreds regarding the base). The solo great name to remain in contest is now Telecom Italy, some days before since Wind and AirOne had rinunciato also. Telecom but has been withdrawn, to surprise, from area 1, that it is that one of greater value since it comprises the Lombardy. It remains but in head, with the offered ones, in all the others macro regions. They remain in game, attending many areas, And-Via (Retelit), Ariadsl and To and then one manciata of other subjects: 16, in all. Other news today is that they have been adjudicated the first three Italian WiMax licences: they are those relati you to the Sardinia region. and Ariadsl, with offering of approximately 600 mila euro ciascuna, since with the withdrawal of remained Mediaset were the sun in contest for the Sardinia. The award will be formally declared tomorrow. Today the situation is therefore following: in area 1 (Lombardy, Bolzano, Trento), in head for the two macroregional licences is Ariadsl and And-Via. In area 2 (they of Aosta Goes, Piemonte, Liguria and Tuscany), returns the names of Ariadsl and To. In Piemonte And-Via. in Liguria Mgm (Odeon Tv), while in Tuscany she still has the offer better Infracom/Acantho. In area of contest 3 (Friuli Venice Julia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marches) they detach the offered ones of Ariadsl and And-Via. Infracom/Acantho is also in Emilia-Romagna. Ariadsl and Telecom Italy have the better offered ones for the macroregional licences in area 4 (Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzi, Molise). In area 5 (Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria) and in Sicily rerun the names of Telecom and Ariadsl. The auction will resume (friday tomorrow) and will continue until will not be assigned to all the licences. In all probability it will be arrived until tuesday (monday is the pause). A licence is assigned when not there are more throws again. Italian the WiMax auction is on the good road in order to fix a record in Europe: it could exceed 120 million euro embeds to you from the French government in analogous circumstance. Sign that gives we the market has much interest to develop this technology, in order to offer wide band in the zones of the digital divides. Industrial electronics, owner of the transport net and spread of mark them of the Mediaset Group with 1.700 towers, up to now had turned out in head in many of the auctions for the lotteries in contest. The hypothesis had been instead refutation from the facts of uses of the WiMax frequencies in order to diffuse marks them television analogic and digita them. A solution prevented a priori from the same ban of contest, that it authorizes to use the WiMax licences in order to only make services wide band FOR THAT THEY HAVE READ On the VIAGRA:.CON The CLEMENZA Of the VETERINARIES (And STREGHE, NON SI NEVER KNOWS WOULD ADVISE TO TRY THIS, CLICCA SOTTO:.MA NOT TO FORGET THAT FOR the MPOTENZA And MANY OTHER SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS the LOVE And ONE GOOD THERAPY. THE FUTURE ANNUNCIATO:ECCOLO BETWEEN OF YOU. My words have not had to attend in order to find echo and conferma.Ho said that "the fututro of the technologies of the communications you furnish or not, it is between without fili"(Leggi in post the ):ebbene vedetelo in motion gia "from we go" begins them of anno.Ebbene the this exposure also this detail and others of my words rifletti.Insomma natural integration of functions sensibili(ne you have felt to speak sure), and without threads in "the not mobile" technology housewife who goes aldila of without threads of the net, verbigrazia my conceptual detail. And piu splicito and concrete it has been the Fujitsu:infatti clearly speaks to head for the technology Wireless Hdav. Consequently, of we are sure, of the Wireless Hdav we will very feel to speak in future. But if there is DVD war, BOX and nets seem are not to us between qualcuni slices of market to spartirsi:infatti Microsoft tip to the Videogame and Sony to the multimediale. ):Questa is a word acconiata from me that never it has not been written online.Io I reported to the gross design of a pen that ago traces in order to modify images in the WORD comprised in the programs in sale with Sistemi Operated to you of Microsoft.Nulla of this comes offered in the WEB in order to sign written or documents, on the elettrionica mail or altri.E if there is pen us must be paper where to write no.:cosi the E-paper is born, the paper electronic that would be an other "my invento".Complimenti to Corsair to Lg and has Philips, and this time the licence if they have it risparmiato.BUON 2008 AND HAPPY NEW WAS. THIS E' The END Of MY COMMENT, YOU SEE the ARTICLE OF "The CONTINUATION REPUBLIC": Monday to Las Vegas is opened the greatest fair of the elettronicaDispositi ones to you that by now they make all: you play, multiaverage and telephony Ces 2008, the future in passerellaGates will greet with one surprised. Of the eve the great speech and, the waits maneuvers multinazionalihi-tech last of the father of Microsoft before the withdrawal. This would be enough to render edition 2008 of the Ces di Las Vegas memorable, the more important fair of the consumption electronics that will open the clappers monday 7. Kaleidoscope of technological innovationes of every type, this year still richer of the usual, collections in a espositivo space of approximately 600 mila meters square. Nobody knows with exactitude what will say Gates, even if in Net voices of every type circulate. Most insistent they speak than one new version about Xbox 360, the last consul of the Microsoft, with wi-fi and reader Hd integrated Dvd. All in order to try to check the sales of the direct antagonist, PlayStation 3 of the Sony, than instead Blu-ray uses. Even granting to thirds party the possibility to construct its Xbox 360 in order to open the road to a progressive and unstoppable decrease of the price. The Sony from the song its gongola, inasmuch as to short it will embed also the support of the Apple to Blu-ray. To its place last telefonini the multimediali ones of the Sony Ericsson, probable modernizations of versions already in commerce. But they are only some of the many cellular ones that will be looked at to Ces 2008. Between the many we signal you the MiniOne M8 of the Meizu, onlooker clone of the iPhone based on Mobile Windows 6 that will arrive in the storees to a stracciato price. An other important innovation, that it is already making to speak about himself on Internet, is the flexible screen from 14 inches realized from Lg in collaboration with the Philips. First display of paper the electronic one, the so-called one e-paper, that it will exit on the market within this year. Tip of diamond of a revolution that to short will invest the entire field of the televisori. Also because to flank of the e-paper, they are in order to arrive display the Oled. Thick hardly three millimeters, are assign to you to replace the Lcd and the plasma. Already available in Japan from fine september, we speak about Xel 1 of the Sony from 11 inches, to the Ces the Samsung will show the first models of great dimensions. Finally, inasmuch as we are in topic, the debut of the Motorola in the field of the Tv with a portable device called Dh01. The Fujitsu instead, that it has as soon as abandoned the production of the screen to the plasma, will head all at the technology Wireless Hdav. It concurs to transfer without need of cables marks them is audio that video in high definition. He is not what from little if the increasing amount of apparatuses is considered from connects the uni with the others that we have in house. Consequently, of we are sure, of the Wireless Hdav we will very feel to speak in future. Like of the Ssd, new type of hard disk based on memory flash. E' the same one of the cards for camera, single with by far greater abilities and pressed to construct the lightest portable computers. After the models of Toshiba shown the slid year, hour is the time of those of the Bitmicro from 832Gb. All while the Corsair will introduce the first Usb pens with one capienza equal record to Or you also see I testify diagram under: SIMPLE WIMAX:UN CLARK KENT(Il my contribution tecnico).E gia speaks about the quarter generation for mobile(vedi sotto).Ha the something of innovative is revolutionary the WIMAX or the WIFI. And it is also most expensive in how much we are spending moneies in order to install a innecessaria net for a innecessaria technology and in via of estinzione.E all the other disadvantages I have gia parlato.Ed other here a lot I could say of the WIFI.Comunque you see three questions tecnici:.