March 05, 2008
U of u employment opportunuties
Does Bioinformatique Proposals Teaching Employment and research Biochemistry Emmanuel Jaspard Angers University of the dates (sometimes null and void), this list give pr?sions on the required comp?nces and the research centers in bioinformatique. proposals for an employment which follow are class? more r?ntes. in excavation of donn? - ECA Saclay (The Essonne), Island-of-France, France. however Microbial diversity and biogeography Orsay, France. of multiple CGH arrays with application to Arabidopsis Paris 5, France position in bioinformatics and knowledge engineering to investigate cellular linen susceptibility and resistance to some infectious agents CHATENAY MALABRY. Software Engineer position At IBDML, Marseilles, France. Post-doctoral with the Service of G?mique Functional calculus of the ECA Evry. sp?alis?n data-processing Institute Curie - Research center. in computational biology of breast cancer At Institute Paris Curie, France. Position: Modeling Mitosis in simple eucaryotic cells Heidelberg, Germany. IN BIOINFORMATICS/COMPUTER SCIENCE, GENOMIC AND TRANSCRIPTOMIC FOR CANCER. Systems Biology - WA State Centers of Excellence, based At the University. d?rtement Recherche and innovation of Dassault Systemes. analyzes s?ences in am?oration of the plants (Syngenta. Positions in Computational Biology and Molecular Modeling . - Toulouse. docking method accounting for DNA conformational adjustments during the formation of protein/DNA complex . - Paris, France. for project ANR into g?mic microbial and bioinformatic . -. in g?mic functional calculus of the mouse . - Saclay, France. virology (HIV) biology mol?laire and celllulaire . - Paris. positions one human DNA replication origins funded by the National Agency for Research are available in early 2006, for 2-3 years . - France on the waiter of the Group of Graphics and Mod?sation. R&D in excavation of donn? - does ECA Saclay (the Essonne), Island-of-France, France Within the Management of Sciences of Living ECA, the Institute of Biom?cale Imagery have the role of implementing research programs destiny?? and approaches it th?peutic innovating of the neurod?n?tives diseases (Parkinson, Huntington, Alzheimer), cardiovascular, viral and with acad?que fran?se and international research, to ensure the bond with the industrialists of technologies of sant?t in particular to bring a help to. Does Details Within the framework of the opening of NeuroSpin, center magn?que imagery by r?nnance?r?haut field D?? do the functional imagery c?brale and with the neurosciences and the Laboratory of Neuroimagerie Assist?par Computer, you conceive, set up and make?luer a software platform d???a syst?tic excavation of the donn? produced by Neurospin and its in place of the bases of donn? sp?fic. Will this platform have to make it possible to validate the relevance of these bases of donn? in terms of assistance to the diagnosis of the psychiatric syndromes and diseases neurod?n?tives. will make?luer a prototype d?lopp?u ECA by supporting you in particular on technologies resulting from the field of the bioinformatique one. in data processing, you have a doctorate in image processing or. You are at least 3 years old of exp?ence in analysis of the donn? from neuroimagery and a good knowledge of the m?odes of dated-mining (machine learning, statistics multivari?, r?ction of dimension) and their implementation data-processing?Une exp?ence in a project. Thank you to postulate?ette offers directly. The r?rence of the advertisement is DSV-SAC-R & D.: With post-doctoral position in proteomics (m/f) - ref.. Contract: Standard Fixed-term/of contract: Private The Public Research center - Gabriel Lippmann, has fast growing public Establishment for applied scientific research and technology transfer in Luxembourg, has year opening one has temporary contract basis for its Department "Environment and agro-biotechnologies" for: post-doctoral position in proteomics (m/f) has - endocrine ref. tools for the toxicological assessment of disruptors in and in protein identification by Maldi-Tof/Tof is has must. Candidates who are interested in the position should send to their application (with the reference EVA-27106-PROT). Lippmann Personnel department of 41, street of Brill L-4422 BELVAUX: Phylogeny of eukaryotes gold Microbial diversity and biogeography Orsay, Contract: Standard Fixed-term/of contract: Public/Wage: 1800 (Net) euros per month Research TEAM Microbial diversity and evolution, Unit?' Ecology, Syst?tique and Evolution, CNRS UMR8079. We are looking for has candidate to work one one analysis of has broad number of eukaryotic conserved proteins involved in the construction of multi-protein complex (nucleolus, centrosomes. The aim of these analyses will Be to study the origin, evolution and taxonomic distribution of all these proteins. biogeography: Study of the diversity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms in various environments using molecular technical (in particular PCR