March 06, 2008

98 degrees i do listen

  Like beginning with the Satellite Radio Amatoriale RS-12 the RS-12 e' hour (March 98) operating in the way To (uplink on the 2 mteri and downlink on the 10) in adding to the K way (15 meters uplink and 10 meters downlink). of 1997 satellite RS-10 e' gone outside I use transponder in way To this satellite was an excellent point of departure in order to enter in the world of the satellites radioamatoriali. way To allowed to operate also to the OM equips you of special licence other satellite become inactive in the recent one passed e' AO-21 (RS-14), anch' important it for the neophytes. Therefore, with the loss of two satellites, to find an arena of training for who begins e' become difficult. But fortunately a tight relative of the RS-10, satellite RS-12/13 has changed the modalita' operating in order to fill up such operating lack in Way e' still an excellent one opportunita' in order to begin there with. The following article supplies details sun as to begin with tracing and to receive it marks them of downlink of this satellite councils and references to the software and the data of forecast. e' a receiver for 10 meters SSB and you can begin to listen to the RS-12. To the end of the article you will find also ulterior references that I hope. If thoughts of being in some way interested to the attivita' of the radioamatoriali satellites, then tried to listen to some of these exciting. The reception of marks them of downlink of easy satelite e' and when cio' avverra' you will be some kidnapped radios probably have gia' cio' that it is necessary to you in order to begin. to low orbit Radio Sputnik (RS) it develops to you from Russian amateur radios operator are a common point of departure in how much theirs strongly marks them e' and the frequencies of. Many are satellites RS become popular between the principianti, the the 23 RS-10/11 that came launch june 1987, the 5 RS-12/13 February 1991 and the AO-21. All in polar orbit with an altitude of approximately. Ill-fatedly the RS-10/11 and the AO-21 are not piu' active. But the RS-12/13 is working dearly and its operating way e' be recently changed in KA (uplink in 2 and 15 meters, downlink in 10) and therefore puo' to be used also from who low orbit of the RS-12/13 possesses the single special licence renders it with one modest station accessible. Primary satellite: COSMOS 2123 - Russian satellite of Navigation Orbit: Polar LEO (Low Earth Orbit - Low land orbit). The first step in the operations via satellite e' the forecast of when the visible satellite stess sara' from our station computer is necessary a program to you of rintracciabile tracciamento as an example. The AMSAT offers various programs for compatible computers IBM like for other types of processors much famous for PC available thus to the AMSAT. Contacted the offices for having a complete description of which are the offered ones generates them. An other excellent program e' WinOrbit of K8CG, than ' e' free and puo' to be unloaded from its situated one web. The winning diagram e' and offers the possibilita' to see dov' e' one to you. The software e' a complete program of tracciamento and forecasts specifically written for the use with the satellites radioamatoriai. version e' available, like saying, to the situated one web of K8CG. If you want to fastly leave with a program of tracciamento and forecasts, an offered other possibilita' e' from KE4ARM: in its situated one web:. relative previsional listato to a chosen satellite from you turns directly on the situated one web, for which you do not have preoccuparvi to hold. The only thing to make e' to close give like data of input the reference of one citta' enough large to you and your hour zone (+1 for Italy, or +2 during the standard time). decidedly the much simple and listato one in output supplies azimuth and the elevation to close print and to hold to yours radio during the operations. If therefore you want to see the position of the RS-12 in this moment, fairies a jump. Remembered to write your hour zone correctly. Even if thoughts to use the situated one web as soon as mentioned for the tracciamento of the satellite, to a sure point you will want to use a software on your PC in order to take advantage of the advantages of the diagram and other functions available in these. Once chosen the program of your piacimento, you will have to decide of the data that describe the orbit of the satellite of formed interest NASA to 2 lines, just perche' the data for every satellite come expressed on two lines, directly read from the greater part of the programs. The better way in order to obtain such data e' to capture them from Internet in the area of the orbital data of the situated one modernizes you at least once to the month. of mailing list of the AMSAT and receiving these data via every email to new. All the programs can directly read to the NASA format 2 lines from rows text ASCII for which not e' necessary that you insert the data manually, also perche' some numbers are long and borings from digitare. as soon as you will give a glance to the Kepleriani you will understand what I mean. With WinOrbit you do not have preoccuparvi not to cut eventual lines. The program automatically tries the data nel. published from the ARRL will find a deepening on the orbital tracciamento of the satellites and data, useful in order to understand the meant one of the data. Here an example of Kepleriani elements in format NASA 2-Linee for the RS-12. orbital Elements modernizes you for all the amatoriali satellites is also. In the time the parameters of every satellite change because of the decay or of the corrections earth information must periodically be modernized in your program of. For the RS-12 the Kepleriani elements can be worth also some. An ulterior data of which e' necessary to arrange for the program e' yours. The tracciamento software must carry out of the calculations in order to establish