(Stai attento:si draft of proselito of "anti digital divides") Second some WiMAX will replace the UMTS, even if we are far from a miniaturization of such the WiMAX apparatuses from being able to insert them in a cellular one. In both cases, the “.air interface”. it puts into effect will be modified them, to favor of technique OFDMA for the downlink and various varying of the OFDM for the uplink. All this will supply an access to Internet faster than that one of the WiMAX. TITOLO:"WiMax, Italy it is depotenziando" Expert of technology and wireless, Michele Favara Pedarsi makes the spreading light on the dangers of ignorance of the characteristics and the potentialities of the WiMax. And it explains because how much happens today is Rome frustrating - Beloved DEVOUT, I observe with sgomento the vicissitude of the WiMax and as I have already made in past I entrust to you my reflections of the case. In order to understand because they are esterrefatto I must first of all specify shortly what is the WiMax. The WiMax is the name trades given them to a set of protocols identifies to you from specific IEEE 802,16 that concur to transfer given via radio with highly innovative techniques. Too much little in order to pull down the digital divide following the traditional approach that intuitivamente places the emphasis on the sparsity of the natural resource (the radio spectrum). The traditional technique in fact subdivides the territory in cells - es: hexagonal or octagonal - than to their inside the adjacent cells use one various frequency from that employee in all. This is necessary in order to avoid that to the edges of the cells there is interference between the repeaters radios that serve adjacent cells. The nets of the operating GSM/UMTS are structured in this modo.75Mhz of 10,5 that it has to disposition (2mbit/s you at the same time flavored between all the active utilizzatori in the cell). This implies that with 70Mhz it is possible to manifacture, trying to maximize the pluralità, to the maximum 7 licences. Little for being able to speak about competition. and little performances for being able to speak about discouragement of the digital divide.Qualcuno to this point on the forehead of the pluralità could think: enough to give the licences on national regional base rather than. The result would be that one to create of the oligopolies of the frequencies on national regional base rather than. As an example we know already that, hidden trust or less, with 4 operating of mobile telephony the cost of the sms has been levelled on a figure decidedly exaggerated. Not creed that number 7 makes the difference. Punctiform cells, that is an apparatus radio on every roof. I do not know the other Italians that they think some, but I would prefer to be paid in order to put an antenna on my roof. The operating ones but do not mean to posizionare antennas on the roofs in order to pay the customers casomai contrario.L' the alternative call Open Spectrum and are possible to make of an idea on the situated one. To notice that The Manifest Wireless Commons has been underwrite not solo from Lawrence Lessig, practically omnipresent when it is spoken about "commons", but also from David P. Reed: between the authors of the tcp, of the UDP and luminare that it has given the name to the law about which I have spoken the slid september to you. Dino Bortolotto, Assoprovider vice president, in the forum of ISOC Italy:. That it means that they can be made approximately 40 licences from 2mbit or 7 licences from 10 mbit".Questo would be the way more profitable than to use a public good: to share the phantom in order to privatize the useful band. But all this for the men today to the government seems not to be important. For this they are frustrated and I have begun to send to resume to the foreign country. Computer science point is daily journalistic head - Court of Rome n. You can see also I testify diagram under. - ANALOGIC and second GSM(Prima and generazione):.(Lasciamo to lose similar WALKIE TALKIE and sussedanei or, and also those aparecchi for use experiences them or privato).E it speaks also about one given, always without to specify, between ' 91 and ' 93 for the GSM.Per system how much regards to the UMTS with the introduzzione of the image on the piece of furniture, cio' is the TV and the incorporated VIDEO CAMERA, not precise dates. I would want to end my comment with a boutade:ho spoken in my book "medical Sciences and mass-media:una new it was." of SUPERMAN and the ancestral one volonta of the men of having senses with superpowers that as in the case of i beams X to ess.Ma nothing Luisa fear Wools potra always to love someone piu human even if pedestre.Ed I it beacon the auguries of "HAPPY NEW WAS". WITHOUT FILI(WIFI and WIMAX):BUON BORN THEM AND "HAPPY NEW IT WAS" If the tests lacked as the panorama in the United States is changed wants to add to an inquiry on the State of the Average in Democracy developed in those paese."):oggi natural integration of the average in a single istrumento from me creata(multiasking, multiple platform, ecc), are one realta totally consolidated also in that country. Then GOOD NATO THEM and "HAPPY NEW WAS" to all the Americani.Ma in how much UMANESIMO:ecco science the carrier of this foundation perche the man is the last subject of this verita and its ragion of being here, one sufficente reason. 36% use telephone like instrument of entertainmentUsa: multimediali technologies, the Americans change own abitudiniIl the people to stars and strisce it uses cellular and PC in more and more active way. CELLULAR NOT ONLY VOICE - Of The 2. Total 20% of the interviewed ones have seen a video in just the mobile telephone daily or nearly daily. OTHER AVERAGE - In strong increase also the quota customers that sees the tv via web, gone up of 23% regarding little months ago. Moreover the study emphasizes the capillary spread of the social network, that it is earning more and more land above all between the young people. 54% of the champion considered support to socialize just through situated pertaining to the galaxy Web 2,0 or through always the greens chat rooms and 45% of the 2,081 individuals considered maintains a profile on a situated one of social network. Because in a continuous world in becoming the only choice it is that one to make to converge old and new And you can also read I testify diagram in this photocopy: Nevertheless you can see an other essempio, you read this other news:. USA, via fixed, better the cellular one Helped from the crescent popolarità of the messaggini, the cellular one depopulates in the States, to the point that the families are spending more on telephone that on the fixed one. The operating ones: the old telephone is business by now a flat Rome - In the United States they are begun "to cut to the threads" to the telephone fisso.Si finds, in fact, that in the 2006 families they have spold 524 dollars (360 euro) of calls from the piece of furniture and 542 dollars (372 euro) of calls from the fixed one. This year, instead, turns out you of the studies indicates that the situation is invert. Migration that, second some, seems to be slower than how much it can be supposed and more in some social bands can be characterized that in others. It remains but numerically important in its complesso.A to support such tendency