amplification and sequencing of conserved genes. The results will Be used to study biogeography. Candidates must cuts has PhD Candidates should cuts experiment either in bioinformatics gold in microbiology gold protistology. Skills one molecular phylogeny and genomics. Candidates should contact David MOREIRA At: Statistical analysis of multiple CGH arrays with application to Arabidopsis Contract: CDD (18 months)/Standard of contract: Right priv? Wage: 1800 euros doctoral Net A post position is available At the joint research links AgroParisTech (to form INA PG)/INRA of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences in the "Statistic and Genome". This mission is for 18 months, should start during the first semester of 2007 and is granted by the ANR-Genoplante. Mixed linear model including breakpoint detection: CGH arrays medical are now frequently used in the community for research and for diagnosis, in particular in cancer studies experiment aims At detecting profits gold loss of genomic material. has statistical not of view, this results in A breakpoint detection problem for which several solutions cuts been proposed. most efficient is based one has dynamic programming approach, which provides. Intensive The uses of CGH array now requires tool to analyze several arrays simultaneously. seems to Be has promising strategy to handle both covariates and possible need to Be adapted to include the segmentation step. The first task will Be to develop has generic R package performing multiple array segmentation in this context. The classification of the segments into biologically meaningful classes (amplified, deleted, normal) has also to Be done. edge Be achieved using has mixture model. With second task will Be to combines multiple array segmentation and mixture model into has same framework and to proposes very few examples are known up to now of the application of CGH to the vegetal research where whole genomists were hybridized to microarrays. In the context of the characterization of ecotypes, breeding lines, hybrids gold mutants containing broad deletion, this kind of tool is. In collaboration with the Plant Genomic Research Links (URGV), located in Evry (France), the methodology described above will responsible Be applied to characterize genomic rearrangements for meiosis disorders in the plok mutant and leading to tri gold tetraploid. General The approach will Be first validated in Arabidopsis genotypes with known deletions (Lansberg Erecta, EHY57. The whole studies should involve 60 arrays. The candidate must cuts has statistical background and has good experiment in bioinformatics and/or genetics.: Post-doctoral position in bioinformatics and knowledge engineering to investigate cellular linen susceptibility and resistance to some infectious Contract: Standard Fixed-term/of contract: Public Central School Paris (ECP) is one of the most. The FARMHOUSE laboratory, the Applied Mathematics and Systems research group of ECP has three hand research topics:. Digital With the significant development of technologies, modelling and simulation tools and methods find themselves At the center of major scientific and industrial challenges laboratories focuses one the methods, mathematical algorithms, and information systems related to the analysis, design and development of complex systems, especially through technical of modelling, simulation and. original techniques and tools, both in their content and to their application. This position proposal is taking place in the context of has scientific collaboration between the MASBIO TEAM of the FARMHOUSE laboratory (Applied maths and Systems) At Central School Paris and CEA' S DSV/IMETI/SEPIA laboratory the benefits of recent progress in knowledge engineering (ontologies, standard and dated structuring) and in structured dated analysis, to improve and complete experimental research one cellular linen susceptibility. In the frame of this post-doctorate, the interest will ugly Be mainly upon cellular linen susceptibility and. Post-doctoral The project objectify are to proposes generic modelling and dated analysis methods to identify cellular linen they adapted to cellular linen susceptibility and resistance exits enrichment of biological dated and literature. This research work will experimental Be led complementarily with studies in closed collaboration with CEA/IMETI/SEPIA. Post-doctoral The purpose of this project is to establish has proof of concept one the problem of cellular linen susceptibility and resistance to prions by using CEA/IMETI/SEPIA' S experimental dated. Dated mining and modelling will Be carried out within the MASBIO TEAM developed during the project will Be conducted by ECA teams. The applicant must cuts has PhD in computer science. With serious interest in the biological problem will Be. Please send CV, cover letter and references: Bioinformatics Software Engineer position At IBDML, Marseilles, France. Contract: Standard Fixed-term/of contract: Public A 24 month fixed term contract is open for