March 07, 2008

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. donn bases? ?otre provision by HT?, author, title of the articles by using our function "To sign Peace in 2008 with wretched Yago and Primo. years apr?l’.assassinat and under atrocious conditions d’.Ilan Halimi, in m? is?diant time qu’.un rou?e blows and insult? Is Grenoble with the Jewish reason qu’.il?it (here qu’.une new business naus?onde?Bagneux?ate, necessary it to point out, o?lan Halimi was s?estr?t tortur?vant d’.?e assassin?ors of l’.hiver. legal source, six gar?s, n?entre 1983 and 1991, have? ?ou?le 27 f?ier and are soup?n?d' to have s?estr?n young man in an apartment then in a box, apr?l' to have accus?e vol. m? would legal source, the victim, of Jewish confession, have? frapp?par its attackers, which would have?it sale Jewish. and sale p?. on its face with a felt?is and would have made him undergo s?ces, in particular?onnotation. is not necessary to lower the guard face?' antis?tism and its demonstrations. d?ar?ercredi?' AFP Richard Prasquier has, pr?dent the repr?ntatif Council of the Jewish institutions of France (CRIF). on is not, in this case, a gang which r?mment was the subject of a reference in front of bases that l’.on is or not in a case?a Fofana. do not change of anything l’.analyse d?lopp?par the members Firstly in which the m?as report the close relation-Eastern last?nements. Do interpr?tions partisanes in information incompl?s, they give of Isra?une image falsifi? Inaccuracies in lies, hatred is attis?tous a little more the days. This morning still, LCI passed in loop report making?t of that cause such news, when one does not recall why the attack took place, are pr?s?e to transform of hatred. Bient? it could be the subject of no dispute. this time, l’.opinion. but the famous cycle of violence instrumentalis?ar Hamas n’.est qu’.un will never know. this time, l’.opinion. will have oubli?ue the attacks of Hamas come d’.un territory enti?ment?cu?ar Isra?en ao?2005. a territory which could have become l’.Eldorado Palestinian if the basket financi? Iranian woman per? by did Hamas have? utilis??utre thing that l’.entreprise. this time, l’.opinion. qu’.il would be enough only the rain will not include/understand to rockets which s’.abat on Isra?depuis 7 years s’.interrompe so that Palestinian misfortunes cease instantan?nt. this time, l’.opinion. will not see that this Palestinian family?or?et will think that aggressions and crimes like those of Bagneux or Grenoble can include/understand??ut d’.?e. 2007, one could s’.attendre?ne rupture, including in the treatment. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has d?ar?ue the offensive killed out of the children and of civil and did not have any. On this point, it is difficult of not. Will the objectives by Tsahal these the last two days?it not pr?s?nt to cut a flap with activit?terrorists in the north of Iraq be followed of Pr? Will no threat since this territory against Turkey be tol?e Notons while passing that the Kurdish combatants are appel?des "terrorist" by Erdogan and par. some 200 dead C? Kurdish at the time of the r?nte incursion of sound arm?en Iraqi territory to destroy the bases of the PKK, one wonders what would do the Erdogan Prime Minister if its frontali?s cities received more than 50 missiles per day. the s?ctive tol?nce, very as much as the vocabulary. With the radio, on a cha? highly cultural, a African diplomat posts?' UNO of it explains us with much smoothness the legal concept of Responsabilit?es States for) * led the States in certain situations of conflict?ener of the violent actions for prot?r the citizens who rel?nt. - the State is held to put the citizens. - peace is not only absence of war. - peace must allow d?loppement of Cit?le d?loppement. - There is disqualification of the State in the event of nonrespect of these minimal clauses small modest city of the South of Isra? distant of 5 km its merry neighbors. In Sderot, 80% of the young children are?r?ques, suffer from loss of word and serious traumatisms. Today, it is the turn of Ashkelon. we approach the heart of the country, my G?ral, and of its capital. In witness whereof, as a Minister for D?nse, d?crat and respectful of the international obligations, I have demand firmly? my neighbors to go to play further with. to install them elsewhere than in the?les or the h?taux ones for?ter the probl?s known as collat?ux. I have d?e d?ndre, it is not my fault, my G?ral. It is with the only respect of the "R of P" impos?aux States official par.?' UNO for d?gner Responsabilit?e Prot?r these last days in Isra? the large Haaretz newspaper devotes its premi?. make Justice and the m?as in France. it is learned that Daniel Seaman puts some questions publicly. does y have sufficient evidence of ind?ndantes sources proving that the incident Al-Lasted has? put out of Sc? for the cam?s d?are Daniel Seaman, chief of the service of press of the Prime Minister. Enderlin always has its accr?tation presses of the State d' Isra?atteste of the force and the tol?nce of the d?cratie isra?enne, and not of the int?it?u report of Charles Enderlin this question day-l?La is not ' ' Why still has it its accr?tif presses of the State d' Isra?', but liked? why France 2 employs it it concerning this business, will not fail to protest against this attempt d’.ing?nce of the share d’.un State in the choice of his/her collaborators. ?e standard of qu’.elle r?tion becomes pr?sible about it. As?harles Enderlin, its derni?s interventions at the time of the newspapers t?vis?montrent that it does not know - does not know any more - pr?nter the facts of mani? objective. 29-02-2008: Grenoble: ?diant agress?arce that Juif the biblioth?es universit?ne are more s?s nowadays. These havens of peace, in silence of which the conscience and the knowledge are forged, agress?erbalement can pr?nter certain dangers then rou?e blows Tuesday 26 f?ier. Without wanting pr?ger r?ltats of l’.enqu?, it is wise to know that Identity Youths are rather active within this universit?il is too t?pour conna?e the authors of mani? pr?se. of this mobility naus?onde have manifest?or d?ccord with Justice when it this one has confirm?a judgment in call. On does their site, one find the calls clearest?es Identity Jeunes have aujourd' today all the young people Europ?s a modern organization of combat, adapt?aux d?s that the 21? si?e imposes?eux our. For d?ndre our ground and our people, as much menac?par the plague that repr?nte immigration - invasion that by the chol? do mondialist, we call solemnly all the young people Fran?s and Europ?s proud their roots and of their h?tage?approximative, one could not advise?ette youth too much if chatouilleuse. in its t?ignage, speaks about its attacker as of a close relation of mobility the origin of the attackers was well soulign? facult?e m?cine was pass?sous silence a mobilization, the more so as the racist acts?renoble like elsewhere. the biblioth?e intervened more tardily for s?rer them. Nobody to make block, anybody for. and of the?diants they -m?s is pr?cupante. Them which are so light??ncer the dictatorships and the crimes which take place?0. on their premises n’.ont not trouv?a force to d’.intervenir for an aggression which took place in front of their eyes in front of racist hatred and antis?te is scandalous scandalous that for minorit?ceux which are for example active with the its sharper thanks for its combat and requests his/her friends of the worse r?on. sc?rio possible n.a take place like Pr?. The caciques ones of Hamas, rest?bien?.abri in their villas cossues, have tent?.envoyer against Isra?une presses compos?de women, d.adolescents and especially of children. The men did not repr?ntaient, far s.en. It is certainly necessary to see in this. relative absence. a creditable concern for discr?on on behalf of the men of Hamas, habitu? it is true?r?enter the courses d.?le, but with a single aim of making of them bases of throws of missiles on civil isra?ens. In fact is, the l.explication most plausible that few persons in charge for Hamas wanted to be seen allotting the paternit?Selon certain news services, not very suspect of sympathy towards Isra? the demonstrators?ient 10. do the majority s.accordent?anger that the number of participants?ette long walk n.a not exc? 5. more than at the time of a demonstration of weekend to see with the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are ru?en Egypt at the end of January in order to fill their cong?teurs and with acqu?r, with a