they are taken part, in little time, many factors. "Frankly, I would be astonished if to this point the families did not spend more on the cellular one (than on the fixed one, ndR)", says Andrew Arthur di Mediamark private and business Research & Intelligence.Tra, the States today count nearly 250 million cellular, against 170 million fixed lines. "Like company that has grown with the profits of the telephone calls, in last the 10 years there are engages to you in order to extend us to other areas of business. The market of the fixed one is mature for a long time and difficultly it is destined to grow, casomai to ridursi ", has concluded Rabe. In this field we are perfectly aligns to you, even if from we the text messaging it indeed does not have need to acquire popolarità. Computer science point is daily journalistic head - Court of Rome n. Que you can read diretamente cua:. This sara an article but a ricopilazione of articles istoriando the birth and the state does not put into effect them of the nets of telecommunicationses without fili.Non beacon a technical but closely historical exposure in a language of accessible divolgazione to all, political if you want, of comunicazionale politics speaking. These nets are call WIFI to you. However this origin is all has an origin comune.A me riferiro for first and after beacon one short collection of the dibatito one on the WIMAX in Italy. The birth of the WIFI and reported piu times in this blog but prendero as cue the post front in order to connect it to the dibatitto on the WIMAX in Italia.Lo puo to read in the blog or cliccando cua in articolo:"WIMAX a SIMPLE DUCKLING":. Long fight been born in that competition of MICROSOFT where my jobs and theses have been rejected. and naturally also in America that have been the resistant place piu to its penetration and for long years has disowned my theses and the new era.Daltronde is not incontaminati of ideology, anzi.e then does not have too much of innovative but I would not want now dilungarmi on they. I want to memorandum way to bring back cua two articles publishes many years to you in behind remembering these origins to you: Written 1-Questo is published on personal mine blog from 2006 in the moment to publish the last edition of the book: "However the publication of" MEDICAL SCIENCES and MASS-MEDIA.Sul Courier of the 18 Evening of August 2006 puo to read to an entitled article:"Google City, frontier hi-tech.E cosi I say,la city diventera GOOGLE CITY, a" Global city", a space where real and the virtual one gets confused, and not in fizzione way just. PURE PUO TO DIRECTLY LOOK AT the ARTICLE, CLICCA UNDER:. THIS SCRTITTO PUBLISHED IN A POST IN DEEP PAGE OF THIS BLOG IS LAWS ALSO: AMERICA:RIPERCUSSIONE OF "NEW MEDICAL SCIENCES and MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA".Questo refusal meant also misconoscenza of the creation of the telemedicina(diversificata one in other functions to develop in other means like Internet to ess.), and its consequences in the communication of massa.Queste repercussions have been gia mentioned in the book and in the other banns online pear tree cua beacon be LAST an accurate exposure piu and aprofondita.GLI RIPERCUSSIONI:Sono gia publishes in the book and would be enough to the single reading without no other comment to you. Article 2-Raccolta sull debate of the WIMAX in Italia.Questo article could be called anche:"NASCITA, RISE and DECLINATION Of the WIMAX".Che fine andra to make the raccontero you in future. A-Il debate commincia with this news commented in post "the MIRACLE OF PASQUETTA:INTERNET FOLD To the TECHNOLOGY Of NEW ERA", you read it cliccando cua:. THE LACKED MIRACLE PASQUETTA AND I TESTIFY OF ONE VIOLATION. And-after the attaco to the wIFI for part of the sanita one:. F-Pero the electromagnetic contamination and vicissitude without threads you can see it all YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS" H-Ancora other thin attacks piu:. WIMAX:UN CORMOLANO On the MOON Or The FLIGHT Of The STILL WIMAX, YOU STORY GOOD NOTIZIE:PER The MOMENT ONLY A HOWEVER GOES TO END VICISSITUDE WIMAX DOES NOT FORGET The ORIGINS To YOU:. (I promise to make this riporter from a technical point of view piu next) You see the confirmation of these words on post sussiguente ("28 December 2007(Giorno of the Innocenti):BUON BORN THEM and HAPPY NEW YEARS") Little I have had to wait for, the facts give reason to me, and not little. Endured a chiarimento:ma like reason if it is spoken about the efetti injurious about the WIFI, chiedera someone, and not without reason. Pear tree we go flat, we look at ourselves piu chiaro.I scientific same are eccettici as far as to this episode. Once again it must not lasciersi to take the panic and debit I listen to scientific in its scetticismo.Secondo me not are reasons of greater alarms, piu of how much I did not have allertato.Puo are given that it has been an error of calculation in the system underrating enables it contaminativa of these radiofrequenze.E then you see these are times of "perbenistica" sensibilita extreme and loads you with irrazionalita.Magari we wait for times piu razionali.Comunque remains the fact that I have had reason as far as to mine allerta and its neglects on this means. But we see other antecedents and we show the futuro.E now that it seems that this is slowed down in favor of the GSM and, of the UMTS, the cellular ones and in svantagio of the compiuter, as we put it. And what will say the supporters of the "vittimismo" and of anti digital it divides. And if you lacked the real support to its rivindicazioni in which body they will go to put down these mutant spirits, hour in pena.Nel fratempo the New Were has marked an other goal and enjoys good health. But the future of the WIMAX as it remains. A double obstacle that one of the contamination and the radio frequency that with to all the others dificolta risks not to make to take off some it anche.Prenderanno instruction of Europe and the rest of the industrializato world this time. That one of the title it, for the moment of also a cormorano but a simple one anatroccolo.Speriamo not to see it a day to sink in piccata perche then the "Italian anomaly" could become tragedia.Un true difference is propio that pear tree fara sure not to complain piu a lot as far as to this net. Disattivato wireless in the libraries:Emicrania, nausea, pains several for many customers. To Paris panic from WiFi, nothing antennas to the closed one. From our envoy ANAIS GINORI PARIS - the WiFi can make the health badly. If the citizens ask it for Paris after that a big wave of alarmisms has carried R-alla.chiusura of the wireless in the public libraries. The common one before has decided to detach the connections without threads in six knows them of the city. Then, like "precautionary measure", moratorium of the Wi-Fi has launched one on all the libraries. Recently, more and more students and investigators had marked malaises: muscular headaches, vertigos, nauseas, pains. To they to say, the uneasiness was begins you after the installation of the Wi-Fi antennas within to knows them of reading. Null it is sure, and all it could be recorded to short as a case of ingiustificato collective panic. But instead reassuring the customers, this first block of the technology of the Internet without threads has generated still more apprehension. Indeed its mayor, Bertrand Delanoe, have been a premonitory one in the field. The service "Paris Wi-Fi" offers 400 emplacements scattered in the city, from the parks to the museums, from which being connected free of charge and without limits of time. The alarm insomma is taken a lot seriously. The Greens make part of the communal committee, no scientific study allow to totally exclude the risks of the Wi-Fi. On the matter the opinions remain very discordant. "We have searches that demonstrate like the 2.450 radio frequencies to MHz, used from the Wi-Fi they can damage the Dna - the Calvez continues. And they are turns out to you that