has bioinformatician to participate to the development of MyoBase. This position is supported by the AFM (French. project carried out by has European Network of Excellence named MYORES. funded by the HAVE under the sixth framework program. depending to muscle biology, which includes: - all available information one gene structure, genomist annotation, expression (expression patterns in various organisms, microarray dated? and regulation (promoter sequences, signaling pathways) of genes involved in muscle development. Zebrafish, chick, mouse and human) - proteomics and protein structure of muscle components from animals and humans, - have repertoire of gene changes involved in muscular diseases, both in animals and humans. (description and classification of diseases, biopsy collections. final The aim of MyoBase is to provide year integrated tool that represents the hand source of knowledge in myology and has tool used one has daily basis by all researchers (from fundamental researchers. the developmental biology laboratory of Prof located one has multidisciplinary University campus encompassing has number. with has TEAM of two bioinformaticians that cuts been developing MyoBase. the integration of clinical and histological dated related to human muscular diseases, to the Web design and development. and cuts has strong TEAM spirit. Master, Engineer gold PhD in Computer Science. AJAX, DOM, CSS would Be have more. Please email your summarized and cover letter with the names and details of 2 references to: marcelle@ibdm.: Do Ing?eur Bioinformaticien h/f Paris, France treatment of the diseases, into priorit?nfectieuses, by research, the teaching and of the actions of sant?ublique. recruit d?loppement Ing?eur Bioinformaticien H/F for the platform you?s charg?u of bases of software int?? allowing the biologists and the bioinformaticians to exploit the donn? corresponding of pr?rence an initial training in data processing compl?e by a exp?ence into bioinformatic, or alternatively an initial training in biology compl?e by a double comp?nce (standard Master Pro of bioinformatic) and a solid exp?ence in similar data processing exp?ence (at least 2 years). UNIX, syst?s of management of bases of donn? (SQL), design and d?loppement the object (UML, Java), as well as the bases into algorithmic, structures of donn?, optimization of calculations, and syst?s of contr?. scripts (Perl), XML, and principal m?odes utilis?. and autonomous, you fa?s proof of spirit of initiative for originals, as well as spirit of synth? (r?ction of schedules of conditions, documentations, reports/ratios). ?' Institut Pasteur, D?rtement Recruitment, Formation and D?loppement of Comp?nces, 28 street of Doctor Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15 or?ob@pasteur.: Is Post-Doctoral contract with the Service of G?mique Fonctionnelle a laboratory of the ECA sp?alis?n post-g?mique. mani? g?rale prot?es ID function like positive r?lateurs of the cell multiplication and r?lateurs n?tifs of the diff?nciation. They act as of the antagonists dominating n?tifs of the factors of transcription "?et their expression h?ce-buckles-h?ce is d?gul?dans the many ones. For better including/understanding is the m?nisms of diff?nciation, our objective to identify?'?elle g?me the prot?es r?latrices of the expression of Id2, a prot?e situ?au c?r of the?ilibre between diff?nciation and prolif?tion, by supporting us on analyses of the transcriptome, "Chip one chip" and chips?iARN which we have d?lopp?Une exp?ence into bioinformatic would be coordonn? of will two r?rences be indiqu? sp?alis?n data-processing Institute Curie - Research center, Paris, Island-of-France, France (ref.: ESF-687) Curie (800 people) research for its laboratory of Spectrom?ie de Masse Prot?ique a Chemist organician poss?nt a good data-processing and open exp?ence?' analyzes by spectrom?ie of mass appliqu??'?de. Details: The person will be charg?d' to ensure of Spectrom?ie de Masse Prot?ique of the Institute. To have a good exp?ence in d?loppement of Web applications and the interrogation of bases of donn? (necessary languages: Perl, HTML, Javascript to apply the concepts of contr? qualit?ppliqu?li??' use of the techniques and the products. Sending of the candidatures by mail?ctronic of the service of Spectrom?ie de Masse damarys.: Post-Doc. in computational biology of breast cancer At Institute Curie Stopped-Lyonnet and Dr. Marc-Henri Stern, and is funded by the Canc?pole. one hereditary breast cancers, between five important clinical and. The bioinformatics share will Be conducted in collaboration and in direct contact with Institute Curie Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology Group. This group, headed by Dr. Emmanuel Barillot, consists of year interdisciplinary TEAM of 25 computational biologists, mathematicians, statisticians, physicists and computer scientists. The successful candidate will participate in A project aiming At has better understanding and family year improved diagnosis of the forms of breast cancer