little chance and gr.? ?n r?au ind?ctible. what Hamas d?ivait two days ago like gigantic cha? human of Rafah?eit Hanoun is approximately 50 km, s.est sold?ar a gathering of 5000 people and some tires brul?en tail of cort? by one however owes to?e?di?vec care the analysts isra?ens s.y employ will make l.objet several contrary r?tions. and its loss d.influence among the population gazaouite. will explain why the warnings qu.Isra?a made rain by m?as interpos?sur its volont?e r?iquer firmly?oute invasion of its territory somewhat cooled. D.autres still, most, will argue that the 5000 demonstrators are among most valiant physically and that the others are rest?chez them?is?par the deprivations. Explanation which doesn't hold the road only one second, but analysts and m?as, m? isra?ens, has us habitu? Admittedly, Gaza is far from?e a paradise compar?ux African countries, it is not a mouroir. l.arm?a remarqu?n only sway in the crowd significant. the cam?s n.ont have l.occasion to turn when Hamas made jump the fronti? between Gaza and l.Egypte, when l.arm??ptienne shot?ue at this crowd and on islamist the planqu?au medium go in g?ral to the step lorsqu.ils are confront??n r?me strong, is?ptien or Palestinian. But d?lors qu.Isra?pourrait?e causes some, one sees them pr?piter not to miss the clich?ui hurts, that which will cause international l.indignation. Their ma?e in the mati?, Charles Enderlin. They were for their expenses. and of the surroundings made a little more figure d.affaire, the journalists contribution since, in this country o?out is close to all, the large reporters-hunters d.images?ient rentr?pour the th?ans the vast ones and silky rooms of L. They had finally something?aconter. With the Parisian r?c.chefs which required of them they have? oblig?de r?ndre qu.en own way of fum? they n.avaient that those of fires of tires and. Hardly photog?ques qu.une demonstration d.agriculteurs in under-pr?cture unspecified. No deaths, not d.affrontements bloody, not of photographs of bloodthirsty men soldiers isra?ens bearing tie?out on children howling of terror. This pos?le principle d.une such walk will be?lement analys?n depth by the propagandists will have deaths, bless?graves. But the islamist ones have, a little everywhere in the world, apport?a proof qu.ils make fun of the victims, provided that their objective is achieved, to?avoir l.?dication of, more largely, of the infid?s. its r?tation semi-official d’.organe of Palestinian nationalism like its num? Thursday 21 f?ier devotes two large columns??ncer the odious exploits of. colonists. And which is their crime the latest to date these abominable colonists Zionists, in their d?re aiming to?tablir the Jewish pr?nce several times mill?anger??salem, and thus the l?timit?e their return, still use l’.arch?ogie. they sent weak Jewish women d’.esprit to explode themselves in the Arab districts of the capital of king David and of Solomon, one could still include/understand, it would be the proof d’.un v?table to d?spoir. threaten our maisons…. (They have) favoris?’.intrusion of Jewish families in this zone jusqu’.alors peupl?exclusivement of Palestinians. (….) in l’.espace d’.une score d’.ann? with the help of harc?ment legal, falsification of documents and –.?utez well good people?utez well and observe l’.ignominie these people and recruitment of collaborators (of the m?ants Palestinians tra?es which agrees to sell their houses?n Juif or?lusieurs d’.entre them), Eldad has r?si?’.emparer of more than one hundred fifty dwellings to the cœ.ur of Silwan (ḻ.ancian Silo?Ces houses n’.ont not? sold and achet?. They have? catches?orce ARM? sold Arabs?es Jewish colonists. She is beautiful. Palestine la?e and d?cratic. doors semi-official word of Palestinian nationalism. To follow their tortuous reasoning, it ceases pointing out Ahmadinejad which has two journalists re?r?mment. Paris since more d’.un si?e, that n’.a ever made collapse. Are these Zionists of such r?gnants. which m? just below the mosqu?Al Aqsa, troisi? holy place of l’.islam, distant d’.environ five hundred m?es. correspondent of the World recalls us with the passage, qu’.il in was necessary much less for d?encher pr?dentes?utes. 1929, l’.ami and alli?ilitaire d’.Adolphe Hitler, the large Mufti of J?salem made distribute postcards truqu?. with the flag Zionist floating at the top. ?usseini to cause the pogroms d’.ao?1929, accompagn?e wild massacres of inoffensive people??on, Safed and J?salem, city mainly Jewish jusqu’.en 1948 when Jordan l’.annexa. the daily newspaper. The World, if not to provide a moral guarantee to the future human bombs, by singing us to l’.air well-known:. To make a good injury Tricotez patroness all color excrement of goose What allows to Sunday?a large-mass Of reconna?e its poor?oi has r?l?amedi that Hamas has confisqu?n convoy. Does Joudeh, have d?ar? l’.agence of Petra press that members of Hamas did seize, Thursday 7 f?ier 2008, 16 trucks transporting of the emergency supplies for the Gaza Strip and A d?urn?a cargo in a entrep?g? by the islamist group. We are choqu?que this humanitarian aid is confisqu?et distribu?d' a mani? fond?uniquement on political consid?tions those which m?tent this help r?lement. These derni?s ann?, Amman, in agreement and of coordination with Isra? - what the m?as keep well of saying - has cr?un humane corridor to help the populations. Does what each one know, which no journalist could have been unaware of for 30 years, it is that the humanitarian aid is constantly pill? d?urn?par a minorit?orrompue of the large population left gagn?es derni?s?ctions on the dissatisfaction the Palestinians live?is of this d?urnement, acts exactly like those which it d?n?t nagu?. In order to ensure its l?timit?il the poor assistances to distribute them?es confiscates?ui. On the political level, Jordan has all?lement int?t?nitier and to continue this humanitarian aid. Because, in the int?or plan, the Hach?te Kingdom sees a fringe of its poorest population taking made and causes for Hamas. It would not be necessary that the Palestinians come d?abiliser once again a kingdom finally rather fragile. For this reason, Jordan must absolutely make conna?e?a population what occurs of l’.aide humane qu’.elle. If it counted on the French-speaking news services for. On the other hand, some b?voles read. its cr?ion in did June 2006, the Council of the humans right of UNO hold six extraordinary sessions destiny? to??ir?es emergencies, of which four have will condamn?sra? in Lebanon, three others the situation?aza. qu’.il s’.agit of the new commission of the Rights of l’.homme. Did Ḻ.ancian, pr?d?un time by Lybie, have D? for practice to lean only on the activit? undoubtedly not m?tant an extraordinary session of this worthy commission. In short, the Council of the humans right of the United Nations has condamn?ujourd’.hui Isra?pour his activit?dans the Gaza Strip, asking the lev?du blockade and for the arr? plut?appeler would have. commission of the rights of l’.homme and the not-Jew, Isra?a all the rights and more sp?alement. this commission, to receive missiles daily does not return within the framework included/understood well of this qu’.il is agreed d’.appeler one. the time?e victim of bombardments and supplier in m?caments. If moreover, you could do it free. the shootings of rockets which Isra?est victim since qu’.il left. It has? adopt?ar 30 votes for, 15 abstentions. It is necessary pr?ser that this session has? organis??a request of the Arab and Islamic countries which have r?i 21 signatures out of the 47 Member States of the Council. But that should not be said. the risk to see train?n justice for. islamophobie primary. Then qu’.il is enough to d?iller l’.ensemble of the r?lutions of l’.ONU and to note the intrigues of the Islamist League World, located in Saudi Arabia, against Charlie Hebdo to become aussit?.. Convention countries europ?ne abstained from all, consid?nt the text n?igeait to mention the attacks of rockets their abstention is so courageous that that. It is texts which do not arrive?usciter l’.unanimit?t in this case, l’.abstention. But lorsqu’.un text is voluntarily and explicitly d?quilibr?il is natural to vote countries europ?s only word which is essential, to?avoir "l?e". With less than it is not to him pr?r?e "weak" word. ?aza, produced l?mes and fruits, maintained them and r?ic with the ceaseless shootings on its civil population, he is a ḻ.agressor. Hamas bombards the civil ones, it is l’.agress?est agress?t humili?orsque caricaturists want to make fun. And all that runs in most perfect. Moment qu’.on manages?or to them to sell. A magazine f?nin makes the new promotion d’.un. Then, you do not n’.avez devin??ndard: in traditional version black and white, indigo blue or of all One knew since the Tee-shirts?’