epidemiologists converge with the studies on the mobile telephony and the risks to develop tumors ". For the scientists, instead, the danger is the much less obvious one. "We know still little specific Old Paul, of the Higher Institute of Health. The Wi-Fi would have to be however less dangerous of the portable telephones because it uses one higher frequency. "the electromagnetic energy penetrates less deeply if the frequency increases" adds Old. Moreover, of usual there is a distance between modem and computer that an ulterior dispersion of the waves provokes and therefore of the impact on the man. The associations enviromentalists, than already were themselves opposite to the installations of the antennas for the mobile telephony, promise new resources. Delanoe mayor has asked a surveying the national Agency for the Atmosphere. In the wait, the common one of Paris seems incline to slow down the installation of the public Wi-Fi antennas in the spaces sluices. "To the outside - a civil employee tells - it seems that the risks are however smaller and, without walls, we can also put one power much lowland". You can also see it cliccando directly. And of continuation you can also directly see the same news on "corriere" Under you can read them to all two in I testify diagram:. Long fight been born in that competition of MICROSOFT where my jobs and theses have been rejected. and naturally also in America that have been the resistant place piu to its penetration and for long years has disowned my theses and the new era.Daltronde is not incontaminati of ideology, anzi.e then does not have too much of innovative but I would not want now dilungarmi on they. I want to way I give memorandum to bring back cua two articles publishes many years to you in behind remembering these origins to you: Written 1-Questo is published on personal mine blog from 2006 in the moment to publish the last edition of the book: "However the publication of" MEDICAL SCIENCES and MASS-MEDIA. On the Courier of the Evening of 18 August 2006 puo to read to an entitled article:"Google City, frontier hi-tech.E cosi I say,la city diventera GOOGLE CITY, a" Global city", a space where real and the virtual one gets confused, and not in fizzione way just. PURE PUO TO DIRECTLY LOOK AT the ARTICLE, CLICCA UNDER:. THIS SCRTITTO PUBLISHED IN A POST IN DEEP PAGE OF THIS BLOG IS LAWS ALSO: AMERICA:RIPERCUSSIONE OF "NEW MEDICAL SCIENCES and MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA".Questo refusal meant also misconoscenza of the creation of the telemedicina(diversificata one in other functions to develop in other means like Internet to ess.), and its consequences in the communication of massa.Queste repercussions have been gia mentioned in the book and in the other banns online pear tree cua beacon be LAST an accurate exposure piu and aprofondita.GLI RIPERCUSSIONI:Sono gia publishes in the book and would be enough to the single reading without no other comment to you. The MUTANTI:"anime To the SEARCH OF KING MIDAS". IT BELIEVES US TO THE TRASMUTAZIONE OF THE METALS. KING MIDAS WHO ALL HOW MUCH TOUCHED CAME CONVERTED IN GOLD, WAS DESTINED TO REMAIN AS MYTH PARADIGMATICO OF THESE PERSONAGES And THIS ESSOTERISMO. PEAR TREE The CHIMERAS ARE NOT DISAPPEARED AND The DREAM TO BECOME RICHI(OLTRE THAT BEAUTIFUL, INMORTALI Or ETERNALLY YOUNG) FOR A BLOW C$r-di.fortuna E' TUTT' TODAY VIGENTE.IN SUM CAN TRANSAFORMARSI, "BE CHANGED" IN ONE, SEVERAL, And MANY VARIOUS ORGANISMI.VEDIAMO IF NOW YOU UNDERSTAND WHERE I WANT TO ARRIVE, And WE ONCE REVEAL FOR ALL ITS MYSTERY AND ESSOTERISMO:"organizazzioni NOT GOVERNMENTAL" SONO.(CHE NOT BEING Any BE THEM, OF GOVERNMENTAL, OF PUBLIC, OF PRIVATE NE.TANTE OTHER THINGS, ALL CAN ESSERELI,E ALL HOW MANY OTHERS FAVOUR Of the CASES And The OPPORTUNITA. PLATONIC IDEAS ARE IN SUM, A COLLECTIVE SPIRIT THAT HAS ABANDONATO ITS CORPO(LO STATO)E RAMBLES IN TRIES OF A PLACE WHERE POSARSI.MA I DID NOT SAY THAT THEY ARE PROPIO SPIRITS IN PAIN, ARE SPIRITS IN MOTION, To the RICHERCA OF A BODY THAT RECEIVES To IT, And ALSO OF CHIMERAS PERCHE NO.:ALLA IT SEARCHES OF A KING MIDAS The HUMAN INSOMMA THAT ALLOWS To REALIZARE The "GOOD WORKS IT FOR The ECONOMIC And SOCIAL NEEDS Of the NATIONS" And CONGREGATIONS. THAT I HAVE MENTIONED MANY TIMES In the REPERCUSSIONS IN THIS BLOG HAVE FOUND ITS RE.E ITS CHIMERA ALSO, CIO' E' ITS "GOOD WORKS". The OPERE(SCRITTI, And) YOU DO NOT KNOW THEM GIA, YOU SEE The KING READING UNDER A MY COMMENT TO A JOURNALISTIC ARTICLE. PERHAPS (YOU ARE CAREFUL PERCHE HAVE FOUND ALSO "The JUVENTUS SOURCE" And YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE IT In The "TRASMUTAZIONE" Of the PURGATORIO.(CHE To NOTHING SERVES the GOLD WITHOUT HEALTH, BEAUTY And GIOVINEZZA. THE MYSTERY OF THE TRANSMUTAZIONE OF THE SPIRIT THAT NESTING IN AN OTHER BODY MAKES INMORTALE YOU THE STORY AN OTHER DAY PERCHE THIS HAS GIA DECLINATO:RESTA WITH WE. - COMMINCIA TO READ From the BEGINNING In the SALUTAZIONE FOR The CHRISTIAN FESTIVITA CUA(1-.docID=dckm79x7_39fsfhf7&revision=_latest)per AFTER TO ARRIVE To The "DUNQUE"(verbigrazia:"midas") IN THIS ARTICLE THAT TRANSCRIVO OF CONTINUATION: Still news on this vicenda:"LA VERITA THAT YOU FREE FARA AND the RISK LIVING" You see article of the "Courier of the Within in the merit of the accusations to the UN perche they are not one specialist on the things of this organismo.La science is not perfect but it is the only way that the man has found in order to arrive to the verita(tout court) and badly it is made to discriminarla.E on this difficultly is not found consensualita. Rammaricato is to come to acquaintance who to how much seems in this case, "is aparrinati" in all from like the Saint Padre. If you did not know the ONG and "mutant" others in connection with my written work you them But better laws the entire element and my books perche these actors are protagonists of first order, of those in a position to "stealing" the scene. THIS ARTICLE YOU CAN ALSO READ CUA DIRECTLY TO IT:. STILL WIMAX, YOU STORY GOOD NOTIZIE:PER THE MOMENT ONLY A CORMORANO. The CONTEST IN ORDER TO PUT IN MOTION NET WIMAX STILL GOES AHEAD PEAR TREE the FACTS A LITTLE REASON ME HAS GIVEN), The MOVEMENT E' INCREASED BEYOND To THESE PRIVATE GROUPS TO OTHER "PUBLIC PIU", The ANCI(Associazione Nazonali Common Italian) AND The COMMON One OF GENOVA.(ALDILA THAT THEY ARE SMALL Or LARGE The COMPANIES TO MANAGE IT) BUT WHAT ONE DEMANDED "SOCIO-QUANTIFICABILE":che ASKED WITH THIS RESOURCE THESE "VARIES SOGGETTI".ed ALSO The OPERATING FAVORITES IS SMALL And NOT GRANDI(.) And QUE A PORTION Of the PHANTOM WAS GRATIS FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS ASSIGNS to CITTADINI.ABONDANO ESSEMPIMA BETTER PARLARNE.E THEN IS NOT ALL SMALL The COMPANIES THAT HAVE APOGGIATO THIS RESOURCE. GOOD E' EUROPE IN ORDER TO COMPARE GOOD PEAR TREE To US IS NOT ITS SOLUTIONS, AS WELL AS FOR The AUTORITA LIKE FOR "the OPOSIZIONE".be THIS MAKES PART Of CLASSIC "ALTERITA ITALIANA", OUR "VITTIMISMO", ENDEMIC, BY NOW NEARLY FOLKLORIC. The TRUE DIFFERENCE, The TRUE ASYMMETRY REGARDS To the EXELSE INTENTIONS DECLARES YOU FROM THESE POLITICAL MOVEMENTS And To INTELLECTUAL POVERTA ENNUNCIATIVA, AND SPIRIITUALE Of ITS ACTS. IN SUM the WIMAX HAS STILL NOT TAKEN OFF PEAR TREE GIA KNOWS THAT CORMORANO NOT DIVENTERA a DEVOUT PERSON DI SELENE.Una chain of "public-private mutants partime" insomma. Urgency reason does not exist, explains the amministrativoregionale court. That between some month it will give the merit judgment. TITOLO:Bando Wimax, from the Tar nothing stople access rules remains immutate the recurrent ones asks to cut outside large the operating ones to give space to smallest and to the amminstrazioni localidi ALEXANDER LONGO ROME - the Tar of the Lazio has decided not to suspend the WiMax ban, than therefore for hour it goes ahead without innovation. The final decision of the Tar remains however open and will be fixed with the merit judgment, in the next few months. It ends therefore, with null of fact, the