collaborate with researchers, biologists, clinicians and bioinformaticians to analyze the genomic and transcriptomic profile of patient series of and to better characterize the different forms of family breast. cuts has PhD in computational biology, bioinformatics, mathematics. is required and some knowledge of molecular biology and genetics. is not mandatory goal would Be has more and has capacity to work in autonomy are essential. letter of motivation, has CV, reprints of to their hand and. publications: Post-Doctoral Position: Modeling Mitosis in simple eucaryotic cells The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is has not-profit organization and has public BASIC research institute funded by research monies from 19 member states. conducted by approximately 80 independent groups covering the spectrum. Five The Laboratory has units: the hand Laboratory in Heidelberg, and Outstations in Hinxton [ the European Bioinformatics Institute ], Grenoble, Hamburg, and Monterotondo near Romanian Job description: We are seeking has highly motivated postdoc to model mitosis in simple eukaryotic cells. computer simulation methods to study how cytoskeletal fibers organize in space to form precise functional structures. to drive these simulations, you will explores the rich potentials of systems in which mechanical and regulatory elements are combined. We also offer the opportunity to experimental Be directly involved in the. The objectifies is to combines theoretical and experimental approaches to bring our understanding of intra-cellular linen. In PhD and At least one publication in A peer review newspaper are interested in switching to Biology are encouraged to apply. of 1 year' S duration will Be offered to the successful candidate, with goal the candidate is expected to apply for fellowship support in. To apply for this position, candidates should submit has detailed CV, with concise description of research experiment and the names and addresses of At least two referees quoting ref.. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science At the Universit?e Li?, Belgium. The official announcement is posted one the departmental web page. We are seeking candidates with has strong committment to research and whitebait to rapidly develop has research TEAM both through. for our bioinformatics position has involvement candidate willing to Foster the department in A new interdisciplinary genoproteomics center recently created At our university. We expect has moderate teaching load for the. The ability of the candidates to teach in French will not Be has prerequisite goal will Be needed one has long term perspective. For further details butt the procedure application, please consult the Web site: POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN BIOINFORMATICS/COMPUTER SCIENCE, GENOMIC AND TRANSCRIPTOMIC FOR CANCER RESEARCH Paris, France Qualified candidates must cuts has PhD and At least two publications. THE TOPICS for our research Links are focused one the study of mismatch to repair (MMR)-deficient human tumors. tumors develop through has particular molecular pathway characterized by the genetic instability of numerous microsatellite repeat sequences. These cancers, referred to have MSI (for Microsatellite Instability), edge Be hereditary and involve multiple sites of origin, thus defining the Lynch syndrome gold HNPCC (for Hereditary Non Polyposis. However most MSI tumors arise have sporadic boxes. MSI tumors account for approximately 15% of all colorectal, gastric. Moreover, MSI tumors are reported to show improved survival and altered response to chemotherapeutic agents. General Being quite common in the population, MSI tumors represent has single model in which to investigate cancer from the levels of BASIC. With full-time postdoctoral position is now available in our links to study gene expression analysis in colorectal cancer. Our research focuses one the identification of new genes involved in colorectal carcinogenesis using microarray technologies, E Formal depending training and experiment in bioinformatics, biology, statistics gold other related fields is required. Priority will ve given to candidates with previous experiment in bioinformatics relating to gene expression analysis. statement of research interest and names of three references to:. ?icrosatellite Instability and Cancers?Fondation Jean Dausset?CEPH 27, Street Juliette Dodu 75010 PARIS. Center for Computational Systems Biology of Excellence, based At the University of Western Australia, Perth Senior systems biologist (Research Fellow - Systems biologist (Research Associate?Ref:. The Office of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Department of Industry and Resources within the Government of Western Australia is establishing has State Centre of Excellence. The Centre will Be based in Perth and will work closely with the ARC Centers of Excellence in Seedling Energy Biology (CoE PEB), joined venture between The University of Western Australia, the Australian National