.effigie of Che Guevara that the gu?lla?it tendency. of this?nt?est new fashion the vocabulary: to bard d’.explosifs and to be made jump to the march?u in a bus?’.heure of the rentr?des classes. of miniature kamikaze for the Palestinian?liers at the time of the carnival. Project for designer in bread evil cr?ivit?barboteuses of dynamite, even drink galvanizing in true blood of true r?rvist. Not, it is not question of Hugo: he. A sniper of Hamas has tir?ans to him the back whereas Carlos, volunteer with the kibbutz in the fields in edge of the Gaza Strip. Not far from Khan Youn?dans it. Did Tr?loin thus of Ein Zeitoun, district of the city Gaza o?es forces of Tsahal intervene the night derni? to drive out the terrorists gunners of missiles which bombard Isra?jour and night, whereas the occupation isra?enne of the Gaza Strip east termin?depuis two years and half. Carlos Chabez came from Quito, Ecuador: 13 militiamans - militants - terrorists –. activists and 4 civil steps of the targets chosen by Tsahal: Chavez?it civil selected as such by the sniper of Hamas. Some see in this assassination of civil by a sniper djihadist a way chosen by Hamas to counter Tsahal in a kind of?ilibre of terror. of Hamas and organizations djihadists?ettre in œ.uvre what they can explode best the –. of the buses of civil in the districts. The weapon of the snipers utilis?par Hamas is?ouble sharp: the r?nse isra?enne would owe?e rather fast, in o?sahal measurement has also gunners of?te in its links? policy to set up them along the fronti? with Gaza and emp?er Palestinians to work in their fields. It does not need either to kill out of civil for that: Some shootings of reprimands will be enough. The cons?ences of a climbing of shootings by snipers will be much d?streuses for the Palestinians whereas each m?e carr?e ground is vital in the situation. The henchmen of the New Order of Gaza still made the illustration of it yesterday while trying to make pass from the chemicals instead of the flour which the civil population needs so much: The week derni? D?, does a sugar sending of the Europ?ne Union have? intercept?u passage of Kerem Shalom (. the Vine of Peace, the name of a kibbutz formerly spearhead of the Isra?enne Left, in edge of the Gaza Strip) with?on edge several tons of soda nitrate this time, as?e which occurs these derni?s week?aza: the terrorists?min?en action by Tsahal do not amount. Indeed, each shooting and fixing generate until?-6 dead militiamans or gri?ment reached. With my opinion, we see l?es pr?ces, that I waited, of. sym?isation. war with the djihadists of Gaza. Indeed, those are now organis?en unit?organic, with groups, companies, battalions and brigades the last?aza allowed him to put to my hand on the 4x4 police force of the AP as on her heavy weapons and especially on its positions, bunker. of Hamas d?acent themselves now in 4x4, arm?jusqu' with the teeth, and their fixings with Tsahal take turnings of combat of ARM?. They thus form a target larger, more rep?ble and more easily destructible arm?dans the combat of the night derni? of this passage of the a-sym?ic war?a sym?ic war is significant, the engagements having taken place in the surrounding of a position fortifi?du Hamas: thus a bunker can certainly offer a certain insurance?es. Next 28 January, Switzerland organizes a soir?Justes helv?ques among the Right ones. m? type took place in France and the volont?anifeste d’.en with the public, which l’.ignore, which c’.est in Isra?que this concept. remembers the benefactors of the Jewish people. C’.est in Isra?que enqu?s for in v?proud l’.authenticit?nt? diligent?. what l’.on has r?g?es texts for their right recognition which Mus?de Yad Vashem holds register and l’.ouvre with the public worse, on the plate appos?au Panth? from Paris, the word. ?aire to believe that this concept of. Just among the nations. would be an initiative fran?se. for one and for all, known?a B? immonde: a journalist s.est considering prohibiting, due ethnic, d.accompagner on a journey. Sasine of the Dump by the League of the rights. Blamed of the G?raux Information by. Enthusiastic calls of all the anxious d?crats: . Reportersanfronti?, Mdame Oh?g? upright, upright would have left on an official journey in Isra? l.entit?ionist would have refus?.acc?du country?n journalists of its following the reason pr?mmerait himself. will citizens indign?dans the street?aris?lger?Un d?rlement beautiful like manif pacifist of the rights of l.homme, judgment d.Isra? g?rales spontan?, motions of censure, refusal of any participation, collaboration?de, project which has the smallest report/ratio. Voltaire, Lumi?s, Fayette, Tocqueville, Marat, Holy Just. We d?lerions fi?ment, worthy of our h?tage, streamers antiracists d?oy?. I look by the fen?e: not a demonstrator on l.axe R?blique-Nation. On the place of the rights of l.Homme to Trocad?. Did Pr?dent Sarkozy leave well on an official journey, but not in Isra? in Saudi Arabia. Saoudi and not Zionist have refus?.acc??n journalist with the reason pr?mmait Gideon and not Mohammed. Do not look at me as if I trotted myself with a funnel on T? : if the libert?e the indivisible press?it, our m?as n.auraient cease to in due form d.obtenir a judgment of l.Etat which s.est allowed d.attenter?or libert??n State for reasons religious or ethnic n.est not jug?ne does not concern the journalists Juifs. d.abonn?ux id?x that you have demand? : the exc?de sugar can harm?a sant?uysen and Infolive has livr?ne percussion information, that many m?as Western have? oblig?de to dissimulate?eurs readers, probably for lack of time. During do a op?tion joint of the arm?isra?enne and services of information, more than six tons and half of potassium nitrate have? d?uvertes?ord of a truck of humanitarian aid coming from the Europ?ne Union. the manufacture of explosives and rockets?it dissimul?ans of the sugar bags, and owed?e achemin?ans the Gaza Strip?estination of the terrorists of Hamas and the Islamic Djihad. A contr? of customs, caster sugar, one would be believed in a bad remake of Fernand Raynaud. sugar has, precisely, it can cause tr?jolis Bengal lights. Many are the children who have?.insu their parents, fabriqu?es small bombs to go to do them br?r in our campaigns the families during the holidays and caused, by way of cons?ence, of the memories cuisants on the buttocks of the m?s.?.autres produced, sulphur and others, this component can become. In the means-Eastern context, this n.est more d.un play but of the pr?ration d.actes criminal against. Premi? cons?ence: the humanitarian aid will be much more contr?e with the d?rt donor countries and r?rcussions on the sant?es gazaouites which live D?. But Hamas is card-indexed some like its premi?. What it needs, with Hamas, it is dying people of hunger to justify violence and hatred r?ndue by its religion. According to the first?ments of the enqu?, sugar bags in which?it cach?e potassium?ient estampill?du initials of the humanitarian aid coming from l.Union. Which has d?nti Sunday any implication: "our information, it appara?que these bags does not have anything to?oir with. Us consid?ns that it is an act Alix de Mauny, spokesman of the Union europ?ne. It has soulign?ue the EU did not send sugar?aza and passed from any F? by the agencies of UNO to distribute. Without any doubt wanted she to speak about l.URNWA. 