first one round of a contesa on which the eyes of many operating ones are tip to you, assigned customers and to the jobs. To the Altroconsumo resource and the association Antidigital Divide have joined then. Mgm has then decided to appeal not only the deliberation, but also the ministerial ban. These vary subject ask that the conditions of access to the licences are changed, so as to to cut outside from the operating auction the Umts. The Italian auction instead will be one normal auction where who wins offers more moneies for the licences. They would want therefore that the WiMax was in hand only of operating minors. The scope is to reopen the competition in the Italian market wide band, that it is concentrated in the hands of Telecom Italy in a level without equal in the rest of Europe. "We knew that it would have been difficult to obtain the sospensiva, but this pregiudica the final decision: it is all open ", comments to Mark Pierani, responsible of the institutional relationships for Altroconsumo. "Now the merit judgment will have to estimate if the previewed asymmetric measures in the ban are adapted or not. Therefore second we the judgment is being channeled in the just direction ", continues 3)O YOU SEE CUA WITNESSES GRAFICI(FOTOCOPIE): WIMAX:UN CORMORANO On the MOON Or The FLIGHT Of the CYBER-ICARO. FOR HOW MUCH I HAVE LEARNED IN THESE DAYS SEEMS THAT The CONTEST FOR the ISTALAZIONE Of the WIMAX IN ITALIA.INFATTI GIA E' IS UNDER WAY GIA BE PUBLISHED On The OFFICIAL GAZETTE The BAN FOR the ALLOCATION Of the FREQUENCIES, RESOLVED The TECHNICAL, BUREAUCRATIC PROBLEMS AND OTHERS. SUDIVISE The AREAS OF COMPETENCE, SAYING WHO PUO And WHO PUO NOT TO CONCUR, ETC. DALTRONDE ALL THIS CONNECTED E' To POLITICAL MOVEMENTS "POLITICI"(di COMUNICAZIONALE PARLANDO)E CONTAINS A FILOSOFIA.LA PHILOSOPHY AS USUAL TAKES ADVANTAGE OF The CLASSIC HYPOCRISY To the ITALIAN WHO I CALL "The VITTIMISMO". COSI The THINGS I WANT TO BEGIN MY REFLECTION BEING ASSERTED ENDURED SOME CONCEPTS NETTI:.INOLTRE DOUBTFUL E' ITS IMPLEMENTAZIONE PRATTICA(OLTRE To THAT POLITICA-AMMINISTRATIVA-IMPRENDITORIALE). DELAYING, HINDERING, And SNATURALIZANDO the COURSE Of The DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Of the NEW WAS. (WITH ALL TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS AFFINI:PALMARI, PCMOBILI, ETC)) PERHAPS THIS TECHNOLOGY COSI PRATTICA, ECONOMICALLY ACCESIBBILE, MULTIPLE PREVENTS To SOMEONE OF CONETTARSI IN WHICHEVER PART Of the MONDO.(COMPRESA ITALY IF STILL IT CAME CONSIDERED In the WORLD). MOREOVER The NET 3G ALLOWS ALSO The TRANSMISSION OF DATA TO HIGH VELOCITA And BEST PERCHE UNIVERSAL E' OF COVER VIA SATELLITE.IN GOOD NOVEL ALLOWS CONNETTARSI TO INTERNET To CHIUNCHE HAS LITTLE EXPENSIVE An ADULTERATED SMALL COSI AS ALL TELEPHONE FOR ESS.MA FOR REACHED AVRA AVERAGE And PIU STILL INTEGRATED IN A SINGLE ISTRUMENTO.NO, DIVIDES To WHO OSTACOLIZZA The DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, CIO' E' IN LAST RATIO SLOWS DOWN the ACCESS To LEI:WIMAX EXACTLY. INSOMMA WHAT WE MAKE, PERPETUAMO OLD ANALOGOUS COMPUTER CASALINGO(E).lo PERPETUAMO And WE DIFFUSE IT To the POVERACCI Of The THIRD WORLD UNDER The GARMENT, The FALSE One DRESSED Of MIRACLE SALVATORE. IT DOES GOOD the FEATURE WRITER TO SAY THAT THIS E' a COMPLEMENTARY NET To the OTHERS, BUT THIS COMPLEMENTARIETA CONDICE WITH the GRANDILOQUENZA Of DOES NOT ANNOUNCE BENEFITS to YOU and MIRACOLI.(LEGGI the POST "YOU STORY the VICTORIA Of the GOOD CONSENT and the II" GOOD CLEARS the ARTICLE the WIMAX IF SUCCEEDED TO WORK WOULD NOT BE OTHER THAT a COMPLEMENT To the CONNECTION "WITH THREADS" THEM WHERE THAT ONE E' (O COMES NOT There LESS). IN QUETI CONDITIONS SATISFIED FOR HAVING THIS SYSTEM SINGLE COMPLEMENTARE.PENSO NOT, The PRICE WOULD BE TOO MUCH HIGH FOR A DEFAULTING COSI SERVICE), And EVEN In the DYNAMICS BETWEEN The EMERGENCY AND The DELITTO.NON TRUE E' THAT COMES EXCEEDED ONLY INSTALLING INNECESSARIE COMPLEMENTARY NETS THAT PIU I TOAST INCREASE INDEED THAT SUPERARLO.CREAMO NEEDS WHERE NOT THERE ARE FOR AFTER OFFERING To US LIKE MIRACOLISI SALVATORI OF EVILS THAT SAME WE HAVE OLD INVENTATO.UNA TECHNICAL PROPAGANDISTICA-CONSUMISTICA THAT FOR HOW MUCH I STILL SEE FROM FRUTTI.VEDI The POST:"il LACKED PASQUETTA MIRACLE". THEN WE WOULD WANT TO END THESE REFLECTIONS COUNTING To YOU ONE SHORT ISTORIA: YOU SEE I I AM A LOVER Of the NATURA.IN SOUTH AMERICA (WHERE I STILL MAKE The PENDOLARE)QUELLA E' INCONTAMINATA And HE APPEALS TO To A LOT The SEA To ME WHERE I O FROM WHEN NATO(NON SINGLE IN SOUTH AMERICA,E' "CONNATURALE To ME.NON ARE HAVE NEVER LIVED IN A PLACE FAR AWAY From the SEA, NOT US RIUSCEREBBE).DI USUAL (ALSO Every day) AFTER ENDED The HARDS WORK DAILY, OF HAS BEEN THAT Of WINTER, US VADO.PORTO WITH ME The SWIMSUIT, A BOOK, ONE RADIO, TELEPHONE And APPEALS TO To ME TO SLIDE LONGEST SOLITARY HOURS TO OBSERVE The NATURE OF THESE DEPOPULATES To YOU, MOST EXTENSIVE, VENTOSE, FLAT And SOUTH SEA ISLANDERS REGIONS AUSTRALI.MI I PUT IN A ISOLETTA OF LITTLE METERS PICTURES FAR From INSOMMA Of TRUE POVERACCI INVOLUTIVI THAT In MALAPPENA SUCCEED TO SWIM, ADAPTS To YOU IN ORDER TO BE IN AQUA BUT NOT IN EARTH, And NOT In the AIR. SURE IN A TIME RELATIVELY SHORT MEASURED IN "TIME EVOLUZIONISTICO" THIS FRAGILE BECOME SPECIES COSI SCOMPARIRA.IL ITS WIDE NECK NEARLY AS The BODY At the MOMENT TO SWALLOW ALLOWS IT TO DIGEST YOU LIVE LARGE PESCI.IN EARTH IS VERY WELL And PUO PROCURARSE Of FOOD ALSO LI.POSSONO TO TAKE OFF IS IN SEA THAT IN EARTH And LIKE OSTENTAZZIONE Of ITS FORTRESS THESE UCCCELLI NEVER DO NOT GO IN GROUP BUT ONLY IN COPPIA.INSOMMA An ABLE ANIMAL OF SOPRAVIVERE IN SEA, AIR AND EARTH, A TRUE ABLE AMPHIBIAN ALSO OF VOLARE.(UN EQUAL BIRD PEAR TREE PIU PORTENTOSO IS The ALBATRI, BUT A PO' PIU To the SOUTH OF THIS ZONE FLIES WHERE I FIND, In the ANTARTIDE).MI HE COMES TRUE ENVIES TO THINK IN TERRA.QUANTI MILLENII THERE ARE INTENTIONAL IN ORDER TO CREATE the AEREO.QUANTI IN ORDER TO TRAVEL UNDER The MARE.E HOW MANY IN ORDER TO EXCEED FRAGILE VELOCITA BIPEDA.QUANTO And IMPERFECTS WE ARE OF FOREHEAD TO OTHER CREATURES Of the NATURA.HANNO NEED the CORMALANI OF SUBMARINES, AIRPLANE And MACHINA.QUANTO LITTLE EVOLUTI WE ARE And UNFORTUNATELY WE HAVE The SUPERBIA TO CONSIDER US KING Of the CREAZIONE.MA A PO OF RELIEF ME COME E' TO THINK Next to the TRAVELS SPACES THEM And To the INCREASE Of the ORGANS Of the SENSES THAT US FROM The TECHNOLOGIES Of the TELECOMUNICAZIONI.CI MAKE "LITTLE IMPERFECTS, PIU EVOLUTI":avete NEVER SEEN A CORMORANO On the LUNA.CIO THAT E' SURE E' THAT RIUSCIRANNO NEVER NOT TO COMMUNICATE ITSELF At a distance. SURE A LITTLE SOPRAVIVERLI HOPE WE HAVE It, AND ALSO A LITTLE SERENE SENSE OF SUPERIORITA BETWEEN OTHER SPECIE.O MAGARAI LIKE SIMPLE And A ROZZO DUCKLING NOT RIUSCIRA OF ALSO To DECOLLARE.E' A REDUCTION To The SURE ABSURDITY E' PEAR TREE A FACT DATA THAT COULD THINK WHICHEVER READER BADLY INFORMED, DISTRACTED, LITTLE ACCORTO.ED E' SINCE IT COMES REPEATED IN ALL The LINE OF THIS GIORNALE("corriere Of the SERA")e FROM NOT LITTLE POLITICIANS And PERSONAGES OF SPICO Of The ITALIAN PUBLIC SCENE. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT WHAT E' The TECHNOLOGY Of The "NEW WAS" YOU READ MY BOOK And IT VISITS MY SITUATED CUA:. You see also all the modernizations of this blog, and not to forget to begin from "Kilometer" 0 "of the New Was" - You can also read this article on the press of France and Italy cliccando of continuation:. THEY HAVE BEEN OTHER NEWS ON THIS VICISSITUDE And YOU WILL BE ABLE TO READ THEM IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT E' a CORMORANO CLICCA are monocolor, uniforme:griggio dark with tendency to the black one without shadings. And this is the place where siedo(isoletta with cliffs): YOU STORY the VICTORIA Of the GOOD "CON-SENSO", and the "NEW WAS" 2 You story ancora:vedi, the confirmation of all how much has said in the post previous of the same name has not been made aspettare.Ci is also other initiatives in Europe that I do not report perche to way of confirmation of the "consent" this is sufficente.