University and the University of Sydney. CoE PEB is year ambitious new enterprise incorporating seven teams totalling more than 70 researchers At the three universities, with the majority of the staff being based At UWA in Perth. Principal The aim of the Centre is the discovery and drive characterisation of molecular components and control mechanisms that energy metabolism in seedling cells. based one cutting-edge functional genomics studies in the model seedling aim of the Centre is to profit sufficient understanding of seedling energy metabolism to Be whitebait to rationally optimal design seedlings for uses. The Centre of Excellence for Computational Systems Biology (CoE CSB) will involve has dedicated TEAM of bioinformaticists/mathematicians/statisticians who will analyzes the transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics dated produced by the CoE PEB researchers in order to build models of seedling energy metabolism. The goal will Be to discover regulatory networks. With wider aim of the CoE CSB will Be to promote the understanding and uptake of modern systems orientated approaches within biotech research and industry in WA, both in seedling. The positions will Be based alongside the CoE PEB headquarters in UWA' S new Molecular and Chemical Sciences building. The positions will involve tight collaboration with closed CoE PEB researchers and links to nearby computing centers such have the Western Australian Supercomputing Program based At UWA and the Centre for Comparative Genomics based At Murdoch University. To discuss gold clarify any aspects of the positions please contact, by email, Professor Ian Small: iansmall@cyllene. APPLICATION DETAILS: For copies of the selection criteria please access the website: . Applicants must address the selection criteria. reference number, personal contact details, qualifications and experiment, along with contact details of three referees should Be feels to: Human Resources, The University of Western Australia, M350, 35 Stirling. does training courses with d?rtement Research and innovation of Dassault of Dassault Systemes propose 3 training courses r?n?s into bioinformatic of a dur?de 4 months minimum and?estination of?diants of Master/Ecole of ing?eurs. request a knowledge of the principal bases of donn? into bioinformatic as well as good a culture/sensibilit?solver "is more orient?ath?tic (analyzes of a graphic interface user for software into bioinformatic. It n?ssite of good knowledge in C++ as well as a exp?ence in d?loppement of a graphic interface (at the time of project of?de or of a training course pr?dent. or several of these training courses can postulate on line on the bond ". Gwenael Kervizic, Dassault Systems - Research in Biotechnologies - 9 quay Marcel Dassault LP 310 - 92156 Suresnes. bio-data processing specialist analyzes s?ences in am?oration Syngenta is a world leader of the agricultural processing industry which begins in favour of a durable agriculture by the means of its row on the march?es commercial seeds?aute. Syngenta employs approximately 19 000 people in. Within the framework of the expansion of our programs of marking mol?laire and g?mic appliqu??' am?oration of the plants of field crops and plants potag?s we seek a Bio-data processing specialist sp?alis?ans the analysis of s?ences in relation to g?tic charts. platform of marking mol?laire and officers projects of the bases of donn? and of the tools bioinformatic for the diff?ntes esp?s bioinformatic v?tales. d?loppement of tools within the framework of internal projects or collaborations ext?eures. you are at least 3 years old of exp?ence. ?aut d?t for?dier the structure of the g?mes, s?ctionner of the g?s candidates and to analyze polymorphisms nucl?idiques. r?sies in the installation of bioinformatic infrastructures and/or support?es projects of g?mic wish?, particuli?ment within the framework of international collaborations: Syngenta Seeds 12 way of Hobit LP 27- 31790 Saint-Sauveur.: Post-Doctoral Two Positions in Computational Biology and Molecular The positions are available from June 2006 and for duration of up to two years. Post-doctoral Two positions are available At the Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) of Toulouse. The positions are within the frame of has multidisciplinary project involving furnace Toulouse-based partners who will share to their expertise in Computer Science, Physics and Material Sciences (LAAS-CNRS), Structural Biology (INSERM and IPBS) and Biochemistry (LBB-CNRS-INSA), aiming At developing and validating new, fast and accurate computational methods for the analysis of protein interactions involving broad amplitude molecular motions and structural rearrangements of proteins. of such new technical taking into account the macromolecular flexibility is critical for has better structural analysis of proteins aiming to. Responsible The first postdoctoral fellow will Be for the development of the new computational methods for studying molecular motions and interactions, based