when the satellite sara' acquisibiel. to specify where you are on the planet Earth As an example Allentown situated Pennsylvania e' to 40 degrees and 35' of latitude North and 75 degrees and 30' of longitude. You will have also to insert your approximate height on the level of. If you know your square some, you can use the program on-linens of the AMSAT, the grid converts, in order to determine your latitudine/longitudine. AMSAT On-linens Grid Square Converter As soon as you have all the corrected information you can immetterle in the software affinche' supplies you the data of when the acquisibile RS-12 sara'. Is WinOrbit that InstantTrack has the possibilita' to print the "ephemeres" or to list the timetables in which. These data include the elevations respect the horizon, the azimuth, the height etc, of the satellite for every increment. For the RS-12 I stamp these information with steps of two minuteren. Therefore I hold the printout to hand capacity while aspect the satellite. it concurs me of knowing when iniziero' to listen to the beacon and when the sufficient height sara' in order to receive strong marks them from the same satellite. Here under e' an example of ephemeres for the RS-12. beside the radio you can there have these data in real time directly from the screen but you will see that e' piu' comfortable to have a press of the data it eliminates the possible interferences of a computer in the comparisons of the radio. The data under list to you here are an example of the output of the WinOrbit. web of KE4ARM produce given many similar ones:. UTC Given UTC Time Dopp Sqnt Az El Range(km) Lat Long Alt(km). Used equipment in order to receive donlink of the RS-12 the my receiver for downlink of the RS-12 e' a Radio Shack HTX-100. apparatus e' piu' in easy ricuperabile production but e' in the markets anch' reperibili they to the markets approximately to the same price apparatuses does not have sufficient sensibilita' in order to receive the RS-12 without having transreceiving in HF with the cover of the 10 meters goes equally well. For my station use a Cushcraft AR-6, than e' a designed vertical antenna for the 6 meters and since I do not transmit on on the 10 meters works dearly. You choose a passage of the RS-12 that is at least 30 degrees over your problems to listen to the beacon on transceiver a HF without the one use. I use the apparatus for the 10 meters Radio Shack HTX-100 and I do not have problems in receiving beacon or the downlink. In the moment in which the beacon e' ricevibile with a fort he marks syntonized them the frequency slice correspondent to the output of the transponder, cioe' between. The transponder of the not inverting RS-12 ' and for which the stations that use the USB on the uplink of the 2 meters will generate an identical one. Syntonizing the band of the downlink you will find. A typical passage of the hard satellite from the 10 to the 15 minuteren for which the contacts exchanges of name to you are short generalmenti, relationships of marks them and position (normally squared some). The operating procedures are much similar to those that generally found on the HF, stations that call CQ trying to make a pair of connections before that the serali RS-12 comes down under the crowded horizon sara' of QSO while those of first mattino or delays night. You remember yourselves of this in the case in which you do not succeed to listen null on the downlink. If you are not in a position to receiving beacon or the transponder, rechecked the orbit that you have calculated with the elements kepleriani. that the hour is exact, even the regulated program e' for the hour UTC. If after all the controls you do not come any to head, controlled with qualcun other the orbital forecasts that e' in a position to listening to the satellite for. Now that you can preview when a satellite e' in acquisition in order to listen to of the downlink you want to even know necessary what e' for in a position to transmitting on the 2 meters in way SSB. power, 25 watts in a ground plane of 1/4 of wave will be sufficient. You will see that an apparatus all-mode for the 2 meters e' piu' expensive of one for the single FM but necessary the additional investment e' if you want to be active. You will not only use it for the RS-12, but also like receiver for downlink of Oscar 10 in B way (an apparatus on i 70 cm e' necessary. As soon as you will be operated to you on these satellites you will notice that they easy cover the continent American, Canada and the Caribbeanses example a passage of the RS-12 over the Bermuda islands coprira' the part. A passage directed towards the part centers them of the USA you permettera' contacts also towards the western part. For those who they do not have some experience to satellitare, the better way than to begin e' to trace the passages of some satellite and to listen some. Not as soon as you will listen to some satellite your interest crescera' and will begin to plan your first QSO via satellite. Scrivero' an article mainly detailed approximately the uplink to the RS-12 in order to carry out a QSO and rendero' the available R-appena.possibile. Some of these references comprise less recent satellites, but a lot of cio' that e' described adapted to the RS-12, for which they are still valid. The ARRL Anthology Satellite, second edition, (Newington: ARRL, 1992). Smith, The RS Satellites Operating Guides (Washington: AMSAT, 1992). Ford, "The EasySats," QST, September 1992, pages 30 - 34. Daniel, "Getting Started with RS-10," QST, August 1993, pages 53 - 56. Davidoff, The Satellite Experimenter' s Handbook, second edition, recent Information approximately the use of the satellites in the communications, directly executes forecasts for the RS-12 on web. The image of Mariner 06/07 in head to the page e' of NASA and The NSSDC. The article and the content of this page are Copyright © 1998 by Mark Hoersten

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