(Vedi under photocopy of the article of the Italian newspaper "the press" from where I have learned the notizia).(Vedi under photocopy of the articolo).Vedili also under in a photocopy of the newspaper "the Press". But we reason in positivo:ben comes its I testify to confirmation of the triumph of the good consent. Cua post omonimo the numwero And not to lose the threads of the debate, clicca of REASSUMED Of The LAST AGGIORNAMENTI:"i SPIN CONDUCTORS OF A DEBATE" IF SIX VISITING NEW One Or YOU WANT ONE PANORAMIC VISION Of The LAST VICISSITUDES OF THESE MODERNIZATIONS COUNCIL TO READ To YOU IN THIS ORDER:. "NO SLEEPS" II:WI-FI, The CINA,SANITA, "OSCURANTISTI And TRANSFORMISTI".:fra SUPERMAN And KRYPTONITA, E' HUNTING To The CONSENSUATA:la MEDICINE birth of the medicine based on the "MEDICINE CONSENSUATA" II And "NO SLEEP" II:PURE ILLUMINATE IT To YOU NOT YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "ERA".com/2007/10/imposizione-definitive-della-New NEW. YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS" These last ones post have a sure one joined argue them and are convenient to read them with and to hold a essito total idea of tutti.L' final of this vicissitude comes marked for the peace in post"VI the STORY the VICTORIA Of the CONSENT". Understanding it all apparte it is that one of the emergency online analyzed in post "AMERINDIAN ACROSTICI and NEOCOLONIALISMO. And not to end without to read the "last moral" in the scritto:"O. PEAR TREE NEW And THIN ATTACKS To HAD To SORMONTARE The NEW WAS SEES THEM:. WITHOUT FILI(WIFI And WIMAX):BUON BORN THEM AND "HAPPY NEW ERA".com/2007/12/buon-christmas-and-happy-new-It was. SIMPLE WIMAX:UN CLARK KENT(Il my contribution tecnico).com/2007/12/wimaxun-simple-Clark-kent. THE FUTURE ANNUNCIATO:ECCOLO BETWEEN OF YOU. WIFI TO THE ITALIANA(WIMAX):L' DUCKLING DOES NOT TAKE OFF. CONSENSUALE:Pagina MEDICINE of world-wide reference of one-that-I have. YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS" "The VOICE Of the SOLILOCCHIO And The VICTORIA Of the EVE" COULD BE An OTHER TITLE FOR THIS The movement in wraps of fast Internet Fixed-piece of furniture, raid of Vodafone Compra Tele2 in Italy and Spain. Operation, cost altogether 775 million, will allow the group to answer to the «.quadruple play».: the offer of four services in one (fixed, mobile, tv and Internet) launch 1°. the October from Telecom Italy. To sell she has been the Tele2 Swede, present in 22 European Countries, that it would have marketed two between the companies that would consider less strategic. An offer in Italy would have been been left over also from Tiscali, while they would have said interested the purchase Wind and Fastweb. In particular, according to sources financial institutions, Tele2 Italy it would have been estimated around to 500 million, little more than 200 instead the Spanish company. 2 burlaps Spain count instead 550 mila customers, comprised the 240 mila of the wide band. 2 burlaps Italy in 2006 have recorded revenues for 546 million euro, while in the first semestre the 2007 proceeds have grown of 8.5%, catching up 298 million euro. The company has approximately 100 dependent in the center of Segrate (Milan) and 1,600 operating ones in the call center of the Aquila, of Cernusco on the Ship, Bariums and C#lecce. To this point the acquisition will be subordinate to winnows of the competent authorities of vigilance. The closing forecast is for the end of the year. In the four-year term the 2006-09 forecast of increase is of 4.3% regarding 0.7% of the mobile telephony. * * * 546 MILLION EURO, the revenues of Tele2 Italy in 2006. The number of the customers travels around to 2,5 million (This article can read it also in testifies diagram under or directly cliccando of continuation:. And THIS E' BE MINE Since FORETELLS the BEGINNING In The FIRST MONITO LAUNCH IN "NO DORMA"i.e E' The ONLY COMPANY IS NOT MADE AHEAD, ALSO OTHERS THREE "LARGE Ones" Of the TELECOMMUNICATIONSES LIKE TISCALI, FASTWEB And WIND HAVE COMPETTUTO FOR the AQUISTO. (AS WELL AS TRUE and AS WELL AS "MULTITUDINARI" HOW MUCH OF IS ABLE TO MAKE TO IMAGINE the STAMPA).com/2007/10/ is limited to make an analysis me, "semiotico" if you want, of journalistic articles and its fallacies. Pear tree from the scientific point of view finiro making reference the studies of Or is not neutral part in this "contest". , unloaded from the situated official in FRANCIA.Essistono however some gaps in the acquaintances sugl biological effects, that they demand ulterior searches "(Reports to 25.000 scientific articles publishes to you in last the 30 years in the field of medical the biological effects and the application of the not ionizzanti cancellations. But then what and behind these campaigns of stampa.Si expects instead always piu the test of lora assenza".:Barnabas the Kunsch of the Austrian Center of Search of Seibesdorf there is the source-matrix of this opinione.Lo asserts this same one written, vedi:"Ma perche the search would have to continue if the scientists gia have demonstrated that not there is some effect. I say io:non would have to be the man the last aim of the cosi searches like is the man the adressee of these tecnologie.Lodevole is every effort in order to prevent noxe and its efetti, but without losing sight the man in how much subject of the suffering and carrier of the noxe.E be the human creativita one to carry it to "realta of the alive ones", or the ispiratrice breath of some spirit corporizzato in a personage, single or collettivo.Ogni avra interrogating its rispota to this piu metaphysical that scientific in agreement with its credenze.pero the facts are the facts as far as to the risponsabilita one of the stampa.Nel understood entitled it "Developments of the search" esprime:"Se the electromagnetic fields constitutes effectively the countries industrializati.Il public the electromagnetic fields demand concrete answers to a question always piu pressante:se meet in the daily life provoke injurious effects to you for the salute.I average of information often seem to have answers definitive.Si would have pear tree to estimate with precaution their affirmations, holding present that the main interest of means of information is not that one of istruire.Il great number of searches that suggest that the electromagnetic fields are innocuous recevono percio insufficient attention, or of it they do not receive affatto.La science puo not to supply the resultati guarantee of an absolute innocuita.i of the search are pear tree, in theirs compesso,rassicuranti".," the time works in favor of these technologies "I said io)anche if they remain some elettricita incertezze".Senza the societa would be to a data of fact of the modern life, and essential thing to analyze benefits and upgrades them risks and to make of a bilancio".Ovvio is only one struck scherzosa in the plan of" fiction ", pear tree is augured that they coincide with me. To all then I would advise to inquire itself adeguatamente.Vedi I testify diagram sotto(fotocopia) or cliccando of continuation:. (the ultraspecializata"pero iformazione e'" is not modernized, "(vedi under fotocopia)da holding presente".Forma part of that they possess and they see all) This article can also read it cua:.docID=dckm79x7_31drkp7r&revision=_latest "MEDICINE CONSENSUATA" II and "NO SLEEPS" II:PURE ILLUMINATES to IT DOES NOT SLEEP VOUI TO SEE an OTHER ESSEMPIO to YOU OF "CONSENSUALITA" and "SINGLE INSOMNIO".:non In the VIAGRA, ALSO On the TECHNOLOGY Of the TELECOMMUNICATIONSES There E' "CONSENSUALITA". THIS ESSEMPIO E' COME OUTSIDE On the PRESS LITTLE DAYS AFTER TO PUBLISH the POST "NO SLEEPS" And "The BIRTH Of MEDICINE CONSENSUATA", 9 PIU JUST OCTOBER 2007. BEFORE I MAKE TO SEE the ARTICLE YOU And AFTER TWO KIND WORDS. Cliccalo cua or you see mine I testify SPIEGO:SEMBRA THAT the POINT On WHICH WHEEL the ARTICOLO(CHE LOOKS AT THAT NOT E' SCRTTO FROM a SCIENTIST, Or To LESS FROM a SERIO)SONO the TEN ANNI.