one original year molecular modelling strategy recently investigated At LAAS. connect one the combined uses of efficient motion planning techniques issued from robotics research with energy-based models more classically. The interest of such combined strategy is to handle the complexity of macromolecular flexibility by exploiting the efficacy of has geometric conformational search have has filtering training course will Be integrated in the prototype software Biomove3D currently developed. Ideal candidates are expected to cuts has PhD in robotics with has research background in robot algorithms, motion planning, mechanical modelling, but has related field. skills (C/C++) and knowledge of Linux are required. in bioinformatics research and in interdisciplinary collaboration. The second fellow will Be in load of conducting molecular modelling studies and applying the new computational tools to get has better understanding of the structural and functional organization of different kinds of proteins studied by the biologists partners and develop new in silico methodologies for protein engineering and. Three different kinds of biological problems of interest in biotechnology, health and drug design will Be addressed: understanding and predicting enzymatic enantioselectivity for engineering enzymes with better properties, understanding the interactions of membrane receptors for developing optimised ligands and studying DNA-PROTEIN interactions to develop new pharmaceutical targets. For this position, we are seeking has highly motivated scientist who has research background and expertise in A number of areas of Computational Chemistry, including protein modelling, docking & scoring, drug design, small molecule modelling and molecular. Applicants should cuts completed has PhD in Chemistry. A biology background with chemical knowledge and has sound understanding of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions. Experiment with programming (C/C++) gold scripting languages such have Perl gold Python would Be has more. Perspective The researchers will cuts environment the opportunity to work in A computationally various and rich in closed collaboration with several laboratories, therefore, applicants should enjoy teamwork and cuts very good communication skills. skills are required and concepts of French would Be has more. Toulouse is has beautiful, dynamic and safe city situated in the South West of France, within only 1. the Pyrenean Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. outstanding opportunities for culture, entertainment and outdoor activities. Applicants should send CV, summary of previous research and contact addresses of two references to Thierry Simeon.: Macromolecular docking method accounting for DNA conformational adjustments during the formation of protein/DNA complex . - Paris, Contract France: shorts term contract - Standard of contract: Public - Wage: 2150 euros gross monthly not cuts worked previously in the lab applied. CNRS Post-Doc. with has duration of 1 year. For has research position in the Laboratoire of Biochemistry Th?ique, CNRS UPR 9080: . The project consists of developing year algorithm for macromolecular docking, specific to protein/DNA assembly and accounting for the flexibility of both partners. The aim is to predict the 3-dimensional structure of such complex starting from the structure of the isolated protein and from the sequence of the DNA fragment involves the coupled use of methodological tools which cuts been developed and tested in our laboratory, together with the uses of softwares dedicated to controled generation of DNA deformations. In addition, the project will require the parameterization of has "coarse-grain" model for DNA, compatible with that used for proteins and able of reproducing protein/DNA interactions At low resolution. This work is share of the development of has more general macromolecular flexible docking program (collaboration with pr. Bremen, Germany), associating has rapid, low-resolution systematic search level with has focused high-resolution refinement level. The project is situated At the interface of several specialities, Chemistry, Physics (Physics of Materials, Statistical. in one of these specialities, should cuts has BASIC knowledge of the properties of biological macromolecules and of the numerical methods. (FORTRAN but C), preferably applied to molecular modelling and/or numerical. Application forms edge Be found At: . Send the filled application form to: Chantal Pr?st - Laboratory of Th?ique Biochemistry, CNRS UPR.: CDD CNRS 30 months for project ANR into g?mic microbial and Contract: CDD - Type of contract: Right public - Wage: 1740 euros Net per month Doctorate obtained r?mment (since less than three years). Deadline for the d?t of candidature: March 26, 2006 Universit?aris-South, Orsay - Group "Mol?laire Evolution and Bioinformatique of G?mes": . Will the candidate have?ettre at the point a base of donn? relational (of PostgreSQL type) in order to organize mani? optimal