6 tons and half of salp?e in bags of sugar marqu?du logo of l.UE prom?nt in a large territory like a canton fran?s, and l.Union Europ?ne in. But it is true that l.Union europ?ne has financ?es schoolbooks for the Palestinian children who called with the massacre of the Jews, works of which she has a long time. ignor? contents. L?ncore, for lack of time and d.envoy? The pro-Palestinian organizations in France certainly will affirm qu.Isra?a desired?angler a little more l.agriculture. But not only one of these organizations will not mention the fact that this potassium nitrate walked fraudulently in sugar bags. Do the persons in charge europ?s know of any F? that these 6 tons are not qu.une negligible part of what forwards under. Alix de Mauny says that c.est a criminal act. As have? criminals d?urnements, by the Palestinians of l.aide international to finance the attack-suicides. Still a thing that l.Europe was unaware of. 26-12-2007: Verdict of Arch?e Zo? 8 years of work forc?requis between 7 and 11 years of work forc? of l’.Arche of Zo?evront thus to purge 8 years of work impos? in an inhuman r?me carc?l, with the statements m?s the many ones. And that of course under r?rve d’.arrangements international, ḏ.application d’.accords bilat?ux which one knows qu’.ils are often the fruit d’.?es n?ciations. L’.ind?ndance of justice is a lure, that. This one ob? often with the diff?ntes. Here, the reason of State is to refuse to lose the face. The diff?nts movements of supports for the families of. did 8 years for an error, an awkwardness without intention to harm?uiconque, c’.est terribly expensive pay?Mais Eric Breteau and his/her companions of captivit?ont. holds his currency d’.?ange in order to force France to?ntervenir mani? mesur?dans engagements between D? and its diff?ntes. Chadian justice, that about which one does not speak, humili?quotidiennement by its own government, r?ffirme its ind?ndance, fault of being able to do it screw-?is of the r?me in place is such as in r?it?a criminal court?it not. The Trade union of the magistrates of Chad (SMT) calls some daily with the government so that this one l’.aide in its mission the judges, prosecutors and lawyers is not?’.abri fury. Especially when this one is aliment?par members. Does world dat?u 26 d?mbre bring back certain disconcerting facts agress?ans l’.enceinte m? court apr?un. a mandate of d?t, parents of the victim attack it will seek a kalachnikov in their car "to render comprehensible that they are not does not import which. Because the int?ss?sont nephews of pr?dent of R?blique Idriss D?. several balls draw before the magistrate does not arrive?ubtiliser. The police officers appel??' assistance are also to belong to the clan of the Head of the State. Instead of prot?r the judges, they end by making to lib?r the attackers and allowing the restitution. "Then, the m continues? do source, victims of the flight and receivers have? r?er them probl? downtown, seconds paying an amount of money to have peace. But l’.enjeu principal remainder that of the souverainet?D?lor arrest, crowd are press? around the police station, r?amant the death of the Westerners. They are thus the carrying th?s such as the Chadian attack?ette souverainet?ationale, but also?a dignit?fricaine and with the right of the children, who have aliment?es pleadings of the civil parts. Horrors of the draft n?i? have? ?qu? by Me Josyane Laminale in the name of ". Is this parody of exp?tive justice in conformity finally with the framework well temp? n?ciations D? men? on the most level of the two States the families and the friends of the members of l’.Arche of Zo?e suffered. In can a situation o?out explode d’.un moment carc?l, them s?rit?’.est not assur? 8 years of work forc? c’.est long unquestionable step that the humanitarians will acccompliront them. In our country, work forc?ne relates to qu’.une small part of the population, that of the journalists held to sell their papers to make fr?r ḏ.horror the m?g?. The Palestinians had demand?, 6 billion. They obtain 7,4… from it. That is to say two billion mieux…. He n’.y does not have?anger: the international conf?nces pay much more than the Lotto international, c’.est the jackpot?ous the blows. That made of the ann? that hi?rques Palestinian cries to obtain l’.argent Western countries without the Palestinians them-m?s being able to see l’.once quarter d’.un change in their everyday life. The Arab States have effectu?aintes promises. L’.Europe and the USA, always persuad?que only put? is g?ratrice of terrorism, have ", has lanc?e pr?dent fran?s Nicolas. Offer to the people of Isra?et of Palestine more all?e its small verse commercial: "is litt?lement the last hope of the government (Palestinian) of?apper. This new help, destin??oter Palestinian a State future of solid institutions and a viable?nomy, must finance an ambitious plan of d?loppement on three. Without this support, the assistances in liquid allowing Palestinian Tr?r to achieve its R?, we will be confront??ne total catastrophe in the West Bank and in. It is not thus a question only of financing a plan?rois years but also of stopping the holes. Esp?ns that Mr Abbas n’.imagine not l’.arriv?de l’.argent in esp?s sounding and tr?chantes. Esp?ns?lement that l’.argent will be towards? under conditions. and under contr? international are so easy in this contr? The Union europ?ne, principal contributor of assistance to the Palestinians, has annonc?e d?ocage of 650 million dollars for 2008, while the United States will contribute a share to provide 500 million, and Great Britain 490 million, pr?nce. This conf?nce of the givers passes by losses and profits the billion d?urn?par Arafat, jealously conserv?sur of the Swiss accounts and g?s by its widow. R?gi?vivent in put?. villages n’.ont not l’.eau current. 60 years d’.aide international and always this. Then, this billion, for balance of any account. Because it will come well a moment o?et money badly G?. Abbas will show the Western countries not to have made. And once again, one will show Isra? m?ant wolf, small Satan, put d’.exploiter? poor Palestinian people. Because to imagine that only l’.argent can?indre this hatred atavistic against all that is Juif in the contr?est to make proof d’.une crass ignorance or d’.une great bad faith. The taxpayers europ?s are aujourd’.hui appel??aire a financial effort to fill the holes laiss?par. It would be necessary esp?r that these m?s taxpaying will call the policies?endre account of this money and the contr?. p?ole in quantit?uffisante to make the races?’.hypermarch?u corner and to contemplate the pangs sentimental of In the strange kind, by planting its tent for five days, all pr?de l’.Elys? in the gardens of H?l Marigny, the official r?dence of the h?s of the State, Kadhafi c’.est with the clean direction as with the figur?., as well as the ma?e of Tripoli is made call, prince b?uin modern times, is accompagn?e its court, the tribe with large complete: close relations and invit? guards, janissaries, servants, eunuques, travelling acrobats, buffoons, injuries of company. marvellous, and other women?arbe, and then these dianes very of lattice v?es, such of the captive, amn?ques amazones d’.un splendid bell?e. Without forgetting the limousines, sumptuous attachments?ncelants of whiteness, and finally, the temple, the tent that for the circumstance, camping d’.hiver obliges, there will be?ip?’.un superb campfire, with cr?tement of the bras?s of canouns for the th?Car c’.est l?dans the Holy of Holies, that the king of the d?rt re?t his prone brave men, come?Lire the continuation from this text on the site of 05-12-2007: Matter of the minister alg?en on N alg?en of Ex-serviceman have just taken note of the remarks made by the minister alg?en of Ex-serviceman, Mohammed Ch?f Abb? appeared in a daily newspaper alg?en on November 26, 2007, ḻ.association. Fraternit?usulmane counters ḻ.antis?tism. tr?fermement condemn these assertions which contribute to?ntretenir the pr?g?antis?tes within the Moslem populations. March 1, 2007, by Moslems and Moslem women of the Parisian r?on outr?par all the forms qu’.elles ḏ.antis?tism and particuli?ment indign?par the fact are sometimes port?, relay? or food? by people or movements r?amant itself of. The founders of this association affirm their ind?ctible attachment?a fraternit?ui should link, whatever the social or political circumstances, Juifs and. They consid?nt that ḻ.antis?tism is a shame for all, that to fight it is l’.affaire of all and qu’.il is of their responsabilit?e to contribute?’