March 09, 2008

Hartford college

. department chair, bound, music education, trumpet. His principal teachers acres Robert nail, Armando Ghitalla, and Dr. Additional trumpet studies include study with Raymond Mase, Edward Tarr, Carole Dawn Rinehart, and franc Kadarabek. D'Addio currently serves as Associate professor OF Music and Music department Chair RK cent ral Connecticut State University where he is thus Director OF instrument valley Activities. D'Addio is A frequently guest conductor RK music festivals. Additionally, he is active as A trumpet soloist and more chamber musician. As A more chamber musician, he served as Bay View Music festival the at RK. Brian Kershner, bassoonist and more composer, has received enthusiastic premieres OF his works across the United States. Sonata for Bassoon and piano (1992), for saxophones quartet acres available on CD on the Vienna decaying masters label. The more latter won A special commendation from the judges in their 1994 VMM competition and is published by Roncorp. He is thus the by molders on the bassoon recording, playing with Rutgers colleague, Paul Hoffmann. Many OF his doubles reed compositions as wave his wind quintet acres published by Bocal mash IC, for tenor, bassoon and more chamber orchestra, based on the poetry OF several American poets OF this century.Kershner's text painting which particularly moving and effective, capturing both the nuances and general feeling OF each poem. The seamless streams OF consciousness in thesis poems were wave adapted into fluid of gestures and orchestration., for unaccompanied Clarinet, which suite premiered in November 1997, and which published by Roncorp in case 99., A for wind ensemble, which premiered and recorded by the Rutgers wind ensemble into the jump OF 1999, and is part OF A new Mark of CD released November 2000. Duo Fantasia, for tuba and Percussion (1999), is published by tuba Euphonium press and scheduled tons recorded in 2004, and Portraits, for Bassoon and Orchestra, which soloist commissioned by Riverside Symphonia and premiered in A of series OF concerts, the more composer as, in April OF 2001st, for tenor, Viola and piano is based on the poetry OF Lawrence Ferlinghetti and wants premiered in New York town center into the 04-05 season. Kershner premiered two new works featuring bassoon RK the convention OF the internationally doubles Reed Society. for Bassoon and Marimba and for Bassoon and piano of acres available on CD through the Society. Concerto for Violin and Orchestra which written for the Rumanian national radio Orchestra and violinist Lenuta Ciulei, who wants premiere the work in Rumania in June OF 05th for Violin and Orchestra in Rome into the buzzers OF 2004. Kershner is known throughout the United States as A by molder and more teacher. He has been Principal Bassoonist with Riverside Symphonia since the orchestra's inception. He has performed with Concerto Soloists OF Philadelphia, Opera company OF Philadelphia, Jupiter Symphony in New York, Manhattan Chamber Orchestra and new jersey Symphony. Prior ton joining the music department faculty RK CCSU in 2004, he served for 16 years as Assistant professor OF Bassoon and Theory RK Rutgers University. He has previously served on the faculties OF the University OF North Carolina RK Greensboro and Baylor University. Kershner which Bassoon Instructor RK the famed interpunching kind Camp in interpunching, Michigan. Knox which fount in Los Angeles, California, and which reared on the west Coast until his early teens. In 1981, while RK William Penn, he which awarded the Outstanding soloist Award RK the Elmhurst jazz festival. Knox accepted A teaching assistantship RK Northeast Missouri State University (currently Truman State University) teaching saxophones, Clarinet and directing the jazz combos. In addition, he appeared as guest soloist with both the NMSU wind Symphony and Orchestra. After attaining his master OF kind degree from NMSU in 1984, Dr. Of Louis and began A teaching and performing more career lasted until he began his doctoral studies RK Michigan State University that in 1993. Louis Conservatory and Schools for the kind where he taught saxophones and Clarinet, and pc. Louis Community college, where he taught jazz improvisation, saxophones, Clarinet, and directed the jazz ensemble. Knox's playing more career included numerous performances with the pc. He thus performed regularly with the pc. of Louis jazz Orchestra and the River town center Saxes. In 1994-1996 he which assistant A teaching into the department OF jazz Studies RK Michigan State University. Knox currently serves as director OF jazz Studies and of teaches Applied of saxophones RK CCSU where he directs the highly touted jazz ensemble. LINDA LAURENT is A graduate OF the Oberlin Conservatory OF Music, The Juilliard School and received ago pH Among ago teachers were Stanley hummel, Emil Danenberg, and Sascha Gorodnitzky. Laurent has been heard on national Public radio, dad CAN radio, and has recorded on the ERSTA label. More recently, ago mono graph on the French of singer Jane Bathori which published by Pendragon press in 1998. Into 2000 she gave the talc pre concert for Dawn Upshaw's Alice Tully resounds (Lincoln center) recital, "Hommage?athori". She has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses into the AREAS OF piano (music major), music history, theory, more chamber music and accompaniment. Administrative duties include planning and scheduling the course