(ARE "TWO 10 ANNI":dieci YEARS FROM WHEN THEY ARE COMMINCIATI TO USE the CELLULAR ones, 10 YEARS FROM WHEN the SCIENTIFIC COMUNITA HAS LAUNCH ALARMS It ON POSSIBLE EFETTI NOCIVI.I FIRST TEN YEARS IS PASSES YOU LITTLE to the SECONDS TEN YEARS STILL NO).QUESTA TIME WOULD BE the HUNTING To the INFESTED one BEYOND THAT To the "STREGHE".troviamo a POOR CHRIST WHO IS CONTAMINATED From the "MIASMA", "PLAGUE ELETROMAGNETICA"(ma NOT, "BETTER RADIOACTIVE"), and SAVES the CHILDREN Of the UMANITA.MA IF NOT NOT ONLY FOR SWEDEN, THEY DO NOT SERVE Any ALSO PERHAPS FOR The GERMANY, JAPAN, FINLAND, DENMARK, the INGLITTERRA And STATES UNITI.CI WE PUT USSR And WE WENT AROUND Of the MONDO.E IN ORDER TO CATCH UP The TRUE "CONSENT" OF ALL In The NEXT STUDY WE EVEN PUT ALSO ASTRONAUTS AND EXTRATERRESTRI.(MICA SINGLE E' IN ITALY The ONLY THOUGHT THAT VALIDATION The "SCIENTIFIC VERITA"). ALL THIS MEGALOMANIA PERSECUTORIA-PERSECUTRICE And PIAGATA OF CHARACTERIZED ACOUSTIC MASSIMALISTICI And ALLARMISTICHE.GLIOMI And NEUROMI To YOU (THAT THEY ARE BENIGNE)E From the SIDE WHERE APOGGIA The CELLULARE.MA WE INCREASE The RISCHIO:PARLIAMO OF "CANCELLATION" And NOT OF "SMOG ELETTROMASGETICO" THAT The FEAR AGO The LARGE PIU. BUT I SAY, LIKE NEVER THESE "CANCELLATIONS" AFETTANO The NEURONAL CELLS And NOT The WOVEN OTHER COMPRISED The SKIN. I WOULD NOT WANT TO ENTER CUA IN SCIENTIFIC PARTICULAR BUT OBVIOUS E' WANTS IT OF CATASTROFISMO.(1)E WHICH THEY ARE "DEFINITIVE" CONCLUSSIONI HERE ARRIVA:MA. SOMETHING DOVRA IS To US PURE AFTER The TEN YEARS. FOR The EARS OF A SCIENTIFIC One, IN THIS E' CASE LIKE ASKING To US IF US SARA LIFE IN MARS Or AFTER The MORTE.E THIS E' The FIRST CONCLUSION, The OTHER E' THAT The OFFICIAL DATA OF THIS COUNTRY SERVONO.E I DO NOT END NOT There E' HERE NEED Of OTHER. BUT NOT. There E' Of the ALTRO:NE ALSO The ENGLISH OFFICIAL CONCLUSSIONI ARE FROM TRUSTING Or MORE BETTER THEY SAY THAT THEY ARE NOT FROM FIDARE.UNA VERITA "ALTERNATIVE" AND "ALTERNATING" PERCHE PUO TO CHANGE TOMORROW LIKE E' SUCCEEDED With NUCLEARE(E THEREFORE PIU THAT A VERITA E' A OPINIONE).MA THIS NOT E' The POINT, The E' POINT THAT IF ALL WE ARE Of AGREEMENT WITH THIS DETECTION DIVENTERA "VERITA".e AT ALL SINGLE E' IN ITALY The ONLY THOUGHT, THIS TIME E' ALLARGATSSIMO:(SENZA DOUBT "E' LIFE IN MARS The ASTRONAUTS KNOW IT There). CONSIGLI:STATI ATTENTION NOT TO GIVE CELLULAR to the BIMBI.USATE The NORMAL TELEPHONE (WHAT YOU HAVE To HOUSE FROM NEARLY CENT' YEARS)anche WITH PRECAUTION And KILOMETRI FATELLI To FOOT And EVEN SPEAKS OF It To QUATR' OCHI.SE STILL USED PAPER And PEN ESSAGERATI PERCHE DOES NOT MAKE The CANCER the FINGER. WHEN The SOLAR One And ASSURED YOU THAT THERE IS OZZONO SUFFICENTE.NON TO MAKE TOPLESS, The SKIN the BREAST And PREDISPOSED GONE To BEACH CAPACITIES PROTECTING To the CANCER. And IF IT FINDS An INFESTED METTETELO To YOU IN ENDURED QUARENTENNA, THEY EVEN MAKE IT WITH The ASTRONAUTS. (1)Vedi voglia(la "mala voglia")di the catastrofismo without to enter in particular medici.Le main exposures is derives you from the thermal, energetic effects for contiguita ovviamente:il so-called overheating, and above all woven of the comprised head the pelle.E it is where it must be tried alterazioni.In "catastrophic" line here decreasing follow it the efetti piu thin "not-thermal" on the cellule:Non is some are and nothing if parla.In this sense expects some to have "the novita", the vanguard of the searches perche the disponibbili data at the moment excludes alterazioni.Ma as never cerquiamo in these studies alterations it works them and we find alterations tessurali.Ma like never in last the 30 years not if of it they have never found alterations and now si.Ma as these discoveries are of the cellular one, and a month after that the official searches excluded problemi.Magari they had torvato of the alterations works them. And unfortunately us the caviamo with a "something dovra esserci".Tutto sommato:su woven e' skin nothing and in exposed zones less, on the brain si.Magari we must become also all the matti usuari of telephones you furnish. And SAME ARTICLE goes the shapeless one well is contundente:ne also quelli.Non is evidences of alterations to this livello.VEDI I HAS FOUND ADESSO:QUESTO to It PUBLIC ALSO "the REPUBBLICA", the "CONSENT There E'. YOU SEE The PHOTOS UNDER Or CLICCA OF CONTINUATION IN ORDER TO SEE IT I would advise to inquire meglio:clicca situated the specializato one of Or. (the ultraspecializzata"pero iformazione e'" is not modernized, "to hold presente".Forma part of that they possess and they see tutti).docID=dckm79x7_31drkp7r&revision=_latest. CONSENSUATA:la MEDICINE birth of the medicine based on consent SOTTOTITOLO:FRA "VIAGRA DIL CONSENT" and "ESSORSISMO ANTI-MAGNETISMO":etica, POLITICS and the JOURNALISTIC "SCIENTIFIC" VERITA Of the CONSENT. The SECOND INSTEAD E' CONNECTED To the OTHER MY WORK WRITTEN ON SESSOLOGIA("violazione:concetto PSIHICO")e ALLERTAVA On the USE OF THIS FARMACO.docID=dckm79x7_214bm3kg&revision=_latest&pli=1.docID=dckm79x7_24d8gqtv&revision=_latest AS CONSEQUENCE Of the REPERCUSSIONS OF THESE BANNS On The ITALIAN NEWSPAPER "The REPUBLIC" HAS BEEN PUBLISHES TWO REGARDING ARTICLES To YOU To ALL TWO ARGUMENTS. ONE CAME INTITOLATO"NESSUN DORME", SEES IT SUBITO:.COM/2007/10/NESSUN-DORMEE-HUNTING-ALLA-WITCH. IT REGARDS OBVIOUSLY To the DISPUTE BETWEEN The TECHNOLOGIES Of the TELECOMMUNICATIONSES And YOU CAN ALSO SEE IT On the BLOG. The TITLE OF THIS WRITTEN E':"il VIAGRA Of the CONSENT" Over you have read my document on the Viagra you see of continuation the article-repercussion on the glue Italian newspaper from me: "Therefore we can demonstrate to the patients that the pill does not make male"Da specialist today to conference Florence. E' alarm for the tumors to the Viagra blister, records between the doctors anti use it eight urologi on ten ROME - pills impotence piacciono to the urologi: the 81 for hundreds declares to have some made use. Or that one of the weekend to effect extended like the Cialis.Ecco as dottor the Spadafora genere.Incredibilmente explains the sense of this only search in its, has admitted to have tries them to you also the 7 for hundreds of urologi donne.Per the Sebastiano Spadafora, the search has satisfied a curiosity scientific ("the urologo, in the case of disturbs sexual, is behaved exactly like its patient"). Well, the fact that the 81 for hundreds of we has them uses, means you that they are not pericolosi".Ma the convention of Florence will reveal an other news choc, this alarming time in the field of the oncologia. "Italy - Dumb Giovanni says, president of the Auro association. it - it is to the first place in the world for the incidence and mortality of the tumor of the blister. The data is of the world-wide Organization of the Sanità".Il cancer to the blister is correlated to the exposure from toxic substances like the history of the Ipca di Ciriè has demonstrated. You can read it also cliccando directly. Or pure on I testify diagram cliccando the photos in deep page. REAZIONE-COMMENTO:IL VIAGRA Of the CONSENT e' obviously who does not think it There like me on the Viagra.Senza to give them to these of the Veterinaries and much less demonizarli that to the devil I do not believe to us, I would want to answer them and the beacon with this reaction-comment. It seems that we are assisting in medicine to what I want to call "the scientific verita one emmersa from consensso".Infatti the this Urologhi expect to demonstrate that the viagra e' dangerous offering same they like "rabbits of India".Secondo they the fact who one number X of Urologhi(2000) have played the patient role is not has decided to take the viagra demonstrates that the drug is not pericoloso.E I says that it does not even demonstrate beautiful nulla.Cosi saying not sapiamo if the drugs have been injurious or less, or can it are it in futuro.Per continuing the champion could not be sufficiently representative for the propieta of the drug and it turns out to you that dimostrare.Potrei are expected to think that