donn? of homology produced at the time of the comparison of the g?mes of micro-organisms enti?ment. This base will be int??dans. of donn? in the course of construction within the framework of this project. The whole of these donn? will be utilis?our to carry out pointed?des of?lution mol?laire on the g?s of micro-organisms: reconstitution of the history of the prot?es, m?nisms of?lution of the g?mes. with our two partners: the?ipe Bioinformatique of the LRI (Southern Universit?aris) and the unit?IG (station INRA. Good maitrise of the bases of donn?. Good maitrise of the C++ languages, Perl, Java. Evolution mol?laire and analyzes s?ences will be. To send your application (letter of motivation. - IGM, CNRS UMR 8621, Universit?aris-South, B?ment.: Researcher-post-doctorate in g?mic functional calculus of the Contract mouse: CDD - Type of contract: Right priv?wo Post-doctoral Fellowhips In Mouse Functional Genomics: two post-doctoral positions open are immediately At the Service of Biochemistry and G?tique Mol?laire (SBGM) and the Service of Biology Mol?laire Syst?que. One of the position involves closed collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Khochbin in Grenoble. The two positions are funded by the National Agency for Research (ANR) for two years to work with Drs. Matthieu G?rd and Saadi Khochbin in the framework of the. The SBGM and SBMS are located in adjacent buildings lively scientific environment and from signal quality technical facilities for cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, DNA-MICROARRAY studies, gene targeting in ES cells and mouse transgenesis. located in Grenoble, is expert in chromatin biochemistry and proteomic. Post-doctoral The fellows will analyze the genome-wide hiring of histone variable, bromodomain proteins of the "Study Bureau" family and of the pol. III transcription machinery in embryonic stem (ES) cells, differentiated ES cells and mouse tissues. The successful candidates will cuts has strong background in molecular biology and biochemistry. with functional genomics and mouse transgenesis will Be year advantage. in the yeast proteome in response to sulfur demand. hiring of yeast RNA polymerase III transcription machinery. protein interaction map of the yeast Mediator complex. Contract: TDCI - Type of contract: Right priv?pin-off from 2 spanish R&D institutions: the National Center for Biotechnology (Madrid) and the university of Malaga. scientific bases, Integromics offers its customer has deep and current understanding of challenges, initiatives and solutions related to. Important Integromics has formed partnerships in industry and academia to develop technological solutions that enable customers. Integromics offer state-of-the-art software solutions for Genomics, Proteomics and Drug discovery in 2 strategic Intelligent dated analysis and dated mining Main Task: for our worldwide expansion, we are looking for has Senior Bioinformatician located in Spain (preferably. primary His/her mission will Be to provide specifications for software applications, statistical analysis of biological dated, coordination of R&D projects and involvement in pre-dirty activities. Experiments: for this very high challenge position, we search one Advanced degree in Life Sciences (Master Knowledge of bioinformatic tools for Genomics and/or Proteomics, Statistics and biological databases databases and dated mining algorithms verbal are desirable Excellent written and communication in rapid expansion with very strong international contacts. Becoming leaves of has highly skilled group Salary according to the candidate experiment If you are interested, please send your CV.: Post-doctorate in virology (HIV) biology mol?laire and celllulaire in order to carry out a request for post-doctoral financing a?ipe of research working on the identification of the cellular partners impliqu?dans assembly of the HIV-1. This fundamental research program is?' interface enters. of will virology, biochemistry, biology mol?laire and cellular be employ? for r?ndre?es questions in a group dirig?ar Clarisse Berlioz-Torrent is a part of the laboratory dirig?ar R. situ?ur the Cochin institute in the heart of Paris dot?e many equipment: cytom?e?lux, confocaux, video microscopy, proteomic, bioinformatic etc. A good knowledge of biology mol?laire and cellular. A exp?ence in virology (HIV)serait welcome. If the program is accept?il will start in May-June 2006. + R?rences?' addresses following: berlioz@cochin.: POST-DOC ECA: analyze genomic data . - France concluded for one duration from one year, likely to be prolongs within the one year limit (the total duration of the contract, renewal included/understood. remuneration is alignee on the grid of the wages of the ECA (according to the diplomas). of assistance to the medical diagnosis by analysis of data genomiques. predictive medicine, biochips, analyzes genetic data, bioinformatic, support vector machines, reseaux of neurons. the development of protocols of depistage of certain pathologies from