of off ring OF the department as wave as organizing the department forum of series. Laurent received A CSU Faculty Research grant for A sabbatical terms in of Paris tons study the Russian and French schools OF piano technique. Into the jump OF 2001 she which awarded A Yale Fellowship ton attend masterclasses given by distinguished piano faculty RK that university. music technology, composition, orchestration, theory. Charles Paul Menoche joined the Music department faculty into the case OF 2002 as at Assistant professor. He holds A Bachelor OF Science degree kind Robert Jager, Dan of which, Russell Pinkston, and Donald Grantham include degrees in Music Education from threshing floor lake Technological University and master OF Music and Doctor OF musical into music composition from the University OF Texas RK Austin. composition teachers. Menoche has written A variety OF works for voice, acoustic instrument, small and large ensembles, and dancers, theatres productions, and visual artists. OF his works for concert bound, into the Machine, which recently. activity, he is very interested into the use OF thirteen technology OF the Association national conferences in all AREAS OF music learning and teaching. presented RK for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) and Technology. lab manager for more over years, he has developed and managed general and specialized music microcomputer labs RK Texas Christian University (TCU), The University OF Texas RK Austin, Rutgers, and CCSU. of member OF the faculty RK Rutgers University and TCU. music education, music technology, vocal, choral. Carlotta Parr is currently at Associate professor OF Music Education RK cent ral Connecticut State University in new Britain, Connecticut. In addition ton teaching methods courses for undergraduate music major and working with student teachers, she conducts the CCSU Chorale. She thus teaches core courses for the of masters OF Science in Music Education degree program. Prior ton ago move ton of Connecticut, she served as the Fine kind Consultant for the Indiana department OF Education (IDOE), centers for Program development (1990-98). In addition ton of thesis responsibilities, she which responsible for the development OF student assessment into the kind. Parr which A public school music more teacher (K-12) for 18 years for the Arlington County Public Schools, in Arlington, Virginia. During ago two year residency RK Indiana University she which at Assistant Instructor, teaching music methods tons elementary education major, and assisted Dr. Mary Goetze with the University Children's Choir. She is the Director OF the CCSU buzzer Music of institutes. Perry is A frequently guest conductor, adjudicator and clinician, conducting district, regionally and universe State festival throughout the East. In 1993 she which guest the conductor OF the internationally Schools Honors Choir festival in Dusseldorf, Germany. Perry has published articles on choral music education into the Choral journal and internationally journal OF Women Composers. Perry attended the Eastman School OF Music in smelling ester, New York and Wheaton college, Wheaton, Illinois for ago undergraduate degree in music education. Professor Julie Ribchinsky is A graduate OF the Eastman School OF Music where she studied with Ronald Leonard, Alan Harris and Paul Katz. As A recitalist she has collaborated with pianist Linda Laurent, harpsichordist Linda Skernick and pianist William brown. Professor Ribchinsky received A CSU research grant and sabbatical leave more chamber music repertoire and investigate into the case OF 2000 tons pedagogy. She thus which awarded the visiting faculty RK Yale fellowship tons study with Lawrence Leighton Smith. She has been elected president OF the statewide of chamber OF the American stringer Teachers Association (ASTA) and want assume that position in 2004. As president elect OF that body she organized the roofridge statewide more chamber music workshop for high school students hero RK CCSU into the case OF 2003. As A of member OF the faculty RK CCSU, professor Ribchinsky teaches applied cello and cello and bass pedagogy and ear training of courses. She of coaches more chamber music and CO-DIRECTS the university Sinfonietta with Dr. bound, conducting, music education, trumpet. in Music Education with on emphasis in conducting RK The Hartt School, University OF hard Ford. In addition he holds A master OF Music Education from The Hartt School and A B. in Music Education from Lebanon Valley college OF Pennsylvania. Seddon has thus done graduate work RK the University OF Illinois RK Urbana Champaign. Seddon has done conducting study with H. Keene, Jerry Junkin, Michael Heithcock, Glen Adsit, and Harold Farberman. Seddon is to active by molders in the greater hard Fords AREA. Seddon has served on of faculties OF Middle and High Schools in Pennsylvania, New York and RK Litchfield High School in Litchfield Connecticut. His public school teaching includes work RK all level from elementary tons high school. Seddon has appeared as A clinician and more presenter for conferences and done work as on adjudicator. He is thus teaches trumpet and is the Assistant Director OF the Greater hard Ford Youth wind ensemble RK The Hartt School Community division. Seddon is at Assistant professor OF Music RK cent ral Connecticut State University. Cent ral Connecticut State University. 1615 Stanley St.

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