the doctors are part interested in the use of this in so far as there are searches that would not have to essistere of anche:la single formulation of a search could be for interest of parte.Mi explain with the other annunciata:cosa ricera will be thinking in this same moment the assicuratrici companies on the cancer to the vescica.Non are sufficente maledizione to have gia this primato.Ma all this are not importante:il point are that the scietifica verita one never does not come outside from the statistical consent of the opinions but of the data serie.E this that is one pèricolosa modalita of approach to the scientific verita one that sure press and sure medical ranks vorrebero percorrere.Pare that politics of the consent set up from the press is landed in the medicine and and good what questa.Qualcuno does not believe that the scientific verita one depends of agreements between scientists. One verita scientific to potrebbere to collect the consent of masse(un essempio for all:la pennicillina)ma the inverse one is not vero.Quanti drugs has been withdraws you of the market after long years of use massivo.Per not to speak about that tries to you in the emergent countries that never have not been used in Italy. And you memory that in the Germany di Hitler and Russia di Stalin all thought the same You can also read it on the blog. Insomma I would advise to inquire myself consulting bibbliogafia piu serious and little populista, even if not less popolare:sui newspapers exactly. For the other essempio clicca situated Or (the ultraspecializata"pero iformazione e'" is not modernized, "to hold presente".Forma part of that they possess and they see tutti).Non is my intention to now list them to pear tree there and of a clamorous one that I would want to report. If sciences inessate(o better apparently "inessatte")c' e' are some, these are those doctors and between of they the Psichiatria.(Tanto they have upset it that I have decided to rinnunciare to the title it of Psichiatra and to withdraw of the professione).Questo revolutionary text tax to me in AMERICA has come to rimpiazare the vechio and traditional text I.che AMERICAN pear tree does not have scomparso succeeding "to cohabit" with the new classifications. American is others essempi in Europe. THIS ARTICLE YOU CAN ALSO SEE $UA:.DOID=DCKM79X7_31DRKP7R&REVISION=_LATEST.COM/ARCHIVE/2007/10/04/MÉDECINE-CONSENSUEL-THE-BIRTH-DELLA-MEDICINE-BASEDC-SUL-CON.COM/ARCHIVE/2007/10/04/BANDO-15-MEDECINE-CONSENSUEL-THE-NAISSANCE-DE-THE-MEDECINE-BAS IT. THIS DRUG E' NATO And FACT ITS "REPUTATION" In the DAYS THAT I MY OPINION ON HE IN A MY COMMENTO-REAZIONE SENDED To NEWSPAPER "COURRIER INTERNATIONAL" Of FRANCE IN OCASIONE Of ARTICLE "DU VIAGRA AUX PANDA" DEVELOPED To the IDEAS ON "VIOLAZIONE:CONCETTO PSICHICO".leggi: Veuillez cliquer sur the bouton "imprimer" de votre navigateur. The pourrait bien sauver quelques espèces animales. Vétérinaires ET zoologues estiment en effet que ce traitement contre impuissance pourrait stimuler the libido of espèces en voie of extinction. ©. Courrier international 2007 ISSN de the publication électronique: 1768-3076 2-PUOI ALSO TO READ IT CLICCANDO CUA DIRECTLY:. SOTTOTITOLO:COMPORTAMENTISMO, MANDRAGORE And the EDONISMO Of the FAUNI.IN SUM BIRTH "IN AGAINST" And "To FAVORE".massime IF WE THINK THAT The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY Of the PATIENTS WHO CONSUME THESE DRUGS ARE NOT MATURE PERSONS. An OLD MEDIEVAL LEGEND WANTS THAT The "MANDRAGORA" IS A PLANT TIED To the STREGONERIA.SI MUST GO TO DEMOLISH IT To MIDNIGHT In The FULL MOON DAYS WITH Of the CANI.A THIS SCOPE And CONVENIENT TO CONNECT The PLANT To the DOG And TO WAIT FOR THAT HE IS HE TO TEAR IT. There E' WHO CONFESSES NOT TO BELIEVE BUT SOTTOVOCE THEN To US: ". IF YOU WANT SPERNE OF PIU ON THIS DRUG THAT I CALL "NATO" CLICCA CUA:.:FRA SUPERMAN And KRYPTONITA BADLY, E' HUNTING To the WITCH. YOU READ MY OPINION On the ARTICLE OF "The CONNECTED REPUBLIC" WITH "NO DORMA"i And II. HERE DRESSED FOR PREGNANT WOMEN "PROTEGGE From ELECTROMAGNETISM" Even if the scientists they are still uniforms on the possible risks of elettrosmog a New Zealand inventor has realized one "shield" made up of branch. Here the dressed one for the pregnant women "Protegge from electromagnetism". "Mummywraps" is called, and has been invented from a New Zealander, Neil Bullock, than it has put it in sale on its situated one at the price of 69. "international Searches have demonstrated that an exposure extended to this kind of cancellations can have negative consequences on the human health, in particular on that one of the fetuses". Mummywraps can be worn also under the traditional ones dressed, and its elasticity concurs to use it from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy. The situated official explains also that she can by hand be washed or in washing machine and even dyed (the only color available, in fact, he is the white man). The better period in order to begin to wear it "is endured after to have interrupted the assumption of the methods contraccettivi".In this phase it begins them of launch of the product, has been realizes to you 10mila "mummywraps". Already in the slid May, the Swiss "Isabodywear" had launch one line of male lingerie, "in a position to protect the sperm from the cancellations of the cellular ones". In that case, the slip they were realizes to you with silver fibers. "The CONTEST E' GIA To ALL FIELD And SEEMS THAT" IT WATCHES THREADS "ARE YOU LEAVE YOURSELF IN POLE", PROTREBBE TO BE A SUBTITLE OF THIS COMMENTO.ED MOREOVER E' BE INCREASED TO ABOVE SUSPICION TECHNOLOGIES THAT BY NOW ARE PATRIMONY Of the QUOTIDIANETA Of OUR LIFE. The BET OF THESE ALARMISTS "WITHOUT DOUBTS" E' MUCH AMBITIOUS REPLACING IN REGARDING ARGUMENT AQUISITE CERRTTEZZE To the TECHNOLOGY, And LAUNCH "WHO GOES" WHERE SHADOWS NOT CE OF SONO.E NOT E' A PRESUMED INDULTO INVOCARE PROTECTIONS OF FOREHEAD To the DUBBIO:PER The MOMENT, IF CASE NEVER THOSE THAT WOULD HAVE TO MAKE LIGHT COMPRISED "The MUTANT CONSUMATORI"(semplici Or TRANSFORMISTI ALSO LORO.(WOULD MAKE ENVIES It Of PROPIE MESMERIANI, Not to mention TORQUEMADA ARE DOUBTS EMERGE OF THESE ATTEGIAMENTI IRRESPONSABILI.E WITH GOOD PEACE REPEAT,DI. The COOKED INCREASE Of the ORGANS Of The E' SENSES To the BASE Of MYTH SUPERMAN:LA EMERGENCY THAT US A CELLULAR DOVRA TO YIELD OF FOREHEAD To The "VADE BACK" To the KRYPTONITA.NON CREED,LA CONTEST IF LOST ESSERECI NOT ANDRA WOULD HAVE, And BAMBINI(CRUDI Or THAT SIANO)NON The MANGIERA NOBODY. YOU SEE UNDER FOTOCOPA Of the ARTICLE OF "The REPUBBLICA", Or PURE CLICCA DIRECTLY NEWSPAPER ONLINE AND ALSO The OTHER ARICOLI ON THIS ARGUMENT IN THIS SAME BLOG:. zioni/scienza_e_tecnologia/vestito-mamme/vestito-mamme/vestito-mothers. (1)Per how much regards to the information supplied from the article e' to say there that they are little serie.Per first not us comes supplied a precise and detailed information of these "international searches" that they have. "that an exposure extended to this kind of cancellations puo to have negative consequences on particular the human health,in on that one of the fetuses". And us scometto that even some malintenzionata prayer or pensierino to distanza(telepatia)potrebbe dannegiarli, without to exclude badly of eye and the maledizioni of the zingare.E could lengthen the list of "the potentially injurious" agents and even teratogeni.Pero we come to therefore:quanto extended the verita would have to be exposure to the "miasma".La scentifica one does not emerge of the casuistica that forces the data maliziosamente.L' short exposure in old does not deserve one mention, a "high" to the danger. And then where are this "searches internazionali".Qualcuno believe that the scientific verita one depends of agreements between scientists. I answer io:ne one what in the other. In little serious sum, and it is not sufficiently convincing to invocare presumed protections of forehead to a doubt that we are >

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