the genetic knowledge of the factors of susceptibilite. From a genetic data base, one will developpera a prototype of system of assistance to the diagnosis in cancerology. one will etudiera then will have to be titular (or being prepared) of a these of doctorate (treatment of the signal, data processing, mathematic appliquees, intelligence.) and to have experience of the techniques avancees. It will have to be justifies by the development of a prototype intends has preparer the development of a system. Its work being done in collaboration with specialists of several disciplines, it must have important qualities of acquired accompanies by a letter of motivation a: Jean-Denis Muller - Chief of the laboratory of electronic and treatment of the signal - CEA/DRT/LIST - DETECS/SSTM/LETS - 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex Details practise on post-Docs. candidatures: The applicant must hold has PhD. Our laboratory, led by Francis-Andr?ollman and affiliated to both CNRS and Universit?ierre and Marie Curie (UPMC-Paris 6), is located At the Institut of Biology and molecular biolofical approaches, the photosynthetic function and the biogenesis of the thylakoid membrane. broad year approach allowing the scale identification of nuclear genes whose products are involved in the biogenesis of the photosynthetic. Using the the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the candidate will uses random gene disruption to generate has library of non-reverting photosynthetic mutant will Be performed one mutant pools of to identify the altered genes. Special Among these, genes whose function is of interrest for the. nuclear genes involved in the control of chloroplast gene expression) will Be fully characterized. The contract will Be for one year renewable up to two-and-a-half years. letter of application, including has curriculum vitae, has list of publications and the names and addresses of At least two referees (gold two recommendation: Three postdoctoral positions one human DNA replication origins funded by the National Agency for Research are available in early 2006, for 2-3 years . - Paris, Lyon and GIF-ON - Yvette, France furnace laboratories with competences in molecular and cellular linen biology, bioinformatics and physics to study the replication of the human genomist. Previous work has led to the bioinformatic prediction of ∼.1000 novel DNA replication origins in the human. These open predictions new possibilities for studies of the replication process available in molecular biology and bioinformatics laboratories of the consortium to study the properties of the predicted replication. The project and postdoctoral positions are funded by the National French Agency for Research for up to 3 years. The Teacher training school Sup?eure of Paris, the Teacher training school Sup?eure deLyon and the Center of G?tique Mol?laire are multidisciplinary research centers located respectively in the center of Paris (Latin Quarter), in the Biop? of Gerland, Lyon, and in the CNRScampus of GIF on Yvette (. is located in the Departmentof Biology of the ENS, has 350-people research building with excel facilities for modern biologicalresearch (. The Bouvet TEAM is share of the IFR128, has 640-people research institute covering all the fields of modern biosciences (. projects will involve frequent meeting among the participating laboratories. of candidate replication origin activity by DNA combing and DNA microarrays in human cells (Olivier Hyrien, ENS, Paris. structure of candidate replication origins in human cells (Fabien. Bouvet, ENS Lyon. Mongelard and Corces, Nat Struct Biol. origins (Claude Thermes, CGM.. The work will include the detection of replication origins (ROs) in mammalian genomists, the study of gene organization around ROs, lexical. CV, bibliography and three letters of reference to the corresponding of Chromosomes Eucaryotes, G?tique Mol?laire, UMR CNRS 8541, Teacher training school Sup?eure, 46 street D.: Bioinformatics Positions At CRS4 . - Pula (CA), Italy CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (. research center developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of High Computing Performance, to the broad solution of scale computational problems, and developing innovative applications in the field of the Information and Technology Communications. is share of the Science and Techonological Polaris Park, has focal point of attraction for high- tech industrial research, and aims At Co-operating. The Bioinformatics Research Program of CRS4 is looking for junior and senior scientists for its newly established. Candidates for the junior positions should cuts has second level degree (gold equivalent) in A scientific discipline, such have Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Statistics. Candidates for the senior positions should cuts has PhD gold three years of post-degree experiment in bioinformatics. the job profile and how to submit your candidature: .
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