.?blissement of these fraternal bonds, in l’.esprit of the id?x of R?blique. This association is an initiative unilat?le Moslems affirming their rejection of any form of antis?tism and of State d' Isra?et, by effect, the l?timit?e this State of the values of the modernit?t of the humans right, his founders wish a lasting peace (and thus just) between Isra?ens and Palestinians at Laurent Ruquier, Saturday 1st d?mbre, Fran?s Bayrou has expliqu?a diff?nce fundamental between its policy d’.ouverture?, and that pratiqu?par Nicolas Sarkozy: the d?uchage avid personnalit?socialists of being able would have pratiqu?e gathering of personnalit?de all edges and of sensibilit?politic diff?ntes around its project which seized the nuance want to explain the?anger and it well to the b?iens why we are who will be able what to then choose, when l’.occasion is pr?ntera, between going up on a boat and embarking on a boat. , to (voir the images) have vers?n bucket of blood on T? former minister for the Businesses?ang?s. They reproach him not reconna?e the implication of France in the g?cide which made 800 more. Let us point out what a enqu? soldier is in hand in France in order to d?rminer the responsabilit?de the arm?fran?se. Is a film currently projet?ur Canal which r?me well?uelques r?rves pr?apport? by an article with the scalpel of Serge Farnel (to read the "errors" of the arm?fran?se. With regard to the responsabilit?olitique one, there is no doubt that each one will have?oor to dissipate the incompr?nsions. The State fran?s never acts with as many c?rit?ue when it is put in charge. It is to only see how long it was necessary so that it recognizes its responsabilit?ans some dramas and horrors during 60 derni?s ann?. it n’.est of classic that dead torments and dangers to which is expos?sa profession: Pass?eux J’.ai years of my life to the service. of my me ḏ.autor in his style and his th?s, during this long fr?entation, it m’.est entr?ans l’.esprit. taken a long time?xorciser this "possession" litt?anger. And since j’.en finished with that-l?j’.ai always veill? what my author died, or which its text is short. Three Angels supervise me, the consents. Angels, an alive author, a translator itou, r?is. D?ler could that more c?stes participating with the play did not n’.aient?ndu their protection?elle which went r?ler their existence to the readers fran?s. The cause, it, seemed heard: for a translator, it n’.est of classic that dead. H?s, condition n?ssaire but not. A formal d?nti comes us Afghanistan O? more d’.un a d’.?diants thousand has manifest?our to require the death penalty against a senior official accus?e profanation of Coran by a bad translation in local language, according to t?ins. Jalalabad, November 11, a crowd however expert in?its and initi?aux subtilit?de l’.idiome local, gave up its ch?s?des and any direction of the nuance to howl. the gleam of this information, one could not too much attract l’.attention on the dangerosit?’.une profession often in hillock with criticisms, that is to say, but which did not seem to comprise of vital risk. It is urgent reconna?e as m?er?Comme to re-examine this remark of Voltaire. he is translations with the surprising effects. Misfortune with the makers of litt?les translations, which by translating each word?rvent the direction that one can say that the keep silent letter, and that the spirit vivifies. The travellers fran?s in departure for the Arab countries are l’.objet. Does a flight for Libya coming from Paris have? constrained Sunday to turn back with its 172 passengers, who saw themselves prohibiting of d?rquer of the plane to the reason that they do not?ient not provided with an Arab translation of their passport (AFP, Reuters). Not so much since it appears that this practice dates from the ann? 70 and?it tomb?n d??de *. In any case, that n’.a absolutely nothing to?oir with do l’.audition of the Bulgarian infirmi?s by a parliamentary commitee, promised jur?Les autorit?veulent that the passports are translated into Arabic, under a new l?slation which would be entr?" this Sunday, has expliqu? AFP one repr?ntant. None of the 172 passengers, all Fran?s, not fulfilling this obligation, the autorit?ont refus?e to let them go down from the plane. Admittedly, like says it on the spot the quay d’.Orsay?uelques weeks of Our repr?ntants. All is returning in the order. A d?che of l’.agence Guysen (thank you?lle) made?t on November 7 d’.un another trouble concerning this time of. A d?gation of the Parliament europ? was to go these two countries refuse to receive d?rmais whoever relates to sound. This n’.a nothing to?oir with the proximit?e Lebanese pr?dentielle l’.?ction for which l’.intervention europ?ne. Civils servant of the commission Businesses?ang?s of the Parliament europ? have just diffused a mall a priori purely. They pr?sent with the members of the d?gation which must go November the 3 and 4 to Syria and in Lebanon that them passport cannot in no case to comprise of visa isra?en. L’.eurod?t?elge Fr?rique Laugh. s’.est imm?atement adress?au pr?dent Parliament europ?, Hans-gert P?ering, for d?ncer this type of contrary requirements?os practical and our values asks that a r?tion on the most level be envisag?pour to let it know with the countries concern?et to require of them to put at it finds completely unacceptable than we allow than Euromed countries, with which moreover we have sign?es agreements of association, sp?fient that the passports of d?t?appartenant?ne official d?gation of the Union europ?ne cannot carry seal isra?en ". The passport is the symbol d’.une nation. It is a mark of confidence, certainly temporary, which notifies the souverainet?Nulle other nation cannot require the change of it, cannot encourage?a modification without making an attempt?ette full. Without these basic legal concepts, it n’.est more d’.?ange. A retreat of the autorit?europ?nes on this point would all over the world mean the end of any collaboration between country. Moreover, and Fr?rique Ri?le notes with much d’.?ous could not leave the autorit?de these third countries d?der d?acements which we can or not carry out. We could not leave them d?der?otre place of the policy?ang? what do we wish to carry out libert?e movement and of our libert?e pens? That voil?onc a?ange concept say in chœ.ur certain countries under islamist governorship. These two businesses, blow on blow, are serious and significant syst?tic assets of civilization are a tactic which can. Tripoli does not make null mention of this obligation (go can -?e know some a little more. the Chadian examining magistrate charg?e the enqu? on the Arch of Zo? ordonn?ujourd’.hui Sunday the lib?tion of the three journalists. A judge is seized, another, that of deprived Ab??est and their conclusions are radically divergent. Among these three journalists, l’.une, of France 3?it. They are r?ir their personal effects?' Associated Press the Chadian lawyer of Marc Garmirian of the agency. It did advertisement intervene whereas the plane of Nicolas Sarkozy had just landed?' Djamena o?e pr?dent fran?s has? accomodated by its Chadian counterpart Idriss D?. It could then bring back the three journalists fran?s and the Spanish h?sses, according to sources' well inform? ?Le pr?dent fran?s –. qu’.on appr?e or not the control of the national files and international –. gives one. The grumpy ones l’.accusent to too much want to show itself, of. M? those which do not share the principal options of Nicolas Sarkozy are well oblig?de reconna?e qu’.il has r?lutionn?ette function?s?ne. Termin?e time of the Sphinx (Mitterrand) and the old man. The SNCF, aupr?des?or families?. l’.admirent, its adversaries are sulky and wonder well how they will be able r?p?r a little l?timit?Si the debriefing which will take place during the return voyage n’.est not too heavy (prohibition of saying some too much, for example), the journalists will freely be able s’.expliquer on the members of l’.Arche of Zo?Cela will allow?’.opinion fran?se to include/understand and support or not the compatriots who remain emprisonn? C’.est a first step, and, in diplomacy, the first steps is often indicators for the continuation of the n?ciations. When Arte is afflicted with the monstrous antis?tism of the pass?our to better combine it with the pr?nt. I look the end of the infos on Arte, towards 19h. has tu?lusieurs Palestinians aujourd’.hui?aza, while r?ndant. One sees on a large photograph?? of him a Palestinian in his coffin, with one ic?. Palestinian chr?en, this time. Does a few seconds later, one speak to us about the Palestinians chr?ens who are menac?par the islamist ones in the Gaza Strip and flee towards the countries?angers, and one re-examines the m? coffin. blow, by?utant the t?ignages of this one. That which is in the coffin, c’.est Rami Iyad, assassin?’.une ball in T?, apr?plusieurs blows of couteau….le. I have requested for his family for several weeks j’.ai pri?ubliquement for his family, his pregnant wife and his children. the journalists d’.Arte will sleep in peace, apr?nous to have made believe initially, by their audio-visual assembly, qu’.Isra?est responsible for died for Rami Iyad. They will sleep in peace, because they are certainly inform?orrectement to persuad?d’.avoir Europ?s. Nothing?edire?e qu’.ils said, indeed. But the combination d’.une image d’.il has there four weeks with words concerning the pr?nt day will have induced the t?spectator. seriously: c’.est the speech which these journalists will probably hold us if. In the newspaper. The Cross. from October 8 l’.assassinat is signal?la victim?nt nomm?: . Rami Khader Ayyad. 31 years, directing the biblioth?e of ḻ.Association for the Bible of l’.Eglise local Baptist. one sees an Greek-orthodoxe pope requesting pr?de his coffin how much the chr?ens?aza live l’.œ.cum?sme. One can also announce that on October 10, Saint-If?, by its Press Office dirig?ar the religious P. intol?nce on behalf of the Moslem int?ists. It fears that violences do not s’.aggravent yet. All these dates are important, for taking well the measurement of l’.intention conscious or unconscious in the assembly of the report d’.Arte on November 1.?ne hour of large?ute - Arte r?it well tardily?’.assassinat. - Secondly, why have montr?et man assassin?avec in background music of information on the death of Palestinians authors of shootings of rockets, victims on November 1. of shootings isra?ens. One is habitu?ux d?rmations of the journalists, who twist the words of their interlocutors, while crossing, by choosing secondary sentences, but l?il s’.agit d’.un assembly which influences the t?spectator F? much more serious. * Pasteur of the?ises r?rm? of Isra?a Trawl-net? clearly for a long time: an official meeting between Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas would put a term?out peace talk with the Palestinians. The Hamas, which n’.a of cease of r?amer the destruction of l’.Etat h?eu, continues d’.encourager the shootings of rockets. It is thus clear qu’.il repr?nte. At least, that would owe l’.?e, but l’.intransigeance d’.Isra?est badly per? in some m?as fran?s. With hearing them, one would need n?cier with those which want. Certainly while parlementant on F? whose they Mahmoud Abbas has rencontr?e Friday - extremely rare fact and capital - members of Hamas, four months only apr?la taken capacity bloody of Hamas in the Band of Gaza. The meeting is d?ul?au district g?ral. Abbas?amallah, apr?les pri?s of Friday to which four members of the Hamas assisted, of which Nasser Al-Shaer. Deputy Prime Minister in the government of coalition, dirig?ar Hamas before it?ate, last June, apr?les?nements. Fortunately, and not to lose the b?fice d’.une pri?, essentially does meet with God, it would seem that the interview took place in a atmosph? . opened. pugilism apr?une such spiritual meeting within the mosqu? The pri? having thus opened the spirits, Abbas and Hamas could hold of the remarks relating to them. businesses int?eures. They n’.ont have principal time d’.aborder the probl?s international, among which r?auffement of the plan?. No doubt qu’.ils also could make a comparative?de their respective remarks made in Arabic and not in English, on principal the cha?s of the Palestinian t?vision. Arabic remarks which radically cancel the volont?e peace of the sior. Fortunately for Abbas, this meeting did not n’.avait. C’.?it just impromptu, between old man. Thus, Isra?ne cannot be useful of this pr?xte to break the n?ciations of peace. Apr?les pri?s, with Abbas, a blow of bar. contr?e by Palestinian leader "MOD?" Does Mahmoud Abbas have diffus?aintes time during the derni? week a vid?de propaganda which promises the final destruction of Isra?et its replacement by a?at Arab Moslem. the vid??m? many cities of the sovereign?at of Isra? promising that they will be bient?"lib?es" because v?table identit?st and will be always "Palestinian for them. Itamar Marcus de Palestinian Watch Media in English his requ? for does the solution of two?ts?on proper people, in Arabic, it continue to??nir like "Palestine" the totalit?' Isra?et?romettre the destruction of Isra? has tu?eux women and young girl a four year old in a house of Khan Youn? in the south of the Gaza Strip. Reuters affirms that the victims are a woman and two young girls. And l’.AFP finishes its d?che by l’.ind?nt d?mpte. l?rement surann?est thus libell?:. in isra?-Palestinian violences since 2000, into large majorit?es Palestinians, according to an assessment?bli by AFP. L’.AFP is well in sorrow to say to us if the three dead this explosion appear in this d?mpte. S’.il is question of d?s due to isra?-Palestinian violences, we could thus pr?ser "5. A news service worthy of this name could not make l’.impasse on. However l’.AFP withdraws?ette obligation. They indiff?mment d?gnent terrorist and those which are d?ndent some, civil d?rm?et militiamans, criminals and victims. L’.AFP does not say either if it has counted in these 5907 d?s 350 deaths due to violences inter Palestinian for 4 months and who appear in the report/ratio d’.Amnesty International. what delivers l’.AFP, arranges official fran?se, since ann?. d?nd of Hamas, the explosion could?e provoqu?par of the militants who handled explosives. But these services news does not raise the important question. It is necessary to consult the site d’.un Moroccan newspaper to learn that the police force?ptienne has d?uvert in the d?rt of Sina?eux new tunnels utilis?pour to make smuggling. Did a tunnel have? creus?ans a service station of Rafah and the other in the Al-Barahma agglom?tion. Well?demment, the newspaper finishes while d?uanant. Because, s’.il has tunnels, c’.est there that y is made more difficult by the limits with d?oiement of forces impos? by the trait?e peace concluded with Isra?en 1979. Will the reading of the international press r?rve d?d?nt. to make in short, c’.est still fault d’.Isra? world?oup becomes all much simpler?ffectuer. 16-10-2007: Tor?or, take guard?oi Tor?or, take guard?oi. much d.admiration for these?e able to mobilize itself when there is urgency for the life d.autres?es: this humanit?rofonde which leads spontan?nt?e r?lter against a p?tion anti-bullfight, supported by our d?t? has just collected more than one hundred thousand signatures. The m?as, the hand on the c.ur, then on the microphone. In the name of which id?ogy can we still allow that blood is vers?mpun?nt, f?ce that d.un. a p?tion, outr?par as much of cruelty, all?a g?rosit?arisienne, I am insurg?contre this practice o?.on sacrifices bulls, alive?es. And as it is of our duty d.individus civilis?de hi?rchiser the most serious situations, which put in p?l the values and l.essence m? civilization, sign?La China would have proc?, according to Amnesty International?ien more than thousand ex?tions of condamn? The bull remains enferm?vant the bullfight, which g?re. Does the women of the countries o?.on apply the charia are emprisonn? ?ie under their burqa. on minors in Iran. Does the setting?ort d.un bull last approximately fifteen this capital punishment for adult? or blasph?, can last some. Are several hundreds of bulls wildly you? Pr?de four hundred and thousand men, women, children. J.?ouve much d.admiration for these?e able to mobilize itself when there is urgency for the life d.autres?es, so that cease as fast as possible l.insupportable, l.inacceptable, 13-10-2007: The Al Gore nob?s?st arriv?Alfred Nobel, gracious inventive of dynamite. You?s laiss?mpressionner by its s?res. However, the dear madly inventive great man?it. ?logist before l.heure: it found the formula of the powder?On sends the human ones to the devil while respecting l.environnement. Sublimate, forc?nt sublimates, would have said Margot * one day of d?tion. This is to pay homage?e handyman surdou?t multi-ground, is this a clean form d.humour?a Su?, but, of time?utre, one bombards us a Nobel Prize of Peace for. That which allots to human the responsabilit?xcessive one in complex ph?m?s. and which makes pay conf?nces extremely expensive all over the world. Oh, I am not qu.une woman, quite ignorant in this word that l.expression of my?udissement major. r?auffement the climatic due one to perfidious human is more and more. Why then cover bay-trees that which refuses d.en. This is really the scientific value of its th?s which. Among those which do not n.approuvent the new dogma, of. Soci? Biblical Palestinian of the Gaza Strip has?. chr?enne of Gaza, c’.est an immense shock. Does the corpse of Rami Khader Ayyad, 32 years, director of the only bookshop chr?enne of Gaza, have? d?uvert in. Did the body carry traces of balls?a T? as well as many stabs. Friday, Rami Kahder Ayyad had constat?u' it?it followed by a car without number plates store Saturday, it has appel?a family for saying that it would be lib?. It had two children in bottom? and its?use?it. neither a?ise, nor a bunch chr?en. subjected to the great pr?ntes confessions with the Average East started from l’.Alliance Universal Biblique, repr?nt?dans. Protestant, some soci?s biblical exist since the d?t. that the Palestinians assert their statute of. populates. Its if? is Western??salem and n’.a ever made l’.objet of threats nor of annoyances of the share will d’.Isra? Do vexations have commenc?ous l’.? Arafat who wanted to give some pledges to the islamist movements and the official Churches. Because, in addition to the fact d’.?e d’.initiative?ng?que Protestant woman, Soci? Biblical be to support. The official institutions chr?ennes always have some r?cences?ermettre?eurs fid?s of reading the Bible without their interm?aire. which poss?nt their free will, s’.aper?vent that the official speech is far from corresponding to the biblical lesson m?is for?ng?ques the qu’.il often assimilated. In the Islamic r?mes, this argument is more and more utilis?our to justify arrests, hangings and. At the time of the catch of being able of Hamas on Gaza, the things have pr?d?nt, the?ng?ques chr?ens as their buildings often made l’.objet. d’.attaques. Attacks men? by do obscure bunches, including one certain "Sword of justice", have these last months, vis?out what is Li? do the Western culture, caf?Internet, stores of music and other places nonin conformity?' Islamism last April, a bomb have almost d?uit the room of the SBP. pr?ntes on the territory, must, to continue?ravailler, b?ficier of the accr?tations donn? by the government. They are thus not shown really critical towards him. Does C’.est thus qu’.Associated Press report l’.?tion sma?Haniyeh made share of its "great sadness", and rappel?es "relations strong between chr?ens and Moslems, members of a m? Palestinian nation. Of mani? all?ait?ange and in a creditable effort of synchronization, the family?lement has "the unit?u Palestinian people, Moslems and chr?ens, which fights. The news services, which have relay?ans another form of proc?ces diff?nts communiqu? n’.ont have the curiosit?e to ask whether the family did not n’.avait? somewhat forc? if l’.on had not held the hand a little to him. The v?t?st that this family saw, like the others chr?ens. These journalists have thus d?uan?n r?me islamist authoritative, promoter of the leagues of Islamic virtue, its responsabilit?un made ind?able: c’.est what the Palestinian Protestants?ng?ques, s’.ils remains fid?s?eurs origins, n’.en are not less plut?favorables?’.Etat will d’.Isra? Under the gangster and bloody r?e of Hamas, that. It is learned there that the Palestinians became more d?ts, that women not voil? are "importunate?", that the drink d?ts are afraid to be useful of alcohol and that the Ramadan is thing in a majorit?e Arab countries since some ann?. More cocasse is the opinion donn?en fine of article: It is for lack of clear future prospects that the Palestinians turn to God in qu? of stabilit?t the s?rit?pirituelles ones ", analyzes Mahmoud Habbache, minister within Autorit?Cette?rie is included in the title: "do Palestinians flee the pr?nt in the guilty religion n’.est not nomm?ais everyone will have included/understood this ineptitude, Hamas and other movements Islamists, which pr?nt a strict return?' Islam and?es laws as well as a?mination of all majorit?on Moslem, even of all minorit?on Moslem not accepting the R? pr?nd?nt of Islam, these movements would not have nothing to do with the intol?nce towards it? who seizes. It would be, according to them, the reverse which occurs, considering one can political factions like Hamas, d?rmais with the capacity?aza, in?rte more than one far from the way of the mosqu?C’.est also because the islamist ones are innocent?dans l’.article, qu’.implicitement Isra?est d?gn?Et however the article multiplies the examples of intol?nce without any connection with the conflict: The women who wear short skirts in the street feel d?ac? and are importunate? by the hommes.confie to have cess?e to be useful of alcohol during the Ramadan of fear of repr?illes of groups arm?Un m?cin tells that a patient voil?a taken?artie r?mment a secr?anger of her private clinic because it looked at?a t?vision of the musical clips the apoth?e is obtained by calling the chr?ens. They also pr?nteraient the m?s sympt?s by a kind of r?exe of protection, small the minorit?hr?enne - 2,0% of the Palestinians - posts it also more readily its signs of membership and fr?graft more the?ises. At the time o?e Hamas comes to ransack a?ise. has carefully?t?e to inform its readers of these. Patrick van Straaten. Firstly, October 3, 2007 01-10-2007: "Jewish extr?stes" of the Barber. Also they are never pain-killers. The journalists must, as "a ma?es" of the words, to measure, even, to assert all the cons?ences of those qu.ils. The Jewish extr?stes want news. It s.agit not d.extr?stes (or. The Barber speaks well d.extr?stes "Jewish" by the unsteady feather about Patrick Saint Paul. That is to say it rel? old unconscious collective fran?s s?laire (of high cries d.indignation are not n?ssaires because the facts are t?s), that is to say d.une volont?ndicible to d.entretenir the fire antis?te which always broods under the ash of crystallization Moslem communautarist fran?se around the cause of. fr?s. l.assassinat d.Ilan Halimi while passing by l.affaire of Lyc?Montaigne, the examples do not miss h?s not. This journalistic behavior n.est not the monopoly radios, is usual of this pr?inence of the word. Jew. It n.en is that more serious. One can naturally raise that the concept m? d.Isra?repose on a fatherland for the Jews, and that c.est with the name d.un Isra?. biblical. that these militants, tr?voyants although tr?minoritaires, asserting religion thus acts qu.ils it. They are saboteurs of peace. C.est a truth d?t, but c.en is another. One would underline with the m? indignation that the attacks suicides made in Isra?ou the permanent bombardment?a rocket of the fronti?s cities are rapport?comme?nt the useless fact: they are never but fact D.. Is the concept of Communaut?ationale, la?e and r?blicaine for us, citizens Fran?s, an alive and strong value which owes?e more than ever, in the world compliqu?ui is the n?e. the m?as g?ralists, which largely contribute?mplifier the ph?m?s which cross the soci? and upset it sometimes, have a R? major?ouer in this vital mission. Comm?rer Shoah, it to teach, it is not only conna?e the pass?el which it is in r?it?aussi to learn?ieux ma?iser the pr?nt and future. To prohibit this comm?ration, to prohibit its teaching, not to take part?n such work of m?anger is the sign d’.une. Malls circulate in this moment in order to alert the opinion on a d?sion of England to prohibit the teaching of Shoah. The purpose of these malls are to constitute chains r?issant 40 million people around the world in order to protest against this d?sion. These courriels starts with these words: Does this week in England all the relative programs have the comm?ration of Shoah have? retir?de some?blissements school, with for reason that that. run up. the Moslem population. It is the sign of the approach of a catastrophe which gradually is organized in the world, a t?ignage alarming at letting go Des. this mall?ix people of its entourage. Moreover, this. news. is rigorously false. indiqu?ue the teaching of the Holocaust has is obligatory in the?les for obtaining the KS3 and will be conserv?ans the new one to organize?nement day of the Holocaust in the United Kingdom r?mment held its conf?nce annual to begin the pr?ration. will the continuation of this one, of the?catives cases be distribu? ?a communaut?nseignante and with the organizers of?nement?catifs?ravers the United Kingdom. It is true that several Moslem organizations, with the country of British monarchy, have appel?u boycott of this journ?ne would not take into account the other victims of the r?me Nazi. It is true that these Moslem organizations militate for a long time with the c?s of the English n?tionnists and œ.uvrent at the great day for the boycott d’.Isra?dans the universit?anglaises, with some succ?qui are not a?̱.honnor. Can -?e one day, the United Kingdom will be, like certain other countries europ?s, amen? reconsid?r its position. But that n’.est not the case currently of the id? distort and throws the discr?t on the Moslems in g?ral. Thus, the o?ette day new will be av?e - if that arrives - it n’.y will have more anybody to bring some cr?t there. corrompt, but the fear: fear of losing the capacity for those which exert it, and the fear of the bludgeons for those which the capacity oppresses. does the fear take the mask of the good direction, even of wisdom, while condemning like insens? imprudent, ineffective or useless the small daily gestures of courage which help?r?rver self-respect and dignit?une law of iron and conditionn?ar fear has well evil?e lib?r stains d?litantes of the f?elle fear more?asante, cannot emp?er courage re-appear still and always, because the fear is not the natural?t of. Kyi (lib?r of the fear - Editions of the women). With the money of the price (1,3 million dollars), it cr?un funds for. Aung San Suu Kyi has fond?en September 1988, the National League for D?cratie (LND). d?are?e influenc?par philosophy and id? of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. heard difficult to make the share enters the photograph it-m?, exit of the photo pool of Reuters (who puts all her clich??isposition of the world press by means of a subscription) and subtitles it donn?suffise knowledge which the photographer is Palestinian and which the photograph expresses of Gaza gives its active support for Hamas. 2 - The blind?isra?ens are?aza. is pr?nt?omme a fact, not a probabilit?Cette portion of territory is prohibited to the Jews bus vou??pr?nt, look at the photograph objectively being used as support with the comment a street of Gaza in which the population has aid? ?ger of the obstacles to slow down the blind?isra?ens. It is thus not a sand heap which could?ter. a tank "Merkava" would not be retard?ue one second and 3 centi?s by this accumulation. In fact, this sand heap makes more think?es pr?ratifs. if not the photographer could have tallied them for better illustrating his matter essential question is as follows: In what this photograph is the proof d’.une empathy of Gazaouites towards Hamas know that the population of Gaza east taken as an hostage initially by the Hamas, which makes r?er violence in the streets, going until?nterdire the pri?s in the streets under pr?xte that he is not the organizer not fate of the women which is consid?blement aggrav?epuis the catch of being able by the islamist movement makes think of the multiple photographs propaganda whose small a r?m?n 2005 had made but in more afflicting. C’.est a new entertainment which consists?iser b?ment public a?’.aide d’.un projectile autopropuls?muni if possible?a T? d’.une some. Do the Corsican separatists always have? tr? Let us note that this act r?le what everyone knows for a long time: in this splendid r?on of France, some. Admittedly, a little less than in the 9-3. small lollipops of dynamite are used for it d’.ordinaire?emer the disorder in the buildings of Tr?r Public, even in. Let us notice in the passing that these explosions?ient, before l’.arriv?de ḻ.informatic, extremely convenient to make dispara?e documents concerning the imp? and other debts. One would not be in Corsica, one would speak about maffieuses practices. It arrives m? what of the buildings of gendarmerie is screw? Sometimes, the families of gendarmes?appent dead little?a. Let us not speak?demment about the villas built by. L’.eau of the swimming pools is there often troubl?par rubble r?ltant d’.une avenger explosion. But all that formed part of the folklore and could pr?r?anger like l’.a allowed so well the comic strip?". with a sumptuous Michel Audiard with the Corsican dialogues *, lass?des small p?anger, puts the bar. C’.est a rocket anti-tank which has frapp?e quartering of CRS d' Aspretto?jaccio, without making bless? The premi?s analyses show that the projectile is of am?caine manufacture or Yugoslavian, adapt?u anti-tank combat. Mich? Alliot-Marie, our minister of ḻ.Int?or, fid? with does the instructions of Pr?dent, and a little tired of s’.occuper of the s?rit?es man?s open, have d?d?personne, lorsqu’.elle occupied the post of Minister for D?nse, pr?it greatest reserve and l’.extr? mod?tion?n country which received, him, 300 rockets per month on its?les. One remembers his collar? when the planes isra?ens flew over the Lebanese territory in order to monitor the traffic d’.armes. Traffic d’.armes which continues with the minister of ḻ.Int?or and dealt with the m?s. activists. qu’.?aza, it should carry out a hundred d?acements per month towards our r?on of Sd?th. Voil?ui would be likely to hustle its diary somewhat. And if we re-examine this famous Sc? kitchen. Bernard Blier leaves his magic tirade on his firearms contest, the majordomo If these Messrs want to entrust them well to me. The films always make r?r. word. activist. for d?gner the authors d’.actes of terrorism in Corsica, c’.est so d’.utiliser the vocabulary in vogue in the news services and to return, by L??, a vibrating homage?or "rigorous work ḏ.information" concerning good d?cratic old men syst?s. a woman/a voice. failed well s’.?ouler under the blows of paring-iron. Will the Moslem women carrying, voluntarily or not, the veil be able to achieve their duties of citizen which it is necessary to distinguish from Canada on this point has, for its part, r??e probl? : a woman cannot vote voil?(one. burqa. hiding enti?ment their face will be able to vote without showing it at the time of the three partial?ctions which will have?ctions of Canada developed a proc?re which enables them to be identified without showing their face much would like conna?e the proc? who consists. A portable scanner takes it in account the fingerprints. ?dentifier a person by l’.iris of sound œ.il?it utilis?dans certain places ultrasecrets and made the happiness of terrorism obliges, begin?e to equip with these marvellous small. How to take a instantan?e l’.œ.il under one. Netting is not likely it to make obstacle of the polling stations of this. facilit? so that the Moslem women can choose their d?t? mayors and advisers. Does this technique, the biom?ie by the iris, have? frein?en Europe: the major part of the algorithms maths of mod?sation and recognition of the iris are the brevet?aux United States (it is John Daugman, then teacher?' universit?e Harvard, which has d?s?es patents in 1994). the whole of the finance public would lead Canadian have apparently pens? will all burqa or a niqab be able to vote by pr?ntant one pi? of photo identit?vec and another document proving its identit?n' does not have these two documents, it can make assure to its identit?ar another?ctor registered in the m? section of vote woman will thus be able?e identifi?par another?cteur.. will be able?e as well her husband or a friend, even one. does not have it a risk to make vote another person in place and place of woman can dispara?e of any social space, but an ordinary citizen can d?rmais to carry out a contr? of identit??elui which in A l?lement the autorit?e day of the vote to the Moslem militia, like?nvers, a part of the capacities of could not?e jug?ue by a Moslem (. One can s’.emp?er think only the Western d?craties not only tol?nt but moreover encourage l’.un signs more d?adants, l’.un of the most visible symbols of l’.avilissement. thought of finding in Occident a libert?ont they are priv? in the majorit?es Arab countries that, not to support this prison?ie qu’.est the burka satisfies to have, the Canadian Moslem woman will have to also vote under monitoring her veil if it does not have the documents n?ssaires or if it is not accompagn?d' a person who can confirm her identit?date of September 10, Marc Mayrand, director g?ral of Elections. It comes from pr?ser that the?ctrices refusing of d?iler the face should ensure under oath that them identit?orrespond well?e that they d?arent. the strict plan of the political life to Canada, Pierre R. in Qu?c and three?ctions f?rales in Qu?c. In the case of the?ctions f?rales, the organization rel?. In the case of the provincial?ction, the governmental organization: the f?ral (country) and the provincial one (province). Qu?c prohibits the vote?isage covered. - for the?ctions which relate to it in Qu?c - authorizes which has soulev?n toll?e protests since, in Qu?c. islamist German wanted f?r l’.anniversaire of September 11 compos?e two Germans converted?’.Islam and d’.un Turkish had rassembl?30 kilos d’.explosif and?it putting the derni? hand?es machines?uer. are?ient procur?suffisamment of chemicals to manufacture a bomb of a power?ivalente?00 kilos of TNT. one of the projects most important never?bor?sur ground. Terrorists. pr?m?., like one says in the good news services, wanted